The Funeral Service

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8 comments on “Lois Barbara Cameron”

  1. In Loving Memory of Lois:
    Dear Bruce and family,
    A beautiful service and tribute for a wonderful lady we are blessed to have in our lives.
    I first met Lois as a kid, through my Dad’s friendship with you at Ford, during your visit to the UK. I then travelled to Oz and stayed with you for a few months of course in Essendon in 1998. I will never forget the warmth, kindness and generosity of spirit from you both as you welcomed me as part of the family. Lois bacame my Ozzie Mum!
    Years later we also enjoyed the Australian Open together, as we share a passion for tennis.
    I have so many treasured memories of our time together, and with the Matthewman clan over the years (loved seeing photo with my Mum and Dad!)
    Thank you for enabling is to be part of proceedings.
    Rest in Peace.
    Love from Jeff & Tian xxx

  2. Lois and Bruce were a joy to be with when I met them in Scotland, and they remained friends throughout the years. Lois was a gracious hostess when I visited Australia, and her warm greetings to all who met her are tucked in my memory and my heart. I will miss you, Lois, your charm, gracious hospitality, and warmth which flowed from you to whoever you met. I loved seeing the photos during the service, and they brought smiles of happy times,
    Joyce Perrin, Canada

  3. The Vancouver contingent checking in, Bruce… Sue at her home, Eric here with me – we all felt a part of the proceedings to honour Lois’s memory. Seeing familiar faces and yet so far away – thank heaven for the magic of the internet that can make us feel near and with you. My mind and heart are so full of memories of the fond friendship Alan and I had with you and Lois – how fortunate we all were and how close I feel the two of them I as I write to you. Love and blessings, dear friend. xo A

  4. Dear Bruce and family,
    Words cannot express our deepest sympathy for you all. Wishing you comfort and peace.
    A beautiful service for a wonderful, loving lady, memories I shall carry with me forever.
    Lots of love Helen, Paul and family xxxx

  5. Lois was one of the good ones ….. she’ll be missed but our memories of her kindness will remain.

    Love from Canada — and it was so great to see a picture of my Mum (Alison) and Lois together on Emerald St. in the slide show. They were grand friends.

  6. Bruce and family, A brave lady finally at rest. What a fitting tribute to her full life. Thinking of you in the days ahead. Anne

  7. My sincere sympathy to you Bruce , and all your family.
    What lovely memories you have of your life together.

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