The Funeral Service

The Burial Service

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44 comments on “Mariel Nicole Pike”

  1. Thinking of you both at this time Daniel and Jacqueline…
    Although we met and know you in our professional capacity, your love for your daughter and little Mariel herself touched our hearts. We are truly sorry for your devastating loss.
    May Mariel now Rest in Peace and may you find comfort in your faith and from the support of your family and friends. David & Anne Allison xox

  2. May the Lord continue to console you both at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May the Lord grant you peace and hope in your hearts. God bless you always. Trevor and Pam

  3. Dear Daniel and Jacqueline,
    Thank you for allowing us to share in this beautiful and touching celebration of Mariel’s life. We will forever treasure our memories of her. We honour the depth of love you gave her and the courage you have shown today and throughout. We long to be present with you, but we hold you in our hearts and prayers, and know that God is with you, closer than breathing, closer even than your grief.
    Our love to you both, Deborah and Ken.

  4. Dear Daniel & Jacqueline
    We bless God for letting us be witnesses to your faith today as you farewelled your beautiful daughter Mariel. You now have an Angel in heaven watching over you.
    May the Lord bless you and continue to fill you with His grace
    Joe & Carmen Zahra

  5. Dear Daniel and Jacqueline
    I’m deeply saddened about the demise of dear Mariel . My heart ached when I heard about her . She will be in our hearts forever . I know Mariel since 2018 when she started in Toddler 2 room , I can never forget her beautiful smile and the moments that spent with us . she will stay in my heart forever . I know it’s a very tough time for both of you but know that she’s in a good hands now . May God give strength and patience to you both . Our thoughts and prayers are with you both .

    Rest In Peace Beautiful Mariel

    1. Primos jackie y Daniel mi más sentidos pésame un gran dolor en nuestra familia siempre mantendremos presente en nuestros corazones nuestra pequeñita desde el cielo nos guie e ilumine y yo se que cuidara mucho de sus papitos la veo como mi hija tiene esa edad y me imagino como es de alegre a seguir adelante primos dios me los cuide siempre abrazos a la distancia.

  6. Mariel is the one i will never forget .i will not forget her beautiful smile .May her beautiful soul rest in peace.she gone too early .may god give strength to both of uu…we are with u today and u r in our hearts .
    miss u Mariel
    Kamalpreet (goodstart)

  7. Yaki y Miguel, nuestras más sinceras condolencias, Mariel estará siempre presente en nuestros corazones, la recordaremos con una sonrisa que nos cautivó cuando pasamos momentos juntos en familia. Un fuerte abrazo a la distancia, siempre contaran con nuestro apoyo; de parte de tus tíos Sixto, Lourdes y Sonia.

  8. Dear Jaqueline & Daniel,
    Sending you strength and love on this difficult day as you farewell Mariel. You have spoken with such warmth and grace. Such beautiful photos showing the life of a happy and wonderful little girl. You gave her a such a lovely childhood. She will remain in our memories forever.
    Love Joel & Emma

  9. A truly beautiful service of celebration and thanksgiving for a gorgeous little girl. Our heartfelt and sincere condolences to you Daniel & Jacqueline. May your faith in our Lord Jesus sustain you in the coming days, weeks and months.
    Love and prayers
    Stephen & Yvonne

  10. A lovely tribute for a beautiful girl. Praying for you Daniel and Jacqueline as you remember and celebrate Mariel. Lots of love Nicole

  11. A beautiful service for a beautiful soul.
    Rest in Peace Mariel
    See you again
    Bye for now.
    With love from
    Martin, Sheridan, Leo, Violet and Nate

  12. Dear Danny and Jacqueline,
    Our thoughts with you and our deepest condolences to you both. Wishing you strength to get through this difficult time.
    H. Quach and family

  13. A beautiful celebration of your lovely daughter who is in the hands of God enjoying eternal life with him. May both of you be blessed to know that your angel is praying for you and to comfort you. God bless. We have six angels of our own praying for us in heaven. Ben & Joan Antony(1st Community Coburg)

  14. querido miguel y jacqui mi mas sentido pesame en estos momentos de dolor y que dios sea tu fortaleza y ten mucha y mucha fe en dios y nuestra querida mariel desde el cielo ella nos estara iluminando y proteguendo y les mando muchos abrazos virtuales los queremos mucho familia huaccha huashuayo de alex, steven, mery.

  15. Dear Daniel & Jacqueline,
    It has been a privilege to join with you in celebrating the life, promise and the hope we all have to inherit eternal happiness with Mariel in heaven where Jesus is at the Father’s right hand. Thank you both for such a beautiful celebration and especially for choosing and preparing the readings and songs which spoke to my heart. I hope and pray the Lord will remain close to you and keep reminding you of his love and care for you, Mariel and your family for ever. Much love, Joan Curtis (Naomi Ryan’s mum)

  16. Dear Daniel and Jacqueline,
    We are so sorry for your dear lost Mariel, may you both find peace and wishing you all the blessings you 2 deserve our love and thoughts and prayers are with you both at this sad time .
    It was a lovely ceremony.
    Rest in peace Mariel.
    With all our love Tina and Greg xxoo

  17. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
    What a beautiful celebration of a life that burned so bright.
    Lots of love from Ian, Natalie and Zoe

  18. Dear Jacqui and Danny,

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful service with us and giving us a glimpse of the adventurous life Mariel lived. Our thoughts and love are with you during your time of grief and loss.

    With love from Ian, Debbie, Sophie and Patrick.

  19. our deepest sympathy Daniel and Jacqueline during this hard time. Our prayers and blessing are with your family.

    Yasas , Amali

  20. Mariel may your soul Rest In Peace. We pray that Mariel’s parents will be consoled by the Grace of God. I thank Mariel’s parents for the online viewing. You will be remembered in our daily prayers.

  21. Dear Daniel & Jacqueline,
    I am truly sorry for the loss of Mariel, she was such a beautiful spirited little girl.

    I take comfort in all the memories that we have of Mariel and that her suffering was very brief. Mariel is now at peace with the Father and she’ll always be watching over you until you’re reunited.

    Love and Prayers
    Martin Rayner

  22. A beautiful service celebrating the life of a beautiful little girl, Mariel.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
    May God bless you.
    Les and Lynne Sykes

  23. Miguel y Jacqueline le pedimos a Dios Todopoderoso por que los continúe fortaleciendo en estos momentos y siempre, que cuando el desánimo y la tristeza llegue que el Espíritu Santo los abraze con su presencia para seguir adelante, tengan por seguro que Marielitos vivirá por siempre en nuestros corazones ♥️
    Con mucho amor Rosa Amelia y Ruby

  24. Deepest condolences Daniel and Jacqueline, thinking of you and your families during this time.
    From the Sanelli family.

  25. Hermosa Mariel te llevamos en el corazón desde el momento en el que te conocimos y ahora será nuestra luz en el camino… Para siempre nuestro angelito!!! Dios te Ama y siempre serás la niña de sus ojos..: Te queremos muchísimo Mariel.
    Miguel y Jaqueline Dios los Bendiga y los acompañe siempre nuestra más sentidas condolencias…. Simplemente Gracias por darnos la oportunidad de decirle adiós a Mariel…
    Liliana y Marlon

  26. Queridos Yacqui y Miguel,
    Que hermosa celebración, tristes de no poder compartir con ella y con el consuelo de la felicidad eterna. Nos unimos a ustedes en la lucha y en el sufrimiento, confiando que también podamos compartir las futuras alegrías. Martha & Efren

  27. La familia Ochoa y Narvaez, esta presente, contigo hermanita y (o), Mariel estará siempre en nuestros corazones.

  28. A beautiful memorial for a very special little person. Mariel will be remembered always. My thoughts are with you.
    Love from Molly

  29. Dear Daniel and Jaqueline,
    My heart aches for your loss, knowing that Mariel is in Heaven with God and that when the time comes, we will meet again gives me some comfort and peace, as I know it does for you both also. Though you have been burdened with this grief you have shown such strength, humility and faith. To say that you are and have always been an inspiration to me and my family is an understatement and through your experiences you have left me in awe. The both of you have empowered my faith in the Lord tremendously. Mariel’s time on earth was a happy one, though short lived, you are the most loving, kind, gentle and generous parents. We are with you today and always in our hearts and prayers.

    Lots of Love
    Sheridan Rayner

  30. Dear Jaqueline and Daniel,
    I’m am sorry that Mariel is gone, she is with God in Heaven. I liked spending time with her. You are such lovely and kind parents. I hope you find peace soon.
    Lots of Love
    Queridos Jaqueline y Daniel,
    Lamento que Mariel se haya ido, está con Dios en el cielo. Me gustaba pasar tiempo con ella. Sois unos padres tan encantadores y amables. Espero que encuentres la paz pronto.
    Mucho amor

  31. Thoughts and prayers are with you both and your families. May Mariel rest in peace, she will forever be in our hearts and we are forever grateful for the memories we have shared with her. Love Carmen & Johnny xo

  32. Dear Daniel and Jacqueline,
    You are such wonderful parents for your beautiful daughter Mariel. Now she rests in peace in Heaven with God and with no sickness. Mariel is a sister to me. Mariel was a kid that always smiles and was always very happy when I saw her.

    Lots of Love

  33. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Hold each other close and your memories of beautiful Mariel even closer. May she rest in peace. Love Tegan and Shaun

  34. Mariel is in our favourites memories. Know that the mark she left is a great one, and because of this, she’ll never really be gone
    My deepest condolences Jacqui and Miguel during this dark time.
    With Love,
    Vilma, Luz, Alex, Rudy and Jacqueline Tomas

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