The Memorial Service
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Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. Your support at this difficult time is much appreciated. I am sure Rupert/Peter would be pleased that you played a part in the celebration of his life.
Beautiful service Deb thinking of you and your Family xox
Just lovely Deb.xx
What a lovely & fitting way to farewell Rupe.
Blue skies,sunshine, heartfelt tributes, great music and the Tree.
R.I.P Uncle Rupert
Love Tricia xx
What a lovely & fitting way to Farewell “Rupe”
Blue skies, sushine,heartfelt tributes,great music and the “Tree”
R.I.P Uncle Rupert
Love Tricia xx
Dear Aunty Gwen, Deb, Peter & Greg
The Nunny girls watched via the live link. In my thoughts ‘Our Uncle’ was exactly as was remembered today by everyone. Full of life, funny, gentle, considerate, respected and so well-loved. I know Dad (Ted) loved his brother dearly – in fact the Nunn family had a bond so special, and with hope us youngens can uphold Rup’s wish that the family continue to stay bonded.
The flame tree will be a living memory and a wonderful choice. And today’s ceremony in the park surrounded by Lumsden, Parker, Nunn, Buerckner, Pockney, Daly connections was very moving. Love you all, thinking of you and remembering a truly wonderful Uncle
My deepest sympathies to you all, the service was very moving & loved the planting of the tree. I loved Uncle Rup so much, he was the best. I have a lot of very fond memories. Much love to you all, prayers & blessings.
Dear Gwen, we are sorry we couldn’t be there in person but watched the live stream. The service was very moving. Our thoughts are with you and we send our best wishes to you all. Love from Russell and Lyn.
Lovely service for Uncle Peter and a fitting tribute to a wonderful man who I have so many special memories of.
I will always remember the old blue trains as Uncle Peter’s train, I used wave to at Carnegie and later at Price Avenue.
Glad you had nice weather for the day.
Love to you all
What a lovely service, Rupert would have been so proud of you all. My memory of him involves Greg and his faith in his children. One day Rupert was driving onto a major road and he asked a very young Greg if the way was clear, yes Dad, so he pulled out and was nearly hit by a car, just tricking came the backseat voice!
Your memories of Rupert were wonderful and his tree will be beautiful
Kate Gillespie
Dear Aunty Gwen, Debbie, Peter, Greg and family – lovely service and fitting location. Our thoughts are with you all, and we’re privileged to have had the opportunity to take part from afar. It was wonderful to have known Uncle Peter, and will remember him fondly.
Barry and Jenny
Very moving service for what was obviously a life well lived. Our thoughts are with Gwen, Greg Gerry and family, Debbie and Peter.
Best wishes The McKennas