Streaming of Funeral Service

Ashes Service

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Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.

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17 comments on “Noel Hoitinga”

  1. A lovely service. Thank you so much Kathy and Jane for sharing this for those of us who were not able to attend in person. I feel so blessed to have had Aunty Noel in my life growing up – always a smiling, happy face when we would visit. My love and condolences to all family and friends.

  2. Dear Kathy and Jane,

    Thank you for giving us the possibility to watch the service in rememberance of aunt Noël. How special she was. I’ll never forget the times she , and you all, came to Friesland.

  3. Lovely service, so special that we could join you this way. Noel was so smart and kind and hospitable. Love to all of you.

  4. Thank you for letting us share the memorial service for your mother, our dear aunt Noel. She was such a remarkable person, who always kept in touch with her Dutch family. We remember her with love and gratitude. The speeches, poems and images were wonderful. Thank you all.

  5. Bedankt dat we er op deze manier bij mochten zijn en tante Noël mochten herdenken.
    Vell liefs en sterkte van ons, Janny en Jan

  6. Dear Relatives, Kathy, Jane, and other family,

    How Nice and good that you gave the possibility to share in your memories en sorrow.
    Once I had the opportunity to meet your Mother and you both Kathy and Jane ween you were in Fryslan.
    As cousin Lieuwe, Son of Rouke and Minny (your fathers oldest sister) and also on behave of my wife Hillie we offer our condoleances.
    May the warm remembrances spoken out in the cerman make you strong in this time of sorrow.

    Greeting from Balk, Holland

    Lieuwe and Hillie van der Meer

  7. A beautiful service to celebrate the inspiring life of beautiful Noel. She truly was a wonderful presence My deepest condolences to her family and friends on your loss and prayers for your comfort and peace at this difficult time.

  8. Wonderfull service to remember tante Noël. Moved by all the stories and the photo’s. We’re gratefull that Noël came to Holland with Kathy and Jane to stay with us several times. Thank you for making it possible to join you this way! Love from Emmie and Erik.

  9. Kathy and Jane Thank you for sharing Aunty Noels’ life in such an amazing tribute. Truly blessed to have known her xx

  10. Dear Jane and Kathy,
    It was a wonderful service. A fitting tribute and send-off for Noel.
    You are in our thoughts today.
    Michael and Meredith

  11. Thank you for sharing this beautiful memorial service with me. Noel was an inspirational woman.

    My condolences to all your family.

    Love from Melina

  12. Lovely service. Noel would be very proud of Kathy and Jane. Thanks for the opportunity to join remotely. Brad

  13. Thinking of you all at the time. Sending love from our family to yours .
    A beautiful tribute to an amazing women ❤️

  14. Thankyou for sharing the life of your loving wonderful mother.
    Our condolences to all your family.
    I was an honour to have met and known her.
    Beautiful lady
    Love from Margaret, leanne, narelle

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