After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Joining from Adelaide, Lucie and Brett and Gai and Darcy. Celebrating her life and achievements. Wow climbing into the water to save a cow. Will fondly remember her visits to us in Adelaide and our trips with Ted to Templestowe and Queenscliff. Go Well Margi.
I have very fond memories of many weekend stays at Templestowe.,., now our spirits
grieve .,.,., rest in peace aunty Margy.,., rest in peace.
Joining from Adelaide, Lucie and Brett and Gai and Darcy. Celebrating her life and achievements. Wow climbing into the water to save a cow. Will fondly remember her visits to us in Adelaide and our trips with Ted to Templestowe and Queenscliff. Go Well Margi.
Joining you from Adelaide in celebrating Margaret’s life. Beautiful sentiments and lovely stories from all of you.
Aileen and James Aujard