The Funeral Service

The Burial Service

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10 comments on “Noe Ralph Lablache”

  1. It was a very touching ceremony . Out of sight but near the heart . A harmfelt thanks to the Priest , to the Choir , to those who read . Special thanks to Jos for his heart-warming words . Miss and love you Parrain . Rest in peace . Bon courage marraine Ginette . I am sure parrain will still have an eye on you as he did when he was still alive . Hugs and kisses to you all from Mauritius . Also from my mum , my aunties Marie Noelle and Nadège from Montreal.

  2. Toutes les sinceres condoleances de la famille Ducasse.

    Well miss Ralph’s smile at petanque.

  3. To Ginette and Family,
    My sincere sympathy to you all, may the love of our Lord be with you during this sad time.
    May he cast his arms around you all and give you courage.
    Ralph was an extremely beautiful soul and I feel very privileged to have known him. Will miss his antics at he Club.
    God Bless,
    MarieFrance Cavalot

  4. Marraine and FAMILY,, i am praying for you,,,LORD put your loving arms arround them,,, YOU are the answer to every Heart’s cry,, Rest in peace TONTON,,, pato Tat and Ced

  5. Marraine and FAMILY,, i am praying for you,,,LORD put your loving arms arround them,,, YOU are the answer to every Heart’s cry,, Rest in peace TONTON,,, pato Tat and Ced

  6. Our condolences to Matante Ginette, Joce, Gino and all the family. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Indeed , it was a beautiful hommage to Tonton Ralph. His bouyon bred kreson will surely be missed.
    May he rest in Eternal Peace
    Odile & Guytho

  7. Dear Ginette and family our sincere sympathy. Our sincere thoughts are with you. May God gives you courage during this difficult time. May Ralph’s rest in peace. Patachou & Jean-Marie

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