Before the Service

The Service

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24 comments on “Kevin Drew”

  1. What a beautiful service for a beautiful man. You all spoke so well to share all those wonderful memories. We are so sorry for your loss Bre, Brad, Josh, Livi, Bev and Heath. May he Rest In Peace and live on in your hearts. Lots of love, Tammie and Tom Siegert

  2. Dear Bev and family. Thank you so much for the opportunity to say farewell to Kevin and express my deepest condolences to you. Thousands of miles away but immediately I felt that I was part of a unified heartbeat an outpouring of emotion enveloping you and your beautiful children on what must have been the worst of days. Many years have passed since I saw Kevin but will never forget his humor and terrific grin his laconic delivery and no nonsense downtoearth attitude. My prayers and best wishes to you all that you find some comfort and respite and again many thanks. A very grateful Chriso.

  3. Dear Bev
    I only met you and Kevin once at dinner with our mutual friend Susanne. Spending a few hours with you both I felt the joy and love that Susanne had talked about you both. Also followed the strength you both had, to go through the last few years from our mutual friend. Keep the warmth and love going Bev.
    Kind regards Robyn X

  4. To Kevin’s family my sincerest condolences for your loss.
    Drewy was one of the good ones, big smile and a great guy to work with. Many good times had at East Melb & Kingsway.
    Rest in peace mate.

  5. Dear Bev Bree and Heath

    I am so sorry I could not attend with Alan today but send you my love at this sad time. Such a beautiful service for a wonderful man.

    Love Carmel xxx

  6. Feel privileged to have watched the inspirational service for Kevin. The speakers all captured the essence of the beautiful man & you Bev & your children showed us all the courage & love you shared with Kevin. Sorry I couldn’t be physically there, as in isolation, but the video made me feel part of a very special farewell to a gentle man.

  7. Bev. and family;
    You all did an amazing job sharing your love for Kevin with us today. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of the celebrations of his life. Kevin’s and your friendships will always be treasured.
    Our love, prayers and thoughts are with you.
    Ian and Meredith

  8. Dearest Bev, Bree , Heath and families,

    My sincere condolences to you on the loss of your beautiful Kev.

    What a fabulous person he was and made such a positive and loving impact on so many of us. He brought so much fun to work and Robbie and I still laugh at his farting antics (true story and we completely deserved it)

    Thank you so much for sharing online as like others I’m self isolated and couldn’t come.

    Much love to you all
    Julie Oliver xx

  9. Dear Bev and Family,
    We had only met you and Kevin a handful of times and it was a pleasure to join you and your family for Kevin’s farewell. It was a truely beautiful service and the tributes were really lovely.
    We met you and Kevin at the Living Room about a month ago whilst we were lunching with Fran and Collin and really enjoyed your company.
    Wishing you and your family comfort at this time.
    Lorraine and Denis

  10. Dear Bev and Family,
    We had only met you and Kevin a handful of times and it was such a pleasure to join you and your family for Kevin’s farewell. It was a truely beautiful service and the tributes to your dear Kevin were really lovely.
    We met you both at the Living Room with Fran and Collin about a month ago and really enjoyed your company.
    Wishing you and your family much comfort.
    Lorraine and Denis Gill

  11. Thank you for sharing your memories of Kevin / Poppy, what an amazing man! May he Rest In Peace, much love from Bri, Nic, Indie & Isla

  12. Ken and I have just finished watching the service. Thank you to those who organised the live streaming, what a wonderful idea in these times of enforced isolation. Ken is one of Bev’s cousins, and although we live in Eltham not far from them we never seemed to find the time to catch up with Bev and Kevin. Not surprising though, seeing what a busy life he had right up until the end. What a wonderful man, it is our loss that we never knew him.
    Gina and Ken Wilson

  13. Dear Bev, just watched a lovely and touching service to a lovely and beautiful man. Thank you for the opportunity to watch it online as I am self isolation from returning from overseas. I will miss him dearly, and the golf trip will never be the same. I’m sure we will have a beer to toast him every year and suggest a trophy in his honour be presented in his memory. Never hesitate to ask for my help in any way. I wish you the best for the future without the great man. Denis.

  14. Bev, Breannan, Heath and family,

    I am so sorry I could not be there today to share your grief, but also to celebrate the life of Kevin.
    It was a truly moving and touching ceremony, which showed just how much he was loved by everyone who had the honour of meeting him and having him in their lives.

    He was such a truly wonderful person.
    A beautiful service for a beautiful man.

    My sincere condolences from my family to yours.

    Rachael Orford x

  15. To the family,

    It was a privilege to watch the service today for Kevin. Peter and I have you all in our hearts and thoughts.

    Sending you all my deepest condolences.

    Rest in peace Kevin.

  16. Farewell to your beautiful Kev.
    Sending all our love to you all xox
    Lots of love from the Findos

  17. Beautiful service for an amazing person!! RIP Kev.
    Big loves and hugs to Brea, Brad, Josh and Livy.
    To Bev, your words were amazing…what a man!! Thinking of you and Heath plus family at this sad time!
    Our thoughts are with you all from Wodonga!
    Much Love,
    The McCabes
    (Trent & Kirst) xx

  18. Bev, Rod and I have just watched Kevin’s service. What a marvel technology is! Well done on your speech, we admire your strength. You had a special person in your lives and our thoughts are with you, and your family.

  19. Kevin Drew

    An absolute Gentleman and one of the Greatest Men you could ever come across.

    Rest in Peace Buddy

    They will will love you up there in the Big Skye.

    Cheers xo

  20. Rest In Peace Kev, you will be missed. It was a beautiful service, well spoken Bev, Heath and Bre. Sorry we couldn’t be there in person to farewell the great man. Lots of love, Paul, Amy, Evie, Ollie and Ned.

  21. A beautiful service to mark the life of an incredibly caring and loving man and uncle.
    Kevin, we shall miss you.
    Sending lots of love to Bev, Breannan, Heath and families.
    Peter V

  22. Dear bev and family – we send our love thoughts and prayers to you all at this time- beautiful man , beautiful memories
    Kirk and jenny syme

  23. Love you Kevin Drew. Love you Bev and Breannan and Heath. So many memories from our times together growing up! Collingwood footy, fat-a-grams at 40ths!, clambering up that steep drive of your house in Hurstbridge, finding skinks in the even steeper bush behind your house! Thinking of you today and sending you all my love.
    Sarah, Stef, Lola and Ari.

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