Before the Service

The Service

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4 comments on “Maria Mijntje Pieterson”

  1. My condolences. What a very nice ceremony. Thank you very much that we were able to join you. Very nice to see the pictures of Maria (Rie) and the rest of the family.
    It has been a wonderful peaceful ceremony.
    Lots of love for uncle Nick and the rest of the family.
    Paulina Pieterson and family.

  2. My conodolences to you all. Thank you very much for the very nice ceremonie. Very nice to see the old pictures of Rie and family and also during the rest of here live. It feels like I was there. Very much appreciated to let us be with you via this way.
    Lots of love for uncle Nick and the rest of the family.
    Paulina Pieterson and family

  3. A most beautiful ceremony.. Mr Pieterson, Anita and family.. I send you all my love. Mrs Pieterson.. bless you and may you rest in happiness and love. xxx Nadine

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