After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
A beautiful tribute for Nath, a life lived well, laughed often & loved much.
Love to Mandy, Bernie, Guy, Mick, Tara & all your families.
Caroline Wales & family
A beautiful service. My sincere sympathy to the family.
I have known Nathalie from St. Thomas More’s for many years.
My daughter Kellie has fond memories of her as an art teacher at St. Thomas More’s Primary in the mid 80’s.
Carole Ribet and daughter Kellie (Kidd)
Thank you so much for allowing us to “be” at Nath’s service even though we were hundreds of miles away.
It was such a wonderful tribute to your dear Mum and grandma.
Your eulogy was fantastic, Bernie and you described so well her full, interesting and creative life. You delivered it with much humour which your parents would have loved !
Thank you for the mention of the Symonds Family at Bondi. Dad and Curly especially were always so grateful to Mr and Mrs Kav, and regarded Nat and Helen as younger sibs. So many memories !
You children have certainly given your Mum a lovely final gift in your Tribute to her.
The friendship our parents had was so special. When dad passed your mother continued to stay in contact with mine chatting about both our families sharing what was happening in our lives. I’m sure they will all get together wherever they are and there will be lots of laughter. The service was just beautiful, she would have had a huge smile on her face. Much love to you all x
I will miss Nath greatly as our friendship goes back 75 years to our school days. She had a great capacity for laughter, fun and to let people into her life. In recent years most contact was by phone and we always picked up from where we left off. God has a special place for her up there with Terry.
Faye Williamson
A beautiful tribute for Nath, a life lived well, laughed often & loved much.
Love to Mandy, Bernie, Guy, Mick, Tara & all your families.
Caroline Wales & family
A beautiful service. My sincere sympathy to the family.
I have known Nathalie from St. Thomas More’s for many years.
My daughter Kellie has fond memories of her as an art teacher at St. Thomas More’s Primary in the mid 80’s.
Carole Ribet and daughter Kellie (Kidd)
Thank you so much for allowing us to “be” at Nath’s service even though we were hundreds of miles away.
It was such a wonderful tribute to your dear Mum and grandma.
Your eulogy was fantastic, Bernie and you described so well her full, interesting and creative life. You delivered it with much humour which your parents would have loved !
Thank you for the mention of the Symonds Family at Bondi. Dad and Curly especially were always so grateful to Mr and Mrs Kav, and regarded Nat and Helen as younger sibs. So many memories !
You children have certainly given your Mum a lovely final gift in your Tribute to her.
A Loverly Service,Our Deepest Sympathy
Graeme and Anita Prince
Great service for a Great Lady
Well done Bernie and the rest of the family
Matt Jones
The friendship our parents had was so special. When dad passed your mother continued to stay in contact with mine chatting about both our families sharing what was happening in our lives. I’m sure they will all get together wherever they are and there will be lots of laughter. The service was just beautiful, she would have had a huge smile on her face. Much love to you all x
Elise Bourne (Ernie and Claire’s daughter)
thankyou ,an angel in our hearts x
I will miss Nath greatly as our friendship goes back 75 years to our school days. She had a great capacity for laughter, fun and to let people into her life. In recent years most contact was by phone and we always picked up from where we left off. God has a special place for her up there with Terry.
Faye Williamson