The Memorial Service
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I was so sad to hear if the passing of Lou. I worked with her at Parkville College – she was such a light,…a glowing beautiful human, who lit up the room as soon as she entered it. She was humble. She was kind. She was thoughtful. She was a great sounding board, and an authentic listener. She had a glorious sense of humour and a gorgeous laugh. My heart breaks for her beautiful family. Farewell Louise X
Thank you for this opportunity to revisit my Dear sister Louise’s Celebration of Life and listen again to the wisdom Aunty Joy Murphy-Wandin shared with everyone.
So many people loved and appreciated Lou’s ways of being kind, compassionate, creative, fun loving and making a difference with her talents and skills. It is heartwarming to read about people’s memories of Lou across different life stages that are so unique and personal.
We are all the better for knowing her and sharing time together. Lulu exists Forever in our Hearts while sorely missed.
I was saddened to hear of Lou’s passing. My deepest sympathy to Lou’s family and friends.
Rest In Peace Lou. Xx
What an amazing person Lou was! To think of all the lives she touched and changes she helped make. I know I will remember her fondly and the impacts she made on those around her (including me).
My thoughts are with all those that loved her xx
So privileged to have worked alongside you Louise – South West CP. Such fond memories of your love and dedicated work with vulnerable children and their families.
Your beautiful smile and infectious laughter always brighten up our days.
Rest in Peace beautiful girl xx
Deepest condolences to Tom, Max and Ollie and all the family.
I was so sad to hear today from a colleague that Lou had passed. I worked with Lou at CP and she was wonderful; smart, playful, energetic and so passionate & motivated in her practice. I admired her. We had our oldest boys not too far apart and we would share our stories about them and delight in them. She loved being a mum.
I took for granted that our paths would cross again Lou.
My deepest sympathy to Max, Ollie & Tom and Lou’s extended family.
Beautiful Lou came into our family’s lives as a young adult, she will stay in our hearts forever.
Thank you for making Lou’s celebration available, a beautiful tribute and reflection.
Our heartfelt condolences to Tom, Max, Ollie, the Last family and all those who loved Lou.
Chris, Steve, Rory, Lucy and Jade Bohan
Lou was such a beautiful and inspiring person. I will always remember Lou as an incredible and passionate social worker- always advocating for and supporting those most vulnerable. My deepest condolences to Thomas, Max, Ollie and the Last family.
It was such a beautiful ceremony. Lou touched so many lives, and this was such a fitting tribute to such an amazing, beautiful person.
Dear Tom, Annie, Rob, Matt, Helen, Rachel, Ben.
I remember the day I first met Louise, she was standing on the portable room steps of our grade 3 classroom at Errol Street Primary. So tall, so new. She was kind, chatty and funny. We were both scorpios. Our friendship was instant.
My dad used to sing this old song to Lou when she would come to play at our house, it goes like this; ‘Every little breeze seems to whisper Louise, the birds in the trees seem to twitter Louise…’
I think that’s how i’ll feel her close to me now, on the warm summer breeze.
All my love to each and every one of you special humans.
Kelly xxx
Dear Tom, Annie, Rob, Matt, Helen, Rachel, Ben.
I remember the day I first met Louise, she was standing on the portable room steps of our grade 3 classroom at Errol Street Primary. So tall, so new. She was kind, chatty and funny. We were both scorpios. Our friendship was instant.
I remember countless sleepovers (on the floor next to the bunk beds Matty), chatting well into the night, dreaming up adventures for the following day. We doodled together, crafted together, wrote in our diaries together.
The Last household was a treasure trove of new experiences for me. The music(pearl jam, nirvana, tool), the siblings, the food, the road trips to confest – it was all so crazy cool to me. and Lou was right in the middle of it all.
As we got a little older our interests changed from chalk drawings on the sidewalk to seances in the Carlton cemetery. Black eyeliner on our lips, smoking cigarettes on the steps of the Ukranian Church.
Meet you at the park in 5! I’d race up and she’d race down and there we were, 2 little fledgling teenagers making mischief together, going to raves, dancing together, skipping school, stealing Robs weed.
When school finished we branched out in our twenties and spent more time with other groups and different friends but we always came back to each other for a cup of tea or a glass of wine. I remember when she came to my house unexpectedly to show me her huge bump and announce the joy of her pregnancy. I can still vividly see her face beaming at me from across my kitchen table.
In my thirties I moved away from Australia to live overseas but Lou and I always stayed in touch. We shared life updates over whatsapp and had the occasional long, long phone call. She was always there when i needed her. Whenever I was home we would have lots of dinners with our primary school crew (we aimed for one a week) and we would always make time for just the two of us.
Never a harsh word between us. Never any judgement. Just unconditional love and friendship and FUN.
Some friends are playmates. Some friends feel like soul mates. And there are a few who really feel like family. Well, Lou feels like family to me and she always will.
My dad used to sing this old song to Lou when she would come to play at our house, it goes like this; ‘Every little breeze seems to whisper Louise, the birds in the trees seem to twitter Louise…’
I think that’s how i’ll feel her close to me now, on the warm summer breeze.
All my love to each and every one of you special humans.
Kelly xxx
My deepest sympathies to all the Last family. The ceremony was such a beautiful tribute to Lou – to loving and living
What a wonderful reflection of an amazing person. Tom, your address was perfect. A perfect reflection of Lou and the place she has in the heart of the people who love her. She would have puffed up with pride to see you there, so eloquently remembering her.
Annie, you fabulous light switch-flicking sister. I can see her face as you spoke, head tilted to the side, big blue eyes filled with love and adoration, half smile on her perfect lips.
Max and Ollie – those photos were awesome! You chose so well. You guys had SO MUCH FUN together. Mostly I loved your song, and the hugs and kisses you were giving your dad through the ceremony. Who taught you to be so attentive and caring?!
Thank you for putting on a beautiful service, Lou would be proud (except for the over-attendance….but lets be honest, Lou loved to hate being the centre of attention…be then secretly loved it again).
I hope the hours, days and weeks that follow continue to be filled with the same love and adoration demonstrated today to keep you going through the troughs to come.
All my love Baker boys xx
We’re so glad to have witnessed such a wonderful tribute and celebration of the life of beautiful Louise. Our memory of her will live on in our hearts.
Thank you for having me. I was lucky enough to have Louise guide me in my work at Parkville. She made a big impact on me, her kindness, strength and joy really did make the hard things seem possible. What a beautiful service for such a bright light.
What an amazing and beautiful ceremony. Sending all of my love to Lou’s family xxx
Lou was a beautiful friend and an inspiring social worker and mentor. Gone too soon, with so much more greatness to bring to this world. My heart goes out to Tom, Ollie, Max and the Last family.
Thank you for sharing this celebration of Lou’s life and making it accessible to those of us that couldn’t be there in person.
Rest well Lou xx
The world truly is a better place for having had Lou in it. She was a very special, one of a kind person. I will remember her fondly and always. My love to Tom, Max and Ollie, and the rest of the family xx
Dear lovely Lou, what a phenomenal tribute to you <3
My heartfelt condolences, I met Louise when she came to Bouverie as a student. I remember her as an incredible bright spark – intelligent, engaging, exuding warmth and fun. She will be very much missed. Karen Smith
Such a wonderful reflection of the beautiful life Lou lived.
My deepest condolences and warmest hugs to all who love and were loved by Lou.
My deepest love and condolences to all of Louise’s family and loved ones. Thank you, for everything, Louise. Thank you for embodying empathy and love and for setting the standard for those lucky enough to walk alongside you as friends and colleagues. You are dearly missed xx
Our deepest condolences to you Rob & Helen and all the family
Sending all our love from all the team at ACM
My deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Louise. You will be missed greatly Lou. Thank you for all your support over the years for myself and all the teachers at Parkville College. May you rest peacefully xx
Lou was the most incredible woman, I learnt from her every day we worked together. She had such a gift for improving the lives of children in CP, inspiring families and her teams. Lou had the ability to keep perspective when everyone else had lost theirs. And made the impossible possible.
Her kindness to me when we shared mat leave in 2015 kept me afloat in my hardest year.
Her love of her trio of boys – unparalleled.
Sending all my love to her family. I am devastated that the world has lost such a magnificent woman. My life is richer for having had Louise a part of it.