After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the church know you have joined into the service & advise where you are located, that would be greatly appreciated.
What a memorable occsion. We have been blessed in so many ways over the past 50 years and more. A sincere thank you to pater Bazilij and many other priests that have and still are associated with our religious centre at Kew and their assistants over the years. God Blees you all.
absolutely a wonderful celebration with so many Community members & dedicated volunteers who prepared an awesome lunch for all. Memorable to be in the presence of highly esteemed clergy from Slovenia, Singapore & throughout Aust.
Great innovative especially for elderly who would have loved to be there but due to illness could not attend. My mother could not attend at the last moment due to illness but enjoyed watching it from home. Great if this could occur on a regular basis. Weill done to all who were involved.
What a memorable joyous celebration! Thank God for all the Blessings over the 50 years. A sincere thank you to all our priests and their assistants that dedicated their time and energy over these five decades and more. We especially remember pater Bazilij who dared to dream and succeed in building this beautiful church of ours. We are in deed blessed. Proud to be a part of this big family.
God Bless you all.
What a joyous and memorable occasion! We have been Blessed over the five decades. A sincere thank you to all our priests over the past 50 years and more, along with all their participants. In particular a huge Thank You to pater Bazilij Valentin, may he rest in Peace, who dared to dream and succeeded in building this beautiful church Sts Cyril and Methodius, Kew. Our appreciation to all that volunteers that helped with the construction so many years ago. God Bless you all.
What a memorable occsion. We have been blessed in so many ways over the past 50 years and more. A sincere thank you to pater Bazilij and many other priests that have and still are associated with our religious centre at Kew and their assistants over the years. God Blees you all.
absolutely a wonderful celebration with so many Community members & dedicated volunteers who prepared an awesome lunch for all. Memorable to be in the presence of highly esteemed clergy from Slovenia, Singapore & throughout Aust.
Many thanks – a wonderful celebration which can be re-lived over and over thanks to your service.
Great innovative especially for elderly who would have loved to be there but due to illness could not attend. My mother could not attend at the last moment due to illness but enjoyed watching it from home. Great if this could occur on a regular basis. Weill done to all who were involved.
I am very proud to have been a part of this special day, thank you for requesting my participation. Tania Markic
What a memorable joyous celebration! Thank God for all the Blessings over the 50 years. A sincere thank you to all our priests and their assistants that dedicated their time and energy over these five decades and more. We especially remember pater Bazilij who dared to dream and succeed in building this beautiful church of ours. We are in deed blessed. Proud to be a part of this big family.
God Bless you all.
What a joyous and memorable occasion! We have been Blessed over the five decades. A sincere thank you to all our priests over the past 50 years and more, along with all their participants. In particular a huge Thank You to pater Bazilij Valentin, may he rest in Peace, who dared to dream and succeeded in building this beautiful church Sts Cyril and Methodius, Kew. Our appreciation to all that volunteers that helped with the construction so many years ago. God Bless you all.