The Funeral Service
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Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.
To Martin & Family,
Sending you all our sincere condolences at this sad time, so sorry we were not able to attend the service. Our hearts go out to you all, may the memories you have deep in your hearts give you comfort to get through this difficult time.
Dear Martin and all the Family.
Our sincere condolences to you all. Lorraine, Nance and Harry were the most wonderful neighbors you could ever meet. I’m sure it was Lorraine that started my love affair with motorbikes. She was my sister’s life long best friend and was part of our family. We will miss her greatly, she has given me a lot of inspiration for my own health battle and I’m sorry I couldn’t be there due to a hospital visit.
She will never be forgotten and forever missed.
R.I.P Lorraine.
Love Graham and Annmaree.
Dear Martin and Family…
My love and heartfelt thoughts are with you all today, and although unable to be with you, was glad to have the opportunity to share the beautiful Celebration of Lorraine’s Life through video stream.
I will miss making the call “Hello Lorraine it’s cousin Margaret for a chat”. A lovely lady who will be missed by many
Dear Martin and all the Family
The Service was a beautiful and fitting tribute to dear Lorraine. Elise, your Eulogy was wonderful and a credit to the emotional strength that your mum has passed on to you.
I was privileged to know Lorraine since our childhood, and I called her ‘Miss Lorraine’ such was our friendship as kids and the regard that I had for her as a childhood friend. I feel blessed for knowing her, deeply saddened at her passing and inspired by her life, courage and values.
Martin, and all the family, I send my deepest condolences for your loss, may God bless Lorraine and all the family.
I am so sorry that I could not be there this afternoon.
Peter Smith ❤️
Sincere condolences to the family. We will miss Lorraine from our Knox U3A Australian and English Literature classes. Yes, she was a great reader and always had valuable comments to make on any of our readings: from poetry, fiction, plays and ‘everything else’ in between. An esteemed classmate sadly missed by Merrin and the others.
Dad and family, Lorraine will forever remain in our hearts and thoughts.
Dear Martin and family,
Our thoughts and love are coming your way from our family at the loss of dear Lorraine. Such a caring soul that both my girls got to experience in her life time. I remember when Samarah was born and there were travel restrictions and she would drop off food by our door to me the recovering mum. Warm memories I will love with forever. May God comfort you all now and forever.
Lots of love
Anesu and family
Martin and Family,
Words cannot express how Leita and I feel on receiving the sad news of Lorraine’s passing and your separation from not only your partner but your soul mate. Our thoughts are with you through this time of grief and we would have both liked to have attended the final farewell for Lorraine, but are unable to at this time, however our thoughts are with you and if a link is available to view we will try to join you.
We understand that each of you is suffering in your own way and nobody can claim to know or understand the full depth of your loss that each is personally struggling with. But we do know this: everyone suffers with some form of loss, no one is exempt and no matter what form that loss takes, it feels like a big hole has been torn in your soul that cannot be easily mended. As we move through this game of life, we leave behind family and friends who have suffered various illnesses or some who have submitted to the final suffering to be with our Lord. The circumstances leading up to Lorraine’s final call may have been unknown or possibly long, hard and with some considerable discomfort and we firmly believe that she chose her own time to take her final journey and further believe that she will continue to keep a watching eye on her loved ones here on Earth.
The world is so full of sorrow and heartache, that at some time somewhere in our lives as individuals, we need someone to bring us a word of encouragement and comfort. Most of us have faced the heartache that comes when we lose a loved one and there is a verse in the Bible that say, “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart” (Psalms 34:18). Please note it does not say He is nigh only to those who are His own, but the fact is that he is near to all whose hearts are broken, so be comforted with the knowledge that the Lord is watching over you through this stressful time.
Martin and family, Leita and I will never forget that both you and Lorraine travelled to meet us when you ventured over to Perth and were hopeful that when we relocated back to Sydney we could have met up before Lorraine became ill, but this was not to eventuate. However, we have managed to remain in close contact through the electric string over the recent years. Our hearts go out to you in your time of suffering and you all are in our prayers and don’t forget we are only a short phone or Skype call away and if you need us for anything do not hesitate to give us a call.
All our Love,
Tom & Leita Maloney
+61 409131347
Mum, your strength will be with me forever and you are an inspiration that will guide me for the rest of my life. You will always be in our hearts. You are an amazing mother and friend, and I am blessed to have you in my life.. Your glow will never fade. Love forever James, Laura and Riley XOXO ❤