After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
A lovely service and fitting tribute to a wonderful man.
Uncle Ken – I’ll never forget you teaching me how to mow the grass, with the old push mower at Deepdene, and insisting I help pull the weeds. But the real passion we both shared, and corresponded about for decades, was stamp collecting. I’ve never forgotten what you taught me, and still collect today.
It has certainly been lovely to have had you in my life. You were and always will be a great Uncle.
With Love
Jodi Fuller xxx
A lovely service and fitting tribute to a wonderful man.
Uncle Ken – I’ll never forget you teaching me how to mow the grass, with the old push mower at Deepdene, and insisting I help pull the weeds. But the real passion we both shared, and corresponded about for decades, was stamp collecting. I’ve never forgotten what you taught me, and still collect today.
It has certainly been lovely to have had you in my life. You were and always will be a great Uncle.
With Love
Jodi Fuller xxx