Streaming of Funeral Service

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10 comments on “Maxwell Robenstone”

  1. Thank you Susanne for sharing this tribute to Max with me. Absolutely beautiful, heartwarming and filled with joy, tears and laughs. A fitting location looking over the water, as you and Max did so frequently together in your many adventures overseas. Max is a bright light and his soul is forever here with you, Greta and Georgia….and of course Otis. As they say a true love story never ends, and what a love story you have. Something that will never leave you and will always remain in your heart. Cherish that and know that every day Max is looking over you and your girls (now beautiful grown women) loving you as always. Lana xxx

  2. What a beautiful tribute to an amazing gentleman. I feel so privileged to have known him for the past 6 years at Universal Music , sharing many a lunch together, a chat about upcoming travels, politics, art, culture, all of it! I will remember his smile, his positive good nature and he inspires me to live a full life of no regrets! He was so kind to anyone he encountered and was a true friend. It was such a special celebration yesterday, my love and support go out to you Susanne, Greta, Georgia and Max’s family. Erin xxx

  3. Oh Susanne and Georgia and Greta, I am so deeply sad and shattered for the loss of your beautiful Max, how he adored you all utterly. I had no Idea until this evening and have just finished watching the service online and composed myself enough to type.

    How grateful I am to have known and worked with him, what an absolutely stellar human being and truly a modern man. Really. A veritable dolphin in a sea of sharks (nothing against sharks). The chance he gave me thirty-odd years ago helped to define me and I have such lovely memories of working with him from my early days at Discurio/Gaslight, then Major thru Larrikin/Festival and full circle back to Discurio again when he bought the company on the same day I got into uni and needed a part time job!

    Such a thoroughly decent, kind, funny and lovely bloke. What a huge loss and what a beautiful legacy. I wish you all so much love.

    Happy trails Max, I hope the wide blue yonder doesn’t disappoint. xo

    Rachael Tidd

  4. Sending you love and warm hugs from Hong Kong. This was such a beautiful tribute to Max. I’m so thankful for the happy memories we shared together over the years we have known each other.
    Dotty ❤️❤️

  5. What an amazing celebration. I watched it all from deep north of Brisbane and could see you all so clearly with Karen’s Saint scarf so prominent . A real tribute to Max that the Melbourne Northsiders crossed the city to attend (have they seen the Bay before?). Wonderful eulogies that captured Max so well. The footage put together by the master editor Greta was amazing. Craig’s performance was wonderful too. It is so true what G & G said, Max was always so proud of his three gals. He always seemed to appreciate his life and lived in the moment with that beautiful glowing smile and steadiness. Susanne, what can I say? As you said, you were so lucky to have loved each other for 38 years, not many experience that. There is so much to learn from him…….R.I.P Max oxoxoxox

  6. What a beautiful service.

    I’m in the team at Universal and had only known Max a few years but his passion and dedication to Classics Direct meant I was talking to him daily and wow, what an absolute joy he was. I don’t think I will ever work with someone like him. I think we can only hope to build careers and be half as respected as he is. I have nothing but gratitude for his kindness and the subtle level of cheeky chop he fused with his professionalism. A true mentor & legend.

    Isn’t it amazing how lucky we all are to have had his star shoot across our skies.

    Sending my love to all of his family & friends x

  7. Dear Susan, dear Georgina and Greta,

    I am so sad to watch you life per zoom für this reason. At the same time to see you celebrating Max… it couldn’t be nicer. He was a great man and a great father in my memories.

    Big hugs for you Telse

  8. We will be with you all in spirit tomorrow (and on line) to remember a life well lived. Anita and the Binning’s xx

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