Streaming of Funeral Service

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20 comments on “Robert ‘Bob’ Prosser”

  1. Sending my love to you all. What a touching celebration of Bob’s life. He was such a lovely, happy man and that reflects in what an amazing family he raised. May the love for his family live on in you all. Fly high Bob. ❤️

  2. A great tribute to a wonderful man.
    Always caring, thoughtful, terrific sense of humor.
    To Pauline, and the Prosser family,
    our thoughts and condolences are with you at this sad time.
    Jo and Nino Benci

  3. Beautiful service of Bob’s life lovely to see all the grandchildren and great grandchildren encluded in the service he would have loved it he was such a family man and he was such a family man thinking of Pauline and family at this very sad time. FLY HIGH WITH THE ANGELS BOB until you meet with your family again lots of love Maureen and Neville xxx

  4. Beautiful service to honour Bob and the love he shared with Pauline and his family. The eulogies by Neil, Geoff and Mark were wonderful and brought back so many memories. I was with you in spirit and shed tears through the service, whilst seeing the photos, but especially at the end. Bob will be sadly missed by everyone. Sending love and heartfelt condolences. Coral

  5. Dear Pauline and Bob’s caring people.

    Sincere thanks for the opportunity to join Bob’s funeral Mass on a computer.

    Not knowing you all personally, i have shared in your grief and joy today hearing just a little about the fullness of Bob’s life.

    The families of Pauline and i have common ancestors in Martin and Elizabeth Hickey.

    During World War 2, Pauline has special childhood links with my father, Harry Hickey, living upon the Katandra West family farm of his father Ferg and mother Daisy Hickey, and the neighbouring family farms of Norm Hickey and Mona Delaney: so many more uncles, aunts and cousins to Pauline.

    In the unique daily activities of everyone’s subsequent lives, Pauline and Bob would still find times to travel north to Shepparton and Katandra West and be briefly, but delightedly reunited with all family present.

    This i saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. And Bob more than abundantly thrilled to be present too – beaming and uplifting.

    I was moved watching today’s beautiful farewell to Bob.

    Restrained during this covid era, a simple ceremony, heart-felt and alive.

    Bob was a person without separation from others.

    A great exemplar who has shown how to care for everyone including one’s own self.

    He embraced everyone and everything: water, fire, earth, air.

    ‘…we die and we do not die…’

    With deep sympathy, respect and love for you all,
    john hickey

  6. Condolences to the Prosser family and to Pauline as his loving life partner, but many thanks for sharing the link so that we could still participate today. It was great to hear all the highlights of Bob’s life shared today, a life very well lived surrounded by the family he held so dear.
    Thoughts are with you all today
    Annette and Merle Smith

  7. Very nice ceremony and a great send off for a wonderful guy who made everyone feel like family when they were in his presence. Love to Pauline and the rest of the family.

    David & Judy Jackson

  8. A befitting tribute & celebration of Bob’s wonderful zest for life and his lifelong devotion to Pauline and their family. Rest in Peace Bob.

  9. Our heartfelt thoughts are with Pauline and the Prosser family. Many happy memories of the fun times we shared over the years.

  10. We were with you in spirit today Pauline and family. The service was a beautiful tribute to a wonderful man. Fond memories of Sundays at Dalmont Street from a country cousin! Love and prayers to you all.

  11. Remembering good times with Bob around the table at Sorrento.
    Take care and warmest of wishes
    Adrian and Julir

  12. Dear Prosser family,

    sending you our sincerest condolences. What a genuine privilege it has been for our little family to have shared some wonderful times with Bob and Pauline and to have had the opportunity to call Bob our friend. A grandpa role model for Justin and Chloe during their childhood Summers at Sorrento. Bob really was one of a kind, he lived a full and rich life and what an amazing legacy he leaves the world through his gorgeous family, sending you our love and thanks xox Leonie and Bernie

  13. Sending my love to Pauline and family. We have so many wonderful memories of our time spent with the Prossers, particularly at Sorrento. How gracious you and Bob were having us stay just to add to the already full house you had. And of mornings waking up to Bob trying to sing Danny Boy but only going so far as he didn’t know all the words . Lots of love to you all at this sad time
    Judy Jackson

  14. Such a beautiful service, loved the stories of Bob’s life and the photo’s showed how much he loved his family and Pauline

    Thinking of you all, may all of the wonderful memories keep Bob with you forever

    Will have a drink for Bob next Grand Final day

    Love Rod & Sharon

  15. Sending love to you Pauline and all families today.
    Your in our thoughts always.
    Take care,Jacinta Hickey Dunn(Harry and Maureen Hickey”s) youngest daughter xx.

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