The Memorial Service

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This service will have a password applied once edited (normally within 3 to 5 days following the service), you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.

Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.

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5 comments on “Memorial Service”

  1. Dear Sisters and staff of Nazareth

    Thank you for remembering our mother and nonna Natalina Serraglio in this service
    God bless you all and keep watching over you in your caring roles.
    Our prayers are with our dearly departed loved ones

    With all our gratitude and appreciation
    Angelina and Gino and families

  2. Dear Sisters and staff,
    Thank you for this Special Memorial for all residents especially mum.( Carmen Hill) Sad but beautiful
    God Bless all and thank you for all your
    Special Love and Care
    Sam and Carmen Santilli and Family

  3. Thank you all at Nazareth house for the memorial. My sister Brenda would have been pleased with the ceremony and I was too.

    I also wish to sincerely thank all the staff who looked after her whilst she was there. In particular Jo, Eric, and all the other people and sisters. God bless you all. I miss my girl very much still. However, she is at peace

  4. Thank you Nazareth House staff and sisters for remembering Dad and his fellow residents. It was a lovely tribute which once again displayed the beautiful care you provided to him and our family.

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