The Funeral Service

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3 comments on “Thomas McLaughlin”

  1. What a beautiful tribute to Thomas (as we knew him). This is the nicest and most heartfelt memorial service we have ever seen. To hear his words and to see him make his own contribution was very moving. He has truly made his mark on his family, especially his grandchildren who spoke very lovingly about their “Pa”. I’m sure he would have been very proud of them and of everyone’s input to the whole service.

    He left Baillieston for his life in Australia when we were just children but through this video we learned so much about him, his life and his family.

    Much love to you all from Anna, Mary, Peter and Michael McLaughlin (our dad Michael was Thomas’s first cousin. Thomas’s dad Thomas and our Grandfather Peter were brothers). Xx ❤️

  2. That was a beautiful service Megan you and your family did your dad proud. I have many fond memories of my big cousin. The first photograph you used he was so like his mom. Your gran was bridesmaid to my mom and dad. You probably heard your dad refer to me as ‘Wee Jean Brickley’. Thomas obviously loved his life in Australia. Have a good life all of you and love from your Scottish cousins Jean and Andy Barrie ❤ x

  3. What a beautiful service and a celebration that Tom would be proud of.
    Your piece on your dad Megan was delivered from the heart and said with much love.
    You certainly knew the complexities of your dad. This goes for many of us also!
    What beautiful and lovely sentiments from his grandchildren. I hope mine will think the same of me.
    Love to you and the kids from your family in Canada.

    Mike McLaughlin

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