The Funeral Service

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16 comments on “Kevin Keays”

  1. Our deepest condolences to Bronwyn and family, very sad to hear the passing of Kevin. He was a man that earned the respect of those who worked with him including myself. He will be missed by many.

    Greg and Naomi.

  2. Our deepest condolences to you Broney for the departure of the love of your life , to Matt & Tanya u r your dad’s greatest legacy.
    RIP – KK

  3. Our deepest condolences to Bronwyn and family on the passing of Kevin. You all did him great justice with a very heart felt and touching ceremony.
    Jason, Jade and Jasmine Mosbey.
    No. 1 Protection Services

  4. Dear Bronwyn, Tanya and Matt
    Deepest condolences to you all. Kevin was a one of a kind, and will be missed by everyone.
    Thinking of you all
    Pam Milley (Miller) and Marjorie Miller

  5. Dear Bronwyn, Tania and Matt,

    Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss. A loss which has come unfittingly too soon.
    I enjoyed the time that I got to spend with Kevin. Always enjoying his company and always impressed with how cool, calm and collected he always was – not matter what problem or challenge presented to him. Always fair, always kind and seldom a harsh word.
    He has left a remarkable legacy first and foremost through is beautiful family, deep friendships and through the excellence of his work.
    Thankyou for sharing just some of your heartfelt memories today.
    I will miss him.
    Vale Kevin.

  6. Very sad to hear of Kevin’s passing while doing what he loved. I worked with Kevin on the S2W Project and saw the dedication to his craft and his projects first hand which including checking on the Project over Christmas breaks and attending call outs at any time day or night to ensure that everything was in order and was the best it could be. He was a straight shooting, genuine, professional who led by example. I enjoyed the opportunity to work with him.
    I also have a love of the outback like Kevin did and enjoyed discussing trips we had done including hearing about his ride across the continent from the furthest point West to the Furthest Point East which for me typified Kevin’s sense of adventure, self sufficiency and attention to detail.
    RIP Kevin

  7. To Bron, Tania, Matt and families we send our deepest condolences.
    A life cut far too short but one that was so well lived. Kev pack so much into the time he had here with us all. He was a unique individual who touched the lives of many and who will be missed so very much.

    With love
    Lara, Leigh, Tilly and Harry.

  8. To Bronwyn and Family my thoughts are with you during this time of sorrow and celebration of Kevins passing.
    Thank you all for sharing some of your fond memories and also thankyou to the celebrant for the words of the ceremony. It was a true testimony of a special mans journey.

    Gary Deen
    No 1 Protection Services
    Coffs Harbour

  9. What a beautiful way to say goodbye to Kevin. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bronwyn, Matt, Tanya & the family.
    The Lipman family will miss him dearly , his mannerism, honesty & point of view were always a gift he shared with so many.
    Loving regards
    Mal, Al, Matty, MJ, Lindsay-Anne, Robbie, Alyra, Levi, Luke & Caiden

  10. Dear Bronwyn, Tania and Matt,
    Thankyou for sharing just some of your precious memories today.
    I enjoyed the time that I got to spend with Kevin. I will always admire how cool, calm and collected he was – no matter what problem came toward him. He has left an inspiring legacy. Not just through his work but through his deep friendships and his loving family.
    Too soon.
    Please accept my condolences.
    Danny Parkinson

  11. Very sincere condolences to Bronwyn, Tania and Matt and have been thinking of you all since I heard of Kevin’s passing. Worked with Kevin on my very first construction project (Northern Expressway) and while I worked for DTEI at the time Kevin made my job in Community engagement easy. I learned so much from Kevin and he set the bar high for every project since. I remember a catch up with at the house in Tennyson and Kevin and Bronwyn made me very feel very welcome and included in the Fulton Hogan team. I remember gluten free cakes, a passion for bikes and a genuinely decent, friendly, capable and professional man. I’ll miss his comments on Facebook 🙂 He definitely lived a life 🙂

  12. You will be missed and never fogotten Kev!
    All our love, thoughts and prayers to Bronwyn, Tania, Matt (lovely speeches) and the rest of his family and friends.
    RIP my friend.
    Matt, Mell, and the kids xx

  13. Dearest Bronwyn, Matt, Tania, and family
    I will always remember Kevin as the most clear minded, capable, kind and uniquely brilliant person who I thoroughly respected. I have been fortunate to know him and to receive his wisdom. A truly great man, much loved.
    Warm love

    Cara xoxoxo

  14. Bronwyn, Matt and Tanya,
    Words cannot express the loss we feel for Kevin in our lives let alone yours. Kev was a mentor to a select few, a friend to many, but above all he was just a great bloke.
    While some people only new the ‘work Kev’, those who were fortunate enough as I was to get to know him better, knew that no mater what he accomplished at work, his family meant so much more to him and despite his works’ success, his family provided him the higheest satisfaction and his greatest achievements. Apart from talking about work at work, you (and your trips of trucks, cars, bikes etc) were all he ever spoke above.
    Please go forward with the knowledge that you meant more to him that anything else and he will always be by your side.
    Love, Matt

  15. Deepest condolences to you Bronwyn, Tania n Chris, Matt n Melinda and family
    Thinking of you all at this sad time …
    Love from Greg, Kerry Bowen … Jacob n Tegan , Samantha and family
    RIP Kevin

  16. My deepest thoughts love and prayers for all of Kevin’s family and friends, I was so lucky to have met Kevin through work on S2W pacific highway upgrade at Coffs Harbour, although I was a union delegate Kev believed in me and actually praised me on how I conducted myself in that role , and something he said to me , that I hold very highly because Kevin wasn’t one to just hand out praise Willy nilly, he said I was the best concretor he’d had the pleasure of knowing in all of his career, for me to have Kevvy say that was huge ! Yeah we had some hard times especially toward the end of my employment with FH, but we both held respect for each other, we also shared similar passion riding bikes and a love for the inland and the deserts he was a real adventurer and lived a full life ,
    This is my story with Kevin in short ,
    He will be sorely missed in the building and civil construction industry by his piers and fellow employees, Jesus have mercy amen

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