Streaming of Funeral Service
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Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.
Heartrendingly lovely memorial. Love and my deepest condolences to Martha, Mary and Jess and all the family. I remember Stuart best from when I lived with you in Canberra in 1981-2, when our Nick was age 1. A patient and tolerant house-mate!
A moving and lovely tribute to Stuart, a remarkable and inspiring man, an exemplary historian, in whose writings there is exceptional clarity and precision about historians’ public purpose and the need for courage. It is a privilege to have known him and Martha since the mid 1970s in Cambridge; fond memories of that time, and of subsequent times together remain vivid. Love and condolences to Martha, Mary and Jessie, their families and to all who cherished, respected and loved Stuart.
An uplifting tribute to a remarkable man.
Thank you Martha and family for sharing Stuart’s service online. Your funny stories were so warm-hearted. How admirable that Stuart, who achieved and demanded such a high standard of academic rigour as an historian, kept that capacity to be gentle and light-hearted. My condolences.
It happens too often as we age; now I realise how much I missed in not making time to discuss in more depth with Stuart some of the differences we had in our interpretations of Australia. I think it was awe and respect that held me back and that will not change. Thank you Stuart, for everything you gave to students we both cared about and for all you gave to all of us.
A wonderful tribute to an amazing man. Thank you for enabling those of us who couldn’t travel to show our respect and reflect on some many wonderful memories of his extraordinary generosity. Condolences to your Martha, Mary and Jessie and your families.
Stuart examined my PhD thesis and was generous and perceptive in his assessment. Thereafter he became an active supporter of my career and a friend. Like so many other younger scholars, I owe him a great debt. And I remain in awe of his body of work.
Best wishes Sandy and Clem for getting through the next few days, weeks and months. The service paid tribute to a fine scholar and brother. We were grateful for his leadership in the Civics and Citizenship Education skirmishes with the conservatives, too.
Deepest condolences to Martha and family. A privilege to be able to share in this lovely service to farewell Stuart. With many thanks.
The service was a fitting and moving farewell for Stuart, capturing his staggering breadth as a committed historian, a husband, a father and all-round man of limitless interests. His influence was felt by my colleagues at La Trobe, and I was touched by his genuine engagement with the work of others. My deepest condolences to Martha, Mary, Jessie and the wider family.
I was grateful to be able to join this moving and fitting memorial service for Stuart online, not being able to travel to Melbourne to attend in person. I posted a brief tribute in the guest book yesterday that I won’t repeat here. Suffice to say we have lost a giant of a contributor, in so many ways, and a warm, loving and wonderful human being as well. Stuart will live on in the legacy of his work — not only his writings, but all his other contributions to Australian society, institutions and people. My deepest condolences and sympathy to Martha, Mary, Jessie and all Stuart’s wider family and close friends.
Stuart was my PhD supervisor from 2013-2020. He was so tireless and prolific that I long suspected he had 7 clones of himself in a cupboard somewhere. He heroically read my final, years-late thesis from his hospital bed in the earlier stages of his illness. One of my most recent discussions with him was about our fondness for dogs. We never did manage to get together for that graduation whiskey. An immense life. My deepest sympathies to Martha and the whole family.
I tried to join the service from London but had connection issues. I would appreciate receiving the password to watch the recording at a later stage.
A good service for a really good man. Mary in particular spoke so movingly and so well. Deepest condolences to all the family.
My deepest condolences to Martha and all of Stuart’s family. I remember him as a trusted and supportive colleague from my arrival in Melbourne in 1994 through to my retirement in 2016. I have fond memories of team-teaching post-1945 global history with Stuart and marvelling at the breadth of his knowledge. I looked to him as a model for how to supervise and inspire post-graduate students. He had a very profound and positive role in making the History Department and the Faculty of Arts at Melbourne a wonderful and stimulating place for scholars to work.
Stuart supervised my PhD thesis (which I only finished in early 2020) – he gave me excellent guidance, the detailed feedback on drafts that others spoke about, and was patient with my slow progress. I’ll fondly remember his generosity and remain grateful for his encouragement and support. I’m one of many people who will miss Stuart.
I’m sorry I couldn’t attend the funeral, thank you for video-streaming it.
My condolences to Martha, Mary, Jessie and all of Stuart’s family, friends and colleagues.
A moving and lovely involvement with Stuart’s departure. A big loss to his family of cousins which one knew also meant a lot to him even if only fleetingly glimpsing each other through all the years.
Dear Martha, Mary and Jessie, a deeply sad but wonderful goodbye to Stuart. We remember him and will keep him in our hearts – as he will remain in yours – both his greatness and lovingness as well as those small, little things that he had with each of you. We will be writing a proper letter to you.
Much love to you, Elena and Pat
Deepest sympathy to Martha and family on the loss of Stuart. His scholarly work was legendary, his presence unforgettable, his contribution to the wider commmunity immense. This wonderful service was a fitting tribute to him. Thank you for the opportunity to join in at a distance.
I wasn’t able to be present at the funeral service for Stuart, and so it was excellent to be there virtually at least. It was a wonderful evocation and celebration of Stuart’s life as a historian and public intellectual, as well as a loving father, husband and friend to so many. Stuart truly was a very generous man and he showed that generosity and care to me as well, at times when the going was a little tough. It was a privilege to know him as a colleague and historian.
Stuart Macintyre was the reason I wanted to study history at Melbourne. I had read The Succeeding Age when I was a teenager: his balance of the grand sweep of history, alongside all those select biographical vignettes marked him out as someone I wanted to learn from. It is a tremendous privilege to say that I was able to fulfil that dream. I’d like to extend my sincere condolences to Martha and to Stuart’s family, his colleagues and students, and all who loved him. Thank you for providing the opportunity to witness his funeral today. May he rest in peace.
Stuart’s early years at Murdoch University are warmly remembered by all of his former colleagues. The gifts of his life’s work to Australian society and culture will be ongoing. Our deepest sympathy to Martha, Mary, Jess.
Dear Mac, your friendship has warmed me over six decades and helped me at many a fork in the road. I feel your loss very deeply.
I was privileged to have been Stuart’s research assistant on The Reds. He was a lovely, kind and warm person and I am so glad to have known him and to have had some great conversations with him. He was also one of the markers of my PhD thesis, and I deeply appreciated his generous support.
I was privileged to have worked for Stuart for several years and later to have him as a co-supervisor of my PhD thesis. He was a wonderful teacher and person.
Farewell to a great Australian historian whose work explored the people of the past, whether they were communists, democratic socialists or social liberals, who argued and fought for a more just Australia so that those in the present should understand the possibilities for the future.
A truly wonderful celebration of the life of an extraordinary human being. He will be greatly missed but not forgotten.
An inspiration and a warm colleague who showed how to be fully human as a working historian. Very sad for the family’s and the profession’s loss.
Peter Hempenstall
A lovely, kind and generous man; a wonderful companion to Martha; principled in his beliefs and dedicated in his work. We will miss him. We send our love and deep sympathy to Martha, Mary and Jessie. With very best wishes from Jon Bloomfield and Jane Woddis.
Stuart spoke to a New International Bookshop audience at the Trades Hall. A great honour.
Thank you for streaming the service, watching from Queensland. My condolances.
A moving celebration of a good life, we historians will remember him always.
Stuart will be missed by so many in history and university circles. He was a wonderful man. Condolences to the family, it is so hard to lose someone you love. Thank you for streaming the service.
Stuart was my beloved Tutor in Modern British History in the late seventies, early eighties. A truly gifted teacher. Later in life, I befriended his brother Clem, and attended the 2010 drawn AFL grand final with the two Macintyre boys. A day and life I’ll always cherish.
Much love to Martha , Jess , Mary and The whole family , we are thinking of You and praying for you to be granted strength in these times of sorrow, I feel privileged to have met Professor Stuart Macintyre He was a remarkable Human being , May He Rest In Peace ,❤️
Stuart was Dean when I first came to UniMelb in 2001. He authorized my position in the School of FACSA (Fine Arts, Cinema, Classics & Archaeology) for a classicist who could teach both ancient Greek and Latin and specialised in Greek drama. The position, or at least the funding of it with Faculty funds for the first three years, might have been his own idea. So in a sense, he hired me. And I owe my life in Australia to him. Stuart was a gentleman in many senses, and he will be sorely missed.
Stuart shone as a model of an engaged intellectual and a rigorous academic. I had the great good fortune to count him as a colleague for a few years when he had a stint at the ANU’s Social Justice Project some decades ago. My condolences to Martha and the family.
I knew Stuart from chats in the queue at University House and from passing contact in the University Library and of course by repute. He was always friendly and insightful. What a loss. Too young. Very sad. I experienced difficulties accessing the video of his funeral in spite of having signed up successfully to Vimeo. I hope to be able to watch the funeral later. Condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
I didn’t know Stuart personally but read his work and regarded him as one of Australia’s foremost historians.
A great left wing writer and historian. Hard to find his like these days.
A great loss to Australia.
Len Warfe
More than most, Stuart’s historical work was an active part of our civic culture, and a thoroughly civilised voice.
I knew Stuart at the Uni of Melb from 1965 and in Ormond in 1969