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5 comments on “Renske Douma”

  1. what a beautiful send off .
    I havent seen her much over the last 25 yrs but i thought of her often and was soooo glad to see her a couple of years ago,especially when she called out my name and i relied oma! and we had the biggest hug.
    i will cherish that memory and miss her adorable smile and cheeky sense of humour.
    i m happy that she is now walking with jesus and that her wonderful husband has his beloved princess sitting beside him again.
    condolences to all of her family and friends.
    she was an absolute sweetheart xxxxx

  2. I will miss you Renske and you are now safe in the arms of Jesus.
    My Condolences to all the Douma family and praying that you all will feel Gods comfort and peace during this sad time and you will all miss your mum, Oma and great Oma. She was a beautiful And gracious lady Who will be sadly missed.

  3. Dearest mum/nana,
    You and pop took me into your home a long time ago. I have never forgotten your welcoming hearts at that time and always appreciated your ongoing support-
    Thank you.
    So many memories have been made along the way since then, memories that have had a big impact on my life and the life of my children-
    Thank you.
    For being so loving, accepting, non-judgemental, for showing love in such a humble way and for always leading by example-
    Thank you.
    For being such a special nana to my children-
    Thank you.
    Mitchell is going to miss visiting you so much white nana
    Now that you’re gone my heart is not empty, it is full of love, admiration and beautiful memories.
    Love Brenda

  4. Nanna, we will miss you so much, will miss our regular catch ups in Melbourne our laughs and our conversations! Love you xxx Deborah, Isaya& Alannah, Kaleb and Eli.

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