The Funeral Service
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Dearest Tim
The loveliest of friends and such a beautiful man. Such a cheerful and happy soul who lit up everyone’s life.
So many happy and funny memories.
Tim was very welcoming when we arrived in Australia, as I am an OC. Thanks Tim, you’ll be missed!
Such a wonderful tribute to a remarkable man. Thank you Allyson for making the link available. Whilst I was sorry not to be able to attend it is great to at least be able to share the day remotely.
Such lovely tributes to Tim from his family and friends.
He will not be forgotten and so many miss his “Ticklers”
A true gentleman, wonderful man, who lived a full and fruitful life. Vale.
Thank you for organising a wonderful Celebration of my dear elder brother Tim’s life on 16th Feb. Allyson, Vicki, Meaghan, Bernie and Susie. It was an amazing tribute beautifully orchestrated. So sorry I could not be with you but my serious stroke in Dec 2021 means I can no longer travel. I look forward to receiving his ashes in order to scatter them in my garden as were his wishes once they are received from research, his last gift to humanity. With grateful thanks from his U.K. family for everyone who attended and watched via zoom worldwide, yours, Sue.
Dear Tim-
You touched the life’s of so many throughout the world and we were fortunate and blessed that you entered ours.
Dearest Tim
You are missed by many! And much loved for your generosity of spirit, your eternal optimism, your kindness and care for others. Rest in peace dear friend. Carol xxx
A lovely service for a beautiful man.
Tim hired me in 1987 to work at the Cathay Pacific city office. He had many many gifts and making family was one of them. Tim was a huge part of my CX family. It was a such wonderful time, in the golden age of aviation none was brighter than Tim Acton. I still remember the joy when Tim’s horse syndicate won the Magic Millions!
I will always remember Tim with a smile and much affection.
Leanne Hendry (Posset)
Gold Coast
Dearest Tim,
I shed tears today. Sadness that I only crossed Paths with you during these past few years. How I wish I could have been under your spell for so much longer. Your dedication and kindness to others was inspiring. You are a beautiful Soul Tim, who is released from an aging body and now free to live on in a non-physical body. No doubt you will be busy searching for where you can continue to give Service to others.
Dearest Tim (my honourary Uncle)
Thank you for always showing your kindness, humour and compassion. Over 20 years ago, as a young 20 something, I arrived in Australia from the UK and you kindly stepped in and helped me navigate my travels around Australia through your oracle of knowledge and kindness. Like yourself, I too fell in love with Australia and it became my permanent place of residence. I will never forget your support, kindness and friendship. Miss you terribly and your ‘Daily Ticklers’
Love Mhairi
Dear long time old friend Tim. I’m with you in spirit from Sydney. Nathalie.
Dear Mr Acton,
so many fun times and memories I have growing up in your presence. You had more of an impact on me than you ever knew. I loved the experiences we shared and your generosity of spoiling me at such a young age was a huge privilege. You taught me about the finer things in life whilst remaining exceptionally humble and grounded, that was you. You were my friend, role model as a young teen and important person in our families lives. Thank you and rest peacefully. Love Matt
Tim hired me back in 1987 to work at the Cathay Pacific city office, he was a warm and kind man who was much loved by all who knew him..
Cathay Pacific benefitted greatly from having Tim in their team and I feel very fortunate to have been a part of the CX family that he created. It was the golden age of aviation and none was brighter than Tim Acton.
One memory I have is the utter joy on Tim’s face when his horse syndicate won the Magic Millions!
I will always remember Tim with a smile and much affection.
Leanne Hendry (Posset)
Gold Coast
What a beautiful service.
Tim hired me back in 1987 to work at the Cathay Pacific city office in Melbourne. He was a warm and gentle man who made everyone feel special and I am very fortunate to have been a part of his CX family. It was the golden age of aviation and there was none brighter than Tim Acton. In my minds eye I can still see the absolute joy when Tim’s horse syndicate won the Magic Millions race!
I will always remember Tim with a smile and much affection.
Leanne Hendry (Posset)
Gold Coast
Many happy memories of you Tim during our time in New Guinea with TAA and after so many years meeting up with you again in England.
Always remembered with love from Claudette
A wonderful tribute to a very special man. I was part of the Cathay team in Melbourne and when the office closed and centralised to Sydney, Tim approached TN to take us on as a “job lot” as he was so upset we were made redundant.
But he kept in touch and arranged reunions for us and for that kindness he’ll always be fondly remembered.
Vale Tim Acton. RIP.
One of kindest people I have ever met and a brilliant & funny public speaker. You were a wonderful family friend for 60 years..
You gave me my start in aviation in 1991 at Cathay and a generation later arranged flying lessons for my son who has just started his Uni Aviation degree yesterday.
Lovely service and you will be missed
Howie Field
I met a stranger, Tim, at the “Lamplighter” restaurant, Burke Street, Melbourne, in 1971. It was the start of a fabulous friendship lasting half a century.
Countless lunches, dinners, theatre nights.
Travel well.
Much love,
Dear Tim,
Wonderful memories from TAA/Cathay days and family gatherings. We are sorry we were not able to be present at the service today which was a wonderful tribute and a great reflection of your humour.
You will be sadly missed and we will always remember you on Valentines Day which was so special to you. RIP Tim Love the Field Family
A wonderful man and dear friend of the East family. What an amazing send off, everyone spoke so well, and particularly loved the last impromptu speaker from Hong Kong 🙂
Tim, you will be missed but not forgotten.
Matt and Shannon
Sue Lampheee says:
Tim was a great friend and full of fun. I’ll treasure my memories of him in Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne. Thank you Whites for enabling me to join in the service from Adelaide. It was sad ,beautiful and Tim would have loved it.
Love Sue
You were so important to so many people Tim! We will miss you very much.
Jason, Simone, Edward & Oscar
Dear Tim, I shall always remember our meeting when I worked with Qantas in Montreal and all the meetings we have shared in Canada, the UK and of course Australia. I send my deepest sympathy to your family and friends and my love
Tim, remembering you tonight as I watch ( midnight in Tipperary, Ireland) very emotional and some tears shed for a wonderful friend. Rest in peace. Slain agus beannacht leat. Maureen
Denise We were so lucky to have known him and been part of his life
Dear Tim,
You were a kind and generous boss and we were a happy team at Cathay. Thanks for the memories.
Dearest Tim, where do I begin to share my thoughts and feelings on the enormous impact of your presence in my, and my children Jane and Matt’s, life; and of course, our ‘family’ lab Boof.
We each have often had the conversations that we wanted/needed to, as did my beautiful Dad, Wal, so many years ago.
I know that that I am forever blessed to have been in your life, and for you to have been in ours – particularly Jane.
That I choose to face the world alone, I do not regret. Yet, while deeply hurt, you understood, you protected me, and continued to do so. This one thing said everything about the incredible, gentle man you are.
I love you Tim. You will always be a bright shining star; you know the one. I will continue to say goodnight on that star, until my light ceases to shine.
PS I’m unable to get the video-link to play on my device! Clearly, I’ll continue to learn: as you always encouraged me to do so.
Dear Tim
Best boss ever!!! Will miss your friendship and our lunches/chats.
Jo Sykes
You were so important to me growing up, I hope to think I have inherited some of your wonderful qualities. Love you and miss you Timothy xx
Jane Darmon (nee Manning)
Dear long time old friend Tim. I’m with you in spirit from Sydney. Nathalie.
Dearest Tim
I miss you greatly. Will always think of you on 14 February.