After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Ian,
I realise we haven’t been in touch for a long time. But Bob passed on the news of Linda’s passing and the link to her funeral which we have seen. So we felt we must write. The account of her brought back happy memories of her living with us leading up to your marriage. As has been said, she was very special. Full of spark and fun. A real tenacious spirit despite it all. A real inspiration. Fond memories of you both and our sincere sympathy at this time.
Yours sincerely
Jeremy and Joyce Clarke
The original message we left earlier hasn’t appeared above so …
It was wonderful to be with you to see and hear Linda’s impact on all our lives writ large. Ian you didn’t let Linda down and the ceremony powerfully declared her importance and influence on so many. We shall continue ‘carrying’ you all in the coming days.
A poignant, classy tribute to Linda’s life. Thank you Ian, for allowing us to share this celebration of a life lived fully. I will miss Linda greatly but can see that her spirit lives on through Alex and Tory and the exuberant grandchildren.
Dearest Ian, Tori, Alex, James, Annie, Calum, Tommy and Aurelia,
What a beautiful service filled with love, honesty and dignity. Our hearts were open to you throughout, and you each played your part with grace and a courage that Linda would recognise as part of her legacy to you. As you say, that this day should come is a shock but also a horizon you tried to push back, but you have met it in a way no other family could.
Here in Devon, as it rises, the sun is shining through the trees as though in tribute to Linda.
It has been wonderful and a privilege to be with you all today Ian, Victoria and Alex. What a profound service with so much said that painted a picture which is a joy to share and will always be remembered.
Ian, you did what you set out to do … and didn’t let her down.
We feel so privileged to have known Linda if only for the briefest part of her amazing life. Ian and Lindas’ wonderful partnership shone for us from the moment we met.
It was beautiful to hear all of your memories of the life journey you shared, we wish we had known the Linda who stopped to save a special stick! This must be a thing we do now!
Our thoughts are with you all as you continue the journey with Linda in your hearts.
Love Bobby and Paula xx
What a lovely service. Linda had such a beautiful smile and from the photos and stories shared today I can see that she had a wonderful zest for life! Her light will continue to shine in you all. Sending love and strength to you all from afar.
Sending so much love to everyone today. We have been watching from our house in Sheffield, drinking good coffee and remembering many mornings and many, many cups of coffee on the deck at Mary Street. Our itinerant Australian cat Pippin, who Linda was rather fond of, has been purring throughout.
Over the last week or so the thing that we keep coming back to is the strength of the love between Ian and Linda. It is an inspiration to us as a couple.
We have often said that the best thing we took from our time living in Melbourne was the connection and relationship we built with Ian and Linda and we are so very grateful to have had it. We will talk of Linda often and she will not be forgotten.
Tonight we will be opening an excellent bottle of shiraz in her honour.
A beautiful ceremony. So much creativity, authenticity and poetry. The presence of children so special. A fitting tribute to Linda. My sincere condolences to you all.
Dear Ian and family, What a beautiful service it was! It was an honour to reminisce about your memories of Linda and celebrate her wonderful life. Thank you
I have never met you or spoken to you but I have seen how you come and give a cup of coffee to Ian while I am with him in meetings via MsTeams. I have seen how much of love and affection you and Ian shared just through those few seconds. Be happy that you have created such a lovely family and leaving wonderful memories behind all of your loves ones…
Thank you for letting us be part of such a lovely ceremony. Our thoughts go out to Ian and family, the world has lost a lovely lady. All our love Michael and Helen.
Dear Ian,
I realise we haven’t been in touch for a long time. But Bob passed on the news of Linda’s passing and the link to her funeral which we have seen. So we felt we must write. The account of her brought back happy memories of her living with us leading up to your marriage. As has been said, she was very special. Full of spark and fun. A real tenacious spirit despite it all. A real inspiration. Fond memories of you both and our sincere sympathy at this time.
Yours sincerely
Jeremy and Joyce Clarke
The original message we left earlier hasn’t appeared above so …
It was wonderful to be with you to see and hear Linda’s impact on all our lives writ large. Ian you didn’t let Linda down and the ceremony powerfully declared her importance and influence on so many. We shall continue ‘carrying’ you all in the coming days.
With our love, Bob and Lynn
A poignant, classy tribute to Linda’s life. Thank you Ian, for allowing us to share this celebration of a life lived fully. I will miss Linda greatly but can see that her spirit lives on through Alex and Tory and the exuberant grandchildren.
Absolute beautiful, touching and moving service. Thank you for letting me be apart of the lovely ceremony.
Ian Victoria and Timothy, i send you all my love you are a credit to Linda. And i love you all dearly.
Sending love to all the family and friends of our beautiful, inspiring Linda Stead.
All my love and hugs and kisses from Doncaster, England
Charlotte xxxxxx
Absolute beautiful, touching and moving service. Thank you for letting me be apart of the lovely ceremony.
Ian Victoria and Timothy, i send you all my love you are a credit to Linda. And i love you all dearly.
Sending love to all the family and friends of our beautiful, inspiring Linda Stead.
All my love and hugs and kisses from Doncaster, England
Charlotte xxxxxx
Dearest Ian, Tori, Alex, James, Annie, Calum, Tommy and Aurelia,
What a beautiful service filled with love, honesty and dignity. Our hearts were open to you throughout, and you each played your part with grace and a courage that Linda would recognise as part of her legacy to you. As you say, that this day should come is a shock but also a horizon you tried to push back, but you have met it in a way no other family could.
Here in Devon, as it rises, the sun is shining through the trees as though in tribute to Linda.
Sending all love and strength,
Martyn & Lynne xxx
Beautiful service for beautiful lady love and thoughts for Ian tori alex
Rip auntie linda
Love Claire xxx
It has been wonderful and a privilege to be with you all today Ian, Victoria and Alex. What a profound service with so much said that painted a picture which is a joy to share and will always be remembered.
Ian, you did what you set out to do … and didn’t let her down.
Our heartfelt love to you all. Bob and Lynn
Farewell lovely lady. A great celebration of Linda’s life today.
My deepest sympathy to Ian Victoria Alex and their families.
A beautiful service. Thinking of you all.
We feel so privileged to have known Linda if only for the briefest part of her amazing life. Ian and Lindas’ wonderful partnership shone for us from the moment we met.
It was beautiful to hear all of your memories of the life journey you shared, we wish we had known the Linda who stopped to save a special stick! This must be a thing we do now!
Our thoughts are with you all as you continue the journey with Linda in your hearts.
Love Bobby and Paula xx
Thinking of you today Ian and remembering both yours and Linda’s generosity when we met in Melbourne.
Thanks for the opportunity of watching with you…thinking specially of you in the following days, with much love, Janet
Dear Ian Tori & Alex,
What a lovely service. Linda had such a beautiful smile and from the photos and stories shared today I can see that she had a wonderful zest for life! Her light will continue to shine in you all. Sending love and strength to you all from afar.
Sending so much love to everyone today. We have been watching from our house in Sheffield, drinking good coffee and remembering many mornings and many, many cups of coffee on the deck at Mary Street. Our itinerant Australian cat Pippin, who Linda was rather fond of, has been purring throughout.
Over the last week or so the thing that we keep coming back to is the strength of the love between Ian and Linda. It is an inspiration to us as a couple.
We have often said that the best thing we took from our time living in Melbourne was the connection and relationship we built with Ian and Linda and we are so very grateful to have had it. We will talk of Linda often and she will not be forgotten.
Tonight we will be opening an excellent bottle of shiraz in her honour.
With so much love
Sarah and Chris xxxxx
A beautiful ceremony. So much creativity, authenticity and poetry. The presence of children so special. A fitting tribute to Linda. My sincere condolences to you all.
Dear Ian and family, What a beautiful service it was! It was an honour to reminisce about your memories of Linda and celebrate her wonderful life. Thank you
Warmest Regards,
Love to you all – that was an incredibly touching ceremony and a really brilliant tribute to Linda. Thinking of you all x
Eternal memories, Her wonderful and gentle soul will forever remain.
May she rest in Peace!
Love Peter and Leah
Ian, my thoughts are with you and your beautiful family
I have never met you or spoken to you but I have seen how you come and give a cup of coffee to Ian while I am with him in meetings via MsTeams. I have seen how much of love and affection you and Ian shared just through those few seconds. Be happy that you have created such a lovely family and leaving wonderful memories behind all of your loves ones…
Thank you for letting us be part of such a lovely ceremony. Our thoughts go out to Ian and family, the world has lost a lovely lady. All our love Michael and Helen.
Our deepest condolences to Ian and family…
You are in our thoughts and prayers…
Ian, you and your beautiful family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Our thoughts are with the family today
Love to you all today x Jeanette
My beautiful Auntie Linda xx
I thought I saw her face today
In the sparkle of the morning sun.
And then I heard the angel say,
“Her work on earth is done.”
I thought I heard her voice today
Then laugh her hearty laugh.
And then I heard the angel say,
“There’s peace, little one, at last.”
I thought I felt her touch today
In the breeze that rustled by.
And then I heard the angel say,
“The spirit never dies.”
I thought that she had left me
For the stars so far above.
And then I heard the angel say,
“She left you with her love.”
I thought that I would miss her
And never find my way.
And then I heard the angel say,
“She’s with you every day”
Your with your mum and brothers again now, give them a kiss and cuddle from my mum and me Love you always, Charlotte xxx