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3 comments on “Michael ‘Mick’ Mitchell”

  1. Thankyou Heritage Funerals, for a very compassionate service.
    I only wish that I could have been there to say goodbye to my dear old dad.

  2. You certainly kept me on my toes Mick, you never missed a trick, if I wasn’t at work you wanted to know why..I will miss you dearly & I will remember you with a smile & grateful to have met you & had you for as my neighbour for almost 3 years, I have many fond & funny memories to treasure as do my family who loved you as one of their own. RIP my wise old friend, you taught me a lot. Forever in our hearts x

  3. Only met mick around 4 yrs ago good bloke could tell a story will miss having a beer with him till we meet again Phil

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