Before the Service

The Service

After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.

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5 comments on “Margaret Huybregts”

  1. What a wonderful service and to be able to view it live was even more wonderful. Thank you for all the memories <3 Neil. Thanks to Anne-Marie for giving Mum a passing as dignified as her life was. Will miss you forever but glad you and Dad will be together again.

  2. What a wonderful service and to be able to view it live was even more wonderful. Thank you for all the memories <3 Neil. Thanks to Anne-Marie for giving Mum a passing as dignified as her life was. Will miss you forever but glad you and Dad will be together again.

  3. It was an amazing experience to “be there” at her service from my home in Texas! Neil’s story of mum’s life was so endearing. I will miss you forever Mum <3 Thank you Anne-Marie for making her passing as dignified as her life. Marg

  4. I’m sorry we are not there!! But it never changes our love and joy for you and your life!! ~ Sheri

    1. Thankyou for your kind thoughts. Im glad you were able to be there through the live streaming
      Love Anne-Marie

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