The Funeral Service

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51 comments on “Palihenage Tissera”

  1. Moms face always shone with a glowing smile. Feel so sorry to hear the saddening news. Our heartfelt condolences to the family . May moms soul rest in peace.

  2. Moms face always shone with a glowing smile.I can still see her in my eyes. Feel so sorry to hear the saddening news. Our heartfelt condolences to the family.May moms soul rest in peace.

  3. Dear Susantha, Thanuja and family
    Please accept our deepest condolences.
    Chandana. Chandi and thaveesha

  4. Please accept our heartfelt condolences
    May your Amma attain supreme bliss of Nibbana.
    Kolitha ,Victoreen ,Malith and Dilaan

  5. Hi Susantha you have our deepest sympathy! Our tremendously saddened for your loss. The memory of your Mother will give you comfort, and her legacy live through you all! Triple Jemes bless your family.

  6. Dear Susantha, Thanuja and family
    Please accept our deepest condolences. Ma your mother attain the supreme bliss of Nirvana!
    Vijaya, Himalee, Dhanika and Parents.

  7. I extend my deepest sympathies to all family members. May the soul of your mother be at peace with your heavenly father.

  8. Dear Don and Family,

    Our deepest sympathy to you and all your families. Its always very difficult to loss one of your family let alone your Mom who’s the Center of all our lives. Your Mom’s remembrance will last our life time until we meet again, she’s in our prayers. May her Soul Rest In Peace..

  9. Dear Susantha ayya and Thanuja Akka,

    Please accept our condolences on the passing of your mother and mother in law.

    May she attain the eternal bliss of nibbana.

    Uditha, Nali, Misha & Onáya Senanayake

    1. Dear Susantha and Thanuja,

      My deepest sympathies and condolences to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
      May she rest in peace. Take care

      Thimu Harshani and Anishka

  10. I am so moved by the beautiful eulogy describing her wonderful life and character. The photos presented are a true testament to her great qualities now reflected in and continued by her children, daughters and son in laws and grandchildren

  11. Susantha ! Our thoughts & prayers are with you all at this sad moment. May she attend the Supreem bliss of Nirvana.

  12. Dear San, Samanthi and Family,
    Please accept our condolences on the passing of your mother and mother in law.

    She is fondly loved & remembered in our prayers.

    May she attain the eternal bliss of nibbana.

    From –
    Kim, Mariam, and your team
    at the Brotherhood of St Laurence, Australia

  13. Dear San, Samanthi and Family,
    Please accept our condolences on the passing of your mother and mother in law.

    She is fondly loved & remembered in our prayers.

    May she attain the eternal bliss of nibbana.

    From – Mariam and your team at the Brotherhood of St Laurence, Australia

  14. Please accept our sincere condolences.
    May her Soul Rest In Peace.
    May she attain the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana.
    Thoughts & Prayers with the family during this time of Sorrow.

  15. Our deepest condolences dear Susantha Aiya and Thanuja Akka. Out thoughts are with you during this difficult times.

    May she be able to attain the Supreme Bliss of Nirvana!

  16. My deepest condolences Susantha. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. May her soul rest in peace.
    Chamila & Anoma

  17. My heartfelt and deepest sympathy.
    But it is that with comfort that we know she will move to attain supreme bliss in Nirvana

  18. My deepest sympathies to Chaminda Aiiya and your loving family! May your loving mother will attain supreme bliss of Nirvana!

  19. Our sincere condolences, we are so sorry for your loss.

    May Your Loving Mother Attain Supreme Bliss of Nibbana!

  20. Please accept our heartfelt condolences.
    “May she attain the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana”

    Anura, Samantha & Harshana

  21. Our deepest condolences at your bereavement. May she attain the supreme bliss of Nibbana. We are with you in thoughts and prayers. Wishing you strength to endure this most difficult moments in life.
    Upeksha and Wasanthi

  22. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. May you all find the courage to get through this difficult time. May she attain the supreme bliss of nibbana. Asanka, Krishni, Sandu & Hiru.

  23. Deepest Sympathies to all the family members. May God grant you all the strength to endure the pain and loss of our beloved mother. May her soul rest in peace.

  24. Our Deepest Sympathies Susantha Aiya! May you have all the strength at this difficult moment.
    May she attain the supreme bliss of Nirvana!

  25. My deepest sympathy …Chaminda aiya..Anjana nangi n kids…our thoughts and prayers are with everyone during this sorrow.

  26. My heartfelt condolences to all family members. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone during this sorrow.

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