The Funeral Service

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24 comments on “Monica Kendt”

  1. A lovely tribute to a wonderful lady. Thinking of you all.

    Love from Tony, Tracy, Victoria & Maria xxx

  2. Dear John, deepest sympathy at the passing of Monica. Thankyou for inviting us to attend her funeral via livestream. It was a lovely service for a beautiful lady. Your son, Mark, gave a wonderful speech with loads of Monica’s history. I will always remember you pushing Monica in her wheelchair & finding a spot at the KSSG table, then making her a cuppa. I appreciated all your help both you & Monica at our Stroke Week Stall at Knox Westfield, along with other KSSG members. Hope to see you at the zoom KSSG meetings. Lindy xo

  3. Our deepest condolences. What lovely and loving tributes to Auntie Monica. All our love.
    Diane, Darryl, Shane & Amy

  4. A great Tribute to a Loving Wife, Mother, & Grandmother, for the love she instilled in her family.
    Our sympathy goes out to John & all the family at this time.
    May she now rest in peace.

  5. To John and family,
    My deepest sympathy to you all, Monica was a wonderful lady and we will all miss her. The two of you were valued members of the Knox Stroke Survivors Support Group. When these current conditions improve I hope you will continue as a mamber of our group.

  6. Dear John and family, I watched the service for Monica, which I thought was beautiful and found very fitting and emotional……..She was a lovely lady and will be sadly missed……..Our thoughts are extended to you all………With love from Brian and family.

  7. John, Mark and the Kendt Family.

    Monica and John were both much loved at the Knox Stroke Survivors Support Group and they were among our very first members.

    My heart aches at your loss. But it aches even more knowing that I could not be there with you all to show both my respect and love for Monica and my support for John and his family.

    I have many photos taken at KSSSG functions to remember Monica by………….

    Thank you so much to Mark for allowing the KSSSG members to be a part of Monica’s service.

    Take care everyone and know that the thoughts and love of all KSSSG members are with each and every one of at this time.

    Bob Morgan.
    Knox Stroke Survivors Support Group.

  8. What a truly beautiful tribute to Monica. She was a remarkable caring and loving person who has certainly left her footprint in this world.
    Mark, your tribute brought to us a great insight into the person she was.
    We were very privileged to be able to join in this very well done service
    Special thought to all the family
    Cherie and Jeff (Maxwell)

  9. To John and family, our deepest sympathy. Thank you for sharing the service with us. We appreciate knowing much more about Monica and will miss her at our KSSG meetings. We hope that John know that we will all continue to support him.

  10. What a beautiful Tribute to Monica, it was an honor to be able to share the service with you.
    Thinking of you all at this sad time, sending you all our love from Alice Springs , NT.

  11. Sending you all our love today the service was lovely tribute to a wonderful woman whom i had the honour of calling my friend for 62 years. Rest In Peace Dear Monica.

    All our love Margaret, Christine, David and Ted Davenport

  12. What a beautiful and moving tribute to Monica.
    Our thoughts and love are wtih you all.

    Steve and Angela Rado

  13. A beautiful service for a beautiful lady, thankyou for sharing your precious memories. May Monica continue to watch over you.. Fiona and David Corrigan

  14. Our thoughts with you all today. A wonderful tribute to Monica’s life – she was well loved by everyone and Mark, John and Callum your words were beautiful as were some lovely images. We send our love to all the Kendt family x Kris, Andrea, Clementine and Clancy Rowe

  15. Thank you for inviting us to join Aunty Monica’s Service. Thinking of you all and sending our heartfelt condolences.

    Lots of love
    Nik, Jackie, Rebecca and Charlotte

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