After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Vale Russell Bowler.
Thank you Laureen, Lisa, Kylie & family for including us in your wonderful tribute to Russell. Heartfelt condolences and much love to you all.Jenny Symons.
Such a beautiful service, Russ would have been so proud of his girls and grandkids. Sending our love to you all. Hopefully we can see you all soon ❤️
Jim, Tegan and Ivy xo
What a beautiful, warm and heart felt celebration of a life.
Sincere condolences to Laureen, to Lisa and of course Kylie. Your words and love for Dad will stay with forever.
To all those special grandkids – Keep looking to the stars and say hi to Pa each night.
Lots of love – Hon xoxo
Such a special ceremony for such a special man. What a beautiful family. Memories of Russell always include fun times and a good laugh. Sending lots of love and strength in getting through such a difficult time. Love you all so very much. Karyn, Frank and Boys.
My heart is breaking for you all. So many memories and so many laughs. I’m sure they are all having a beer together. Deepest sympathy to Laureen, Kylie, Lisa and your beautiful families. Love to all.
A beautiful service. You have wonderful memories to cherish. Our deepest sympathy to you Laureen, Lisa and Kylie and your lovely families.
Peter and Lora xx
Whilst we couldn’t be with you in presence today, we want you to know that with were with you in spirit, via video link, with all our heart, our love and, our emotions. A beautiful service with great memories, lovely photos and a wonderful job done by Kylie , Lisa and all of your beautiful grand children.
My heart is breaking for you, so many memories, so many laughs. Enjoy those beers together. My love to Laureen, Kylie, Lisa and your beautiful families.
That was such a beautiful service, everyone spoke so well. Russell would have been so proud of his family. Will treasure the memories of the fun times we shared with Russell.
Sending lots of love to you all xxx
Thinking of you all at this very sad time as you say goodbye. What a beautiful family and such beautiful memories you all shared today.
Much love,
Sophie & family
Such a sad day but a beautiful celebratiom of the kind, caring man that Russell will always be remembered for.
Wish we could be there with you today but our hearts and prayers are, and will be, until we can see you all.
Well done to all the grandchildren, such wonderful memories to share and hold onto.
All our love, Troy, Donna, Taya and Zac Pretty xx
Condolences to Laureen, Lisa, Kylie and family, Russell will be missed, he was a genleman and a good neighbor he will be sadly missed.
Gloria and Rocco
What a beautiful service. The kids did such an amazing job. My fondest memory is of your dad at tocumal when I came on a golf weekend with you all. There were lots of laughs, mucking around in the pool and I do recall a lot of Kenny Rogers being played that weekend. Russel was a very gentle, kind man. Well done speaking today Ky and Lis, it must have been incredibly hard. My thoughts are with you all. Sorry everyone couldn’t be there in person. Lots of love Georgie
Beautiful services and thank you for including us. The kids did an amazing job and very proud of them. All our love to you all in this hard time. Lots of love from Sharon, Brendan, Maddison and Kenzie.
My thoughts and love are with you all at this time. I know you will be surrounded with love while you honor Russell. Your family bond is a testament to the husband, father and grandfather he was.
Love and care,
Lauren Richardson
Vale Russell Bowler.
Thank you Laureen, Lisa, Kylie & family for including us in your wonderful tribute to Russell. Heartfelt condolences and much love to you all.Jenny Symons.
Such a beautiful service, Russ would have been so proud of his girls and grandkids. Sending our love to you all. Hopefully we can see you all soon ❤️
Jim, Tegan and Ivy xo
Such a beautiful service of a lovely man. Wonderful memories to hold close and treasure forever ❤️.
Sending all our love to you at this difficult time.
Sasch & family xoxo
What a beautiful, warm and heart felt celebration of a life.
Sincere condolences to Laureen, to Lisa and of course Kylie. Your words and love for Dad will stay with forever.
To all those special grandkids – Keep looking to the stars and say hi to Pa each night.
Lots of love – Hon xoxo
Such a special ceremony for such a special man. What a beautiful family. Memories of Russell always include fun times and a good laugh. Sending lots of love and strength in getting through such a difficult time. Love you all so very much. Karyn, Frank and Boys.
My heart is breaking for you all. So many memories and so many laughs. I’m sure they are all having a beer together. Deepest sympathy to Laureen, Kylie, Lisa and your beautiful families. Love to all.
Beautiful service. Ran like clock work, than again why wouldn’t it? Mr puncuality.
All our love
Graham & Julie
A beautiful service. You have wonderful memories to cherish. Our deepest sympathy to you Laureen, Lisa and Kylie and your lovely families.
Peter and Lora xx
Whilst we couldn’t be with you in presence today, we want you to know that with were with you in spirit, via video link, with all our heart, our love and, our emotions. A beautiful service with great memories, lovely photos and a wonderful job done by Kylie , Lisa and all of your beautiful grand children.
All our love Neil , Sue and family
My heart is breaking for you, so many memories, so many laughs. Enjoy those beers together. My love to Laureen, Kylie, Lisa and your beautiful families.
That was such a beautiful service, everyone spoke so well. Russell would have been so proud of his family. Will treasure the memories of the fun times we shared with Russell.
Sending lots of love to you all xxx
To. A beautiful family our love is always with you, will have so many memories of a lovely man ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Love Sue Bruce and family
Rest In Peace dear Russell. Our thoughts are with you all.
Maryam and Hamed
Condolences from the Campbells
Fond memories of Russ – Pleasant Road neighbours
Thinking of you all at this very sad time as you say goodbye. What a beautiful family and such beautiful memories you all shared today.
Much love,
Sophie & family
Felt for you all during the ceremony. The grandchildren were so brave. He is at peace now. All my love at this most difficult time of your lives.❤️
Such a sad day but a beautiful celebratiom of the kind, caring man that Russell will always be remembered for.
Wish we could be there with you today but our hearts and prayers are, and will be, until we can see you all.
Well done to all the grandchildren, such wonderful memories to share and hold onto.
All our love, Troy, Donna, Taya and Zac Pretty xx
Condolences to Laureen, Lisa, Kylie and family, Russell will be missed, he was a genleman and a good neighbor he will be sadly missed.
Gloria and Rocco
Laureen and Family, my heart goes out to you all, Russell will be remembered fondly. Love Lee
What a beautiful service. The kids did such an amazing job. My fondest memory is of your dad at tocumal when I came on a golf weekend with you all. There were lots of laughs, mucking around in the pool and I do recall a lot of Kenny Rogers being played that weekend. Russel was a very gentle, kind man. Well done speaking today Ky and Lis, it must have been incredibly hard. My thoughts are with you all. Sorry everyone couldn’t be there in person. Lots of love Georgie
Beautiful services and thank you for including us. The kids did an amazing job and very proud of them. All our love to you all in this hard time. Lots of love from Sharon, Brendan, Maddison and Kenzie.
Our deepest sympathy & sorrow for your loss. We only wish we could have been there with you all.
Love always Lily & Paul xxx
Condolences to the family. ❤️❤️Love Glenn,Susan,Jaycob, Olivia,Georgia and Cooper
Sending all my love and condolences love you all
Condolences, love to you all. Special memories and welcomed me to the family
My thoughts and love are with you all at this time. I know you will be surrounded with love while you honor Russell. Your family bond is a testament to the husband, father and grandfather he was.
Love and care,
Lauren Richardson