The Funeral Service

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89 comments on “Patricia Waters”

  1. Dear Barb, Janet and families,
    Such a moving tribute, sending love and sympathy in your sad loss.
    On behalf of the Walkear family (including Lyn and Ed from the great beyond)
    Catherine XXX

  2. So lovely to learn about your Mum and her giving and joyous nature. My deepest sympathy. I hope all those happy memories lift you up and make you smile as they come back to you at unexpected times. Love Ruth xx

  3. This lovely tribute to Mrs Waters (childhood habits!) evoked so many great memories for us, the Fenaughty family, of our childhood in Myrtleford with the Waters family as friends. As everyone has stated, there was always a cheery welcome at their house or ‘hello’ in the street from Mrs Waters (only changed to Trish as we became adults, but felt weird!), a constant only recognised when it’s gone. Rest in peace. With love to you all. Kerry, Chris, Tricia, Liz, Tina and Kaye. x

    1. Dear Fenaughty Family – thank you for your lovely words. We hope to return to Myrt next year -when restrictions are gentler and there is more information about how to travel and mingle safely. We are very sad at the loss of Mum, still, but are grateful for your kind words and memories. Love back to you, Janet, Barb + Ian and families.

  4. A beautiful service and a superb tribute by all involved from two generations to a lady who seemed to have had a life very well lived, and who can ask for more. Loved the battle of the brothers-in-law and the presence of The Seekers, both in live rendition (Another You … beautifully done) and by recording (Turn Turn Turn) etc. The other music, which I assume was of special significance to Patricia, was moving and the photographic sequence told the story of Patricia’s life wonderfully. Vale to a beautiful child, young woman, mother and grandmother.

  5. I took Mum and Dad to Myrtleford to visit Trish a year or so ago. Trish was just the same friendly, bright and cheerful lady I remember so clearly from my childhood. I’m so sorry you lost your lovely Mum. The service was beautiful. x

    1. Thank you Annette. We send fond regards to you, Julie & Geoff, and understand your Dad is now living in Swan Hill. We send him our fond regards. Best regards, Janet, Barb, Ian X

  6. Thank you for your kind words and expressions of sympathy. Our family has been enriched by her presence in our lives. Margaret and Richard

    1. Yes Suzy – Mum was a ripper. Remember she would never call me at The Creek until after 2pm, because she knew I would’ve had a gig. Thanks for your message. XXX

  7. So very sad to think we could not come together and celebrate Trish”s life in the style she would have adored, surrounded by friendship ,family and love . I also have very fond memories of your family gatherings in Myrtleford and also meeting Trish in the street to chat at length about the next time we would see you all . I will always remember Trish as someone who embraced life and most definitely added a quirky comment and laughter to every occasion. She will be missed but never forgotten her service today was different and unique just as she was …… kind of nice that we could reminisce in private at home . Hopefully we will all see you soon to raise a glass or two to her . Take care x

  8. Dear Janet, Barb, Amy, Scott, and family.

    It was a wonderful and warm service to celebrate the life of your mum in such unfortunate and trying circumstances.

    Losing your mother is the hardest thing. It is hard to imagine life without her, when she has been a part of it for so long. Today being the day that I went through the same, I am reminded of these strong women who bring us into the world, envelope us with all their love, push us to be our best, drive us crazy, be the person we turn to in good times and bad, and as we get older, we never want to be without. Your mum will always be there with you in spirit, and the sayings and skills she passed on to you, will travel through the generations to follow.

    Thinking of you all today and always, love Suzie, Mike, Luke & Jemima (Paddock & Chandler) xxxx

  9. Janet, your mum seemed like a wonderful person that had a great life surrounded by a loving family and great friends. You have given your mum a great service and beautiful farewell.
    lots of Love Lourdes x

  10. What a lovely service for dear “nanny Trish”
    The memories , song , music and photos were all very moving.
    Such a terrible time for you all…and feeling very sad for those close family who couldn’t get there.
    Sending much love from the Ennels family

  11. Dear Ian, Janet and Barb,
    I am so sad to hear the passing of Äunty Trish, wishing you all the best in this period of sadness.

  12. A beautiful service and tribute today for a much loved lady.
    May your treasured memories filled with laughter always bring you comfort and joy.

    Deepest condolences

    Love Carolyn, Brent and family

  13. What an incredible service and celebration of Trish, her life and family. She touched my life at such a poinent time as a teenager. I will never forget her and the happiness she spred around. xxx Love to you all.

    1. Thank you Viv. Didn’t we share so much in the earlier times of our lives? Plus – Heather and Trish part of the group starting the first kindergarten! Lovely message, it means a lot to us that you were able to link in. Love back to you all. XXX Janet, Barb and Ian

  14. Dear Nanny Trish
    I will always remember the two beautiful summers we spent in Melbourne & Myrtleford circa 1987-88 and 1990-91 with you and Poppy. You were so welcoming to me and mum and Reanna, we felt immediately at home. It is because of you that I know ALL the words to the Australian National Anthem, as you made Reanna and I rehearse them with you every evening over drinks & nibbles. You would always join in with gusto!! I remember hot days at the river and balmy evenings in the paddling pool and your amazing roast dinners. It was because of you that I fell in love with Australia and have now lived here for 17 years. Every time I get off the plane in Australia after being overseas I can smell the eucalyptus in the air and it takes me straight back to Myrtleford. When I think of you I can hear your amazing voice. It was beautiful, old school Australian – like a radio presenter from the ABC! And your absolutely infectious laugh with the snort!! You’ll be pleased to know that I have now had 3 sons and I too pee in my pants a little bit after I laugh HAHAHAHA. Nanny, I promise to always be there for your amazing granddaughter and my beautiful sister Imogen. She has so much of your fierce independence, strong work ethic, wicked sense of humour and kind hearted nature; you live on in her and all of your children and grandchildren. Nanny, the world was a better place because of you. I will raise a glass of chardonnay (with ice!) in your honour. Sending all my love, I hope you’re having a good giggle in heaven today. Chelsey xoxoxoxo

    1. Chelsey – absolutely amazing words. Thank you. I have to have a laugh, snort and a pee now!!!
      Can’t wait to see you all when we can.
      best regards, much love, Barb

  15. Such a beautiful tribute, brimming with wonderful memories and so much love.
    Sending our thoughts and love to you all.
    Mark & Jo x

    1. Thanks Mark and Jo. We gave Trish the best send off we could, given the circumstances. We are sad, but gladdened by your thoughts.
      Fond regards, Barb and my fam.

  16. Dear Janet, Scott, Amy, Barb, Craig, Lola, Jeannie, Ian & Imogen,
    It was a beautiful service and everyone’s memories brought Trish vividly to life. Trish was an amazing woman who lived through some challenging times but still squeezed every bit of enjoyment from the goods times that she encountered.
    She was immensely proud of her children and grandchildren who all brought her so much enjoyment and she will live on forever in you all.
    Unfortunately, livestreaming is beyond Roma’s capabilities, however we will be playing the tribute for her as soon as we can, as she wishes to pay her respects to the mother and mother-in-law of two of her favourite people.
    Our hearts go out to you all.
    All our love
    Peter & Lynn xx

  17. I’ll always remember Trish’s naughty humour with so much love to give. And how much fun it was to see the five siblings work a conversation – we are so lucky to have them with us in our lives and memories. Barbie, Janet and Inkas – you did her proud in bringing the elements of her rich loving life together. May we raise a glass in her honour in person, sooner and no later. Love Cousin Sooz.

  18. Hi Barb & families, I was so shocked and sad to hear that Trish was taken from you prematurely. Thankyou for sharing her tribute with me, so nicely done, take care of each other.

  19. Hi Barb & families, I was so shocked and sad to hear that Trish was taken from you prematurely. Thankyou for sharing her tribute with me. I still have fond memories of her sing-song voice that was so up beat & positive. I always felt like a special guest whenever I was there with you. (it really doesnt feel so long ago). Such a special lady who will leave a big gap in all of your lives.
    Please take care of each other.

  20. Hey Barb, Craig, Lola and Jeannie. What a loving celebration of Nanny Trish’s life. She sounded like a hoot – the apple doesn’t fall far. Beautiful stories, loving words, amazing music, divine singing. Lots of love to you and all Trish’s loved ones. Mish & Leigh xxx

  21. Dear Barb & Family,
    What a beautiful service. Trish was clearly a very warm, loving woman and a lot of fun to be around. Thank you for sharing today with us. Enjoy your memories.
    Love Shirl xo

    1. Thanks for your lovely words Shirl. You have given me much support over the years, and particularly lately. I know you have been through much of the same, but we all experience our losses personally and deeply. I haven’t forgotten your story about the baking dish that you had your many family roasts in. XX Barb

  22. Such a beautiful service for such a beautiful person. Much love to all of the family during this sad time. I have such happy memories spent at Myrtleford with Uncle Bruce, Auntie Trish, Inkus, Janet and Barb. Trish had such an amazingly bubbly personality, I can still hear her laughter.
    My thoughts are with you all.
    Love Jill

    1. Thanks “Jilly”, I am glad you were able to attend. During the process of finding photos, etc. for the service, I found such beautiful images of us girls cousins at Nug Nug, etc. And other images of all of us over a period of our early years.

      I have really loved talking to your Mum over the past weeks.
      Love to you and your family, XX

  23. Beautiful service Barb. It was lovely to see and hear the stories of Trish’s long and happy family life. Thinking of you and sending love to Barb, Craig, Lola, Jeannie and all Trish’s loving family and friends. Trish sounds like a wonderful woman and she would be proud of you all I am sure. Vale Trish.

  24. Beautiful service Barb. The speakers gave us an in depth insight into Trish’s wonderful life. Thinking of you Barb and all your family in these trying times. Much love xxx Rest in Peace Trish Waters

  25. Dear Janet, Barb, Ian and Family,
    It was a beautiful service today. It was truly lovely to hear about Trishie, see the photos, in particular your family photos, listen to the music and reminisce about the extended family events.
    I remember A. Trishie as always being bubbly, fun loving, sometimes outrageous and just a little bit cheeky!
    It is difficult not being present today but I have you all in my thoughts. My love and heartfelt best wishes to all of you at such a difficult time.

  26. To Ian, Janet and Barb, Scott and Craig, and your beautiful grand daughters. The service today has brought back so many happy memories of the times that the Ternes family spent with Trish ,Bruce and the kids parked in the driveway at Myrtleford.
    My love to all of you, Auntie Shirley

  27. Dear Janet, Scott, Amy, Barb, Craig, Lola, Jeannie, Ian & Imogen)

    It was a beautiful tribute and everyone’s thoughts and memories brought Trish so clearly to life. She was an amazing woman who managed many difficulties during her lifetime but thoroughly squeezed every ounce of enjoyment from the good times she had.

    Her children and grandchildren were her pride and joy she will live on in them.

    Our hearts go out to you all.

    Unfortunately a livestreaming event was a bit beyond Roma’s capabilities, but as soon as able I will play the tribute for her as she wants to pay her respects to the mother and mother-in-law of two of her favourite people.

    All our love

    Peter & Lynn

  28. Dear Barb & Family,
    What a beautiful service, well done to you all. Trish was clearly a very warm, loving woman and a lot of fun to be around. Enjoy your memories of her and thank for sharing today with us.
    Love Shirl

  29. What a beautiful tribute to Aunty Trish. You were all amazing. Wish we could all be together to hug, cry, laugh and snort! Will enjoy a glass of chardonnay with ice later today. Love to you all xxx.

  30. Such a beautiful service, what a wonderful soul and you are so blessed to have so many wonderful memories to hold on to.❤️❤️

    1. Thank you Vic, for your beautiful flowers, messages of support – it means so much to me and my family to have had so many friends reach out to us when it is such a tough time for every family this year, much love, janet, barb & families

  31. What a beautiful service, so full of love. Well done to all of you on such a difficult day. The photos, speeches and song were all gorgeous tributes to your darling Mum and Nanny Trish. XXXX

  32. It was lovely to have been able to join the family today in this service of thanksgiving. My first association with Trish was doing ante-natal exercises together with Lindsay Nelson at Myrtleford in 1957 Many good memories.
    My thoughts are with you all.

  33. Such a lovely tribute to our dear Trishy. Your words perfectly reflecting my own memories of a generous, loving and wickedly funny woman! I will never forget the cheeky twinkle in her eyes. She would have loved all the attention, and being surrounded by her loved ones.
    Much love to you all, and hoping we can get together soon to celebrate her wonderful life.
    xx Liz

  34. Beautiful service for a wonderful Auntie Trish. I will always remember her zest for life and fun, particularly remember our holiday with Trishy in the UK. She will be greatly missed by her siblings and the greater family but I’m sure her memories will live on for a long time to come – us Menzies family will make sure 🙂 we love you Trish. sleep well.

  35. Such a beautiful service. We will remember Trish with much love. Georgia still remembers singing the national anthem at one of our Xmas lunches at Barb & Craig’s place and Trish standing to attention with hand on heart much to all the little children’s delight. Such a loved person so magnificiently celebrated by her family today. A funny, loving and moving service.
    Sending so much love to Barb, Craig, Lols, Jeanie, Janet, Scott, Amy, Ian and Imogen
    From the Collins family, Sally, Rod, Georgia and Rory xxx

  36. Beautiful service for someone who was always smiling when I met her .. and 99% of our conversations were Trish telling me about her granddaughters. :).
    I wish I could be there to have a drink and a sing along to toast her
    All my love
    Anna xxx

  37. Margie, what a wonderful tribute to your dear sister from such a loving family. We send our sincere sympathies to all of you, and thank you for making the link possible. Christine and Philip Manktelow

  38. Dear Barb & Family, you gave your Mum a beautiful send off. Well done! Trish was clearly a very warm lady and a lot of fun to be around. Enjoy your memories and thank you for sharing today with us. Take care, love Shirl xo

  39. What a beautiful service – well done to all. We wish we were there in person, Trishy would have loved it. Lots of LOVE from Los Angeles. xoxoxo

  40. So many great memories going back sixty years of family holidays in Myrtleford: Nug Nug, Ovens river, snow, lamb roasts and footy at the McNamara and memorial oval.
    Then over the last 45 years of living in the same town with great aunt Trish and unc Bruce, many nights of cards, roast lamb and the occasional drink.
    We never got the chance to say goodbye with the bushfires but the last memory is of Trish aboard Goldie at the post office asking about Nick, Sarah and their children.
    A great aunt and an even better friend
    Robyn, Peter, Nick and Sarah

    1. Wonderful memories, thanks Cuz. And it makes us happy that you bumped into Trish on Goldie – or did she bump into you?! I have some great pics of Nug Nug and those times in the very early days, that have just been converted from slides. Would love to send. Let me know how.
      Thanks for being with us.
      Best wishes, fond regards and love, the Waters Cousins.

  41. What a wonderful ceremony. You all did such a tremendous job presenting a magnificent tribute to Trish’s life. How lovely to hear such rich stories articulately delivered with loving emotion punctuated with Jeanie’s angelic voice. Our thoughts and Love are with you all. Wayne Libby, Cooper and Hudson Pilkington.

  42. One of the most beautiful and heartfelt tributes, thank you. Thinking of you all and sending much love and care. The world is all the better for have had trish in it, she was a top human. May she live on in you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Amanda and Hill

    1. I loved chatting with Trish
      Loved her honesty and sense of humour
      Beautiful service for a great lady
      Love to you all xx

    2. Thank you so much Alison. I know mum / Trish got much out of your friendship. We look forward to celebrating the memory of Mum with you when restrictions ease and we can safely travel to Myrt at a later time. We will try not to fall apart, and hope to stay tidy, when we next smell the fresh air of our and our beloved Mum’s Myrtleford.
      Much love from Me and Janet, and our families. XXX

  43. A lovely service and many wonderful memories and photos of Trish. I too enjoyed Trish’s hospitality on many occasions with Janet at Prince St. Fun times indeed. A great mentor and role model for young women. Love to you all today. Xxx

  44. Thank you for inviting me to celebrate the amazing life of Patricia’s with you and the family. Please send my condolences to all.

  45. A beautiful service and tribute today for a much loved lady.
    May your treasured memories filled with laughter always bring you comfort and joy.

    Our deepest sympathies

    Carolyn, Brent and family.

  46. What a beautiful ceremony filled with love, laughter and your memories of Trish.
    The place she holds in your hearts will remain forever full and always be of comfort.
    We send you all much love.

  47. What a beautiful service for a wonderful lady.
    Our love and thoughts are with you all.
    Suse, David and family xx

  48. What a great celebration of Trish’s life.
    We will remember our great times with her.
    Friday Lunch Girls

    1. We are so pleased that you could join in – it means the world to us.
      Thank you lovely Ladies of the Friday Lunch Group.
      Much love, Barb

  49. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful family times with me. My memories of Trish are all happy ones. She always made me feel I was part of her family and I loved sitting at the breakfast bar Janet having that glass of wine or two with Trish. Thank you. Jenny

  50. A beautiful send off for a beautiful lady. So glad we could be with you remotely. Look forward to celebrating Trish’s life with you all in person.
    Love Julie and Mark xxx

  51. Dear friends – wonderful tales of a wonderful woman – all strength to you for sharing. sending my love and hugs and later a chardonnay with some ice.
    martine xxx

  52. Beautiful service under the circumstances. Well spoken, well played, well sung. Love and condolences to Barb, Craig, Lola, Jeannie and the rest of the family.
    Phil & Kirsty X

  53. Fond memories of Trish at Clarke family gatherings. She always had a cheery smile for all and an interest in the extended family. My sincere condolences to Trish’s family. The service was a most fitting celebration of her life.

  54. Wonderful tributes to a great lady. Some of the best times in our lives were spent in your company, Trish. We will never forget you.

    1. Thank you Mike Wishart. Some of all of our best times. Love to you – and thank you for the great pics. XXX Barb

  55. What a beautiful tribute to your Trish. My heart aches for you all. Sending so much love.
    All my love,
    Kath Parton (Smith) xxx

    1. Thank you Gen-gen. Love to you. I appreciate your support, given what you have been through. Love to you and Jimmy X

  56. Dear Barb and family, we’re thinking of you, and with you in spirit today. Its so lovely hearing about your mum’s life, and the love you all had for her shines through.
    Love from Jen and Dave

  57. Such a loving ceremony and celebration of Trish’s life. Hats off to you all for your beautiful stories, memories, music and of course, the divine singing. She sounded like a woman full of doesn’t fall far.
    Sending you all lots of love. xx Mish & Leigh

  58. Dear Barb and family, I’m sorry I can’t be there to honor your mum. My condolences to you and the family.
    Cath Rinaudo

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