The Funeral Service

After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.

This service will have a password applied once edited (normally within 3 to 5 days following the service), you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.

Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.

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19 comments on “Puran Lal”

  1. Death is not the end of life. It’s a new beginning for the soul. Ishwar Atma ko sadgati pradaan kare. Om Shanti

  2. Deepest sympathy and condolences from all of us here in U.S. on such a grave loss for the family. May dad’s soul Rest In Peace. Such an amazing tribute to an incredible human being. Amazing life and one of a kind love story; one for the history books. Thank you for the livestream and giving us a glimpse of mom and dad’s remarkable journey.

  3. deepest condolences to family’s from Singhs family rip mama will be missed
    Om shanti om

  4. Bhagwan FuFa ke dwingit aatma ko satgatii aur uttamlokh pradaan kare aur dukhit pariwar ko shanti deh.
    Om moksha Prado Bhava

  5. Om Shanti we all miss u mama so muat this sending sympathy frm kusum ur sister and at this moment she can’t watch ur funnel she in hospital now our prayers with all families RIP MAMA FRM SHERON and families sympathy

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