A wonderful tribute to a unique and multi-talented individual. He brought happiness and inspiration to all who knew him and he will never be forgotten.
It was everything I expected it to be, a fantastic tribute to a rare human being, Paul was everything, including infuriating, as he was neraly always right !!!
Well done my sister, yer did real good, to watch it live was just great, really felt I was there, with so many people I know, just wish I could have acually been there as the love was palpable. And all that was said , so true. Guess we will just have to communicate telepathicly from now on, but it wont be the same, you’ll be sorely missed Paulo.
Lizzie ( sis in law )
Absolutely Fabulous. A wonderful tribute and outpouring of love.
Paul will be missed …and for sure it is impossible to think of anything bad to say about him…….
Much love to you Charlie and to all of us left behind.
Thankyou for enabling us all to share the day. Julesxx
So sorry not to be there. Some familiar tales, but so much more to know. A beautiful send off. Cheers Paul. Peter Hines. Microscopist – no job too small. (Paul’s joke).
What a turn out and such wonderful stories. Loved the video of Paulo playing the Saxophone too, sooo cool. I was dancing with you all at the end.
Lots of love, Rita (niece in London)
It was such a privilege being able to share (from Tasmania) and feel part of this very special gathering of friends of Paul and you, Charlie, today. Such magnificent tributes from family and friends, beautifully presented, and memories of wonderful, irreplaceable Paul who used his multitude of talents in so many directions and brought so much pleasure to others over the years.
Our friendship of 27 years, thanks to Bicycle Victoria’s “Great Tasmanian (and New Zealand) Bike Rides” in the 1990’s, is ongoing. Thinking of you dear Charlie, with much love. Jane xx
Watched the whole thing from here in London just a mile from your old home in Montana Road. What a beautiful way to remember Paul – great to have so many diverse voices. Paul’s offer to amputate little Johnny’s leg – and the false leg story make me laugh out loud. It was joyful and sad to watch in equal parts – and an honour to have taken part. Thank you Charlie – you did him proud!
What an amazing and fantastic celebration of Paul’s life! All of the wonderful tales which summed up his brilliant personality and dry wit.
You will clearly be missed by SO many uncle Paul!
I could feel the love from the other side of the world (modern technology eh?!)!
Charlie your eulogy moved me to tears. Lot’s of love from
What a wonderful, touching tribute. I was sorry not to be in Melbourne but have joined you all from London, worth getting up early to be a part of this memorable celebration for Paul.
Both Paul and Charlie are a huge part of my life and much loved
Brilliant! Such a a lovely moving tribute to a wonderful guy who is already sorely missed by so many, but who has left us indelible happy memories. Love from all the Canadian contingent. Kuz Kol xx
A wonderful tribute to a unique and multi-talented individual. He brought happiness and inspiration to all who knew him and he will never be forgotten.
It was everything I expected it to be, a fantastic tribute to a rare human being, Paul was everything, including infuriating, as he was neraly always right !!!
Well done my sister, yer did real good, to watch it live was just great, really felt I was there, with so many people I know, just wish I could have acually been there as the love was palpable. And all that was said , so true. Guess we will just have to communicate telepathicly from now on, but it wont be the same, you’ll be sorely missed Paulo.
Lizzie ( sis in law )
A wonderful tribute to a truly wonderful man.
Love to you Charlie and to Paul’s family.
A beautiful tribute to Dr Farren
…lots of fond memories
Annette Fullman
Absolutely Fabulous. A wonderful tribute and outpouring of love.
Paul will be missed …and for sure it is impossible to think of anything bad to say about him…….
Much love to you Charlie and to all of us left behind.
Thankyou for enabling us all to share the day. Julesxx
So sorry not to be there. Some familiar tales, but so much more to know. A beautiful send off. Cheers Paul. Peter Hines. Microscopist – no job too small. (Paul’s joke).
What a turn out and such wonderful stories. Loved the video of Paulo playing the Saxophone too, sooo cool. I was dancing with you all at the end.
Lots of love, Rita (niece in London)
It was such a privilege being able to share (from Tasmania) and feel part of this very special gathering of friends of Paul and you, Charlie, today. Such magnificent tributes from family and friends, beautifully presented, and memories of wonderful, irreplaceable Paul who used his multitude of talents in so many directions and brought so much pleasure to others over the years.
Our friendship of 27 years, thanks to Bicycle Victoria’s “Great Tasmanian (and New Zealand) Bike Rides” in the 1990’s, is ongoing. Thinking of you dear Charlie, with much love. Jane xx
Watched the whole thing from here in London just a mile from your old home in Montana Road. What a beautiful way to remember Paul – great to have so many diverse voices. Paul’s offer to amputate little Johnny’s leg – and the false leg story make me laugh out loud. It was joyful and sad to watch in equal parts – and an honour to have taken part. Thank you Charlie – you did him proud!
What an amazing and fantastic celebration of Paul’s life! All of the wonderful tales which summed up his brilliant personality and dry wit.
You will clearly be missed by SO many uncle Paul!
I could feel the love from the other side of the world (modern technology eh?!)!
Charlie your eulogy moved me to tears. Lot’s of love from
Rob , Helen, Tristan and Morgan.
What a wonderful, touching tribute. I was sorry not to be in Melbourne but have joined you all from London, worth getting up early to be a part of this memorable celebration for Paul.
Both Paul and Charlie are a huge part of my life and much loved
Watched with wonder, found out yet more about our lovely brother!
You did him proud Charlie and ‘The Team’. Thank you.
Brilliant! Such a a lovely moving tribute to a wonderful guy who is already sorely missed by so many, but who has left us indelible happy memories. Love from all the Canadian contingent. Kuz Kol xx