The Funeral Service
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Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.
A wonderful farewell for Thelma.
Thanks, Bernadette, for the link. Good to see you all after a long time. It brought back lots of memories of 83 Armscott Rd here in Coventry. Countless wonderful meals and parties, indeed a memorable few years spent before you all left for Australia.
Take care.
Love to you all
A beautiful service to a beautiful soul.
Dear Thelma you will be missed. Rest in peace. With much love.
Lots of happy memories in Coventry, London and Melbourne……I will always remember you Thelma with affection.
God Bless you and R.I.P.
John Melling.
Miss you Mum…Thank you. You will live stay in our hearts forever. Love you Mum.
A beautiful Service for a beautiful and gracious lady. May you rest in peace.
A beautiful eulogy Mia. Well done.
Beautiful memories of the times we spent together with you, Aunty Thelma, Uncle Noel, Russell and I. Lots of fun and laughter.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Thiedeman family and may God bless you and comfort you.
Love Sue xx
My thoughts are with the Thiedeman family and friends. I was fortunate to meet Thelma on a few occasions in her later years. A strong sense of family and love were evident.
A beautiful service.
May Thelma Rest In Peace and those who
loved her be comforted by happy memories.
A beautiful service and beautiful eulogy for a beautiful soul.
Thelma, you were a remarkable woman and much loved by everyone fortunate enough to have had you in their lives.
My thoughts are with you Mel, Mia, Berna, Wendy, Brin, Patrick and the rest of the family.
Dear Aunt Thelma – I have lovely memories of time spent with you during some of my visits to Australia, when you graciously would host me (and some of my family) to great meals! They were times you would never want to end. And I was so happy when I was able to have a few words with you on the phone only a few months back. As always, you were so cheerful and welcoming. Even though I couldn’t be there in person to say goodbye, thanks to Melanie, I followed the service from start to finish, which made me feel I was with you. I will miss you very much, aunt Thelma. Life’s journey on this earth has ended for you. Rest in peace, as your “next journey” has only begun. Love you, and may your family have the strength to carry on with the help of God.
Dear Aunty Thelma and family members
Sorry we could not attend today. Beautiful service and fitting tribute to Aunty Thelma. May Aunty Thema’s dear soul RIP.
Condolences to all the family members.
The live streaming was uninterrupted. Was able to watch the entire service.
Much love – Patricia and family
So wished I could have been there with you today. Very disappointed the service was offline most of the time, but well done to Mia – I think we received most of her eulogy. We look forward to watching the whole service in a day or two. Lovely service for what we saw. Deepest sincere sympathies to all the family.
MIA,what an Eulogy,Beautiful Service,Wonderful Lady,a life well lived.will always
Remember her hospitality & great Food. SORRY WEE WERE NOT ABLE TO BE With you.MARY &BRIAN.
A fitting tribute to a beautiful soul. I have such fond memories of Thelma. Sincerest and heartfelt condolences to her family.
Vale Thelma.
You will be missed. Rest in peace
The O’Hare Family
Dear Thelma,
Wonderful memories live on. Rest in peace
Dear Aunty Thelma,
Lots of fun memories visiting you and Uncle Noel in Glen Waverley!
Loved by so many around you throughout the years!
May you rest in peace and reunite with Uncle Noel and all your past relatives!
Love from Kirk, Desh, Kaylan and Taj.
I’m holding Thelma close in my thoughts and prayers.