The Funeral Service
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Deepest Sympathies
Deepest sympathies to Bryce and family.
My years working with Romaine in the ATO in Brisbane were made more pleasant because of her presence. Thank you for thaty time. You will be sadly missed.
Please accept our condolences.WE were glad we were able to see you in New Zealand in happier times
Our thoughts are also with Brad and Scott though it has been a long time since we saw them.. Our prayers will be with you all at this time.
Our friendship with Romaine and Bryce goes back 45+ years when we worked at Mercantile Credit and she and I also played netball together. We got a lot closer once we moved to Brisbane from Sydney about 25 years ago. Romaine and I were very involved with the Silver Fawn Club. The four of us would also go out for dinner atleast every 4 to 6 weeks as the children had all grown up.
They also to came to Sri Lanka with us for family weddings, we had some good times.
We called Romaine on her birthday in October and was the last time we spoke.
Bryce, Bradley and Scott mum was a special person to us and all our family. May her soul rest in peace.
Susan & Fyri
Our deepest sympathies Bryce Mama , Brad and Scott
May we meet again on those beautiful shores..
Sending love and hugs
Rosinee (Bubbie) and Sonali
Deepest sympathies to Bryce and family. May she Rest In Peace. It was a beautiful service – glad I was able to watch it online.
My deepest sympathies to Bryce and their precious sons and to Romaine’s beloved siblings and their families. I give thanks for Romaine and for her faith, loving spirit, gentle grace, generosity, creativity, loyalty, humility, caring nature and for always putting others needs before her own. I was privileged to have known her and to have worshipped with her at All Saints, Clayton. It was a blessing to have connected with her at a deeper level in Bible Study and through happy times at church events. I loved chatting to her and laughing with her. Royal blue was a beautiful colour on her. She was very lucky at winning Bingo at our Senior Lunches and a good sport when I would have everyone play crazy games or pose for silly photos with props. Her smile lit up a room and her peaceful manner would always make people feel safe and loved. May God bless her and give her His everlasting peace with Him in Heaven. Love and hugs to all, Chrissy xoxo
Deepest condolences to Bryce, Bradley and Scott
Condolences to Sonia, Errol, Gary & Sherina & your family’s on the loss of you beloved sister.
Dear Bryce and family,
Deepest sympathies on the passing of Romaine. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Romaine is now resting in peace in the arms of Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Sid & I loved Romaine as a dear friend, but after I lost Sid I have not been in touch with anybody, for which I am very sorry. I will try to get in touch sometime soon.
God be with you Bryce,
Thank you for all the memories Romaine , this will be treasured.
Please know Bryce and family that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.
Sorry we were unable to make it to Melbourne but watched the service which was a fitting farewell to a good friend.
God Bless
Robin and Marie Herft (Sydney)
Dear Bryce, Bradley and Scott,
We extend our deepest sympathies to you and also to Gary and Sherina and the family on the passing of Romaine. We know that she is now in the loving arms of our Father and we pray that you will experience his comfort.
Rev Derek and Rosemary Snibson
Fond Memories of our Dearest Cousin Romaine We cherish the great memories growing up and pray that your love will live on in the days and years ahead.
Love and sympathies to you Bryce, Bradley and Scott and the rest of the faintly here and in Sri Lanka
Rest in Peace.
Christine and Hugh ( South Australia)
Dear Bryce,
It was a lovely service. My partner Ian and I were happy we had the opportunity to be part of it on line.
Romaine was a beautiful person, soft and giving. The Silverfawn Club in Brissie were lucky to have had her wholehearted help at so many of our functions. May her soul rest in peace.
Trudy Pietersz
Dear Bryce, Bradley & Scot, our deepest sympathies. Romaine was surely a beautiful person, may she rest in peace. It was a beautiful service. Our thoughts and love goes out to you.
Safe in the arms of Jesus, dear Romaine you will be missed. May your soul Rest In Peace. Our heartfelt condolences to you Bryce, Bradley and Scott. Cherryl, Earle and family.
Dear Bryce, deepest sympathies. Apologies for being unable to attend. Many fond memories of Romaine, and may she rest in peace, and free from pain and and I know she is in the safe arms of the Lord where she will have all the rest, are and comfort that she needs and can enjoy.
Kind Regards
Deepest sympathies.
Love Rosie, Sarita, Drushan, Drupathi and Gerard
Our deepest sympathies to Bryce Bradley and Scott and family members. Terrence and I worked with Romaine at Mercantile Credit and continued our friendship though miles apart. We last met Romaine about 6 – 8 months ago, never thought she would leave you all so soon. Romaine was so sprightly and full of life and we shared so much fun together over the years. May her soul rest in peace.
Deepest sympathies to Bryce and family. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
May Romaine’s soul Rest in Peace.
Pat Jayasingha (Dias) worked with Romaine at Mercantile Credit, Sri Lanka.