Christmas Remembrance Service

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21 comments on “TJ Scott & Son Christmas Service of Remembrance”

  1. Thank you to all at TJ Scotts for the beautiful service tonight to commemorate our loved ones. It was a special moment to reflect, remember and be grateful for all the time I had with my dad to build our special memories. Thank you for all the love, care and support your family have shown to ours as we grieve dad’s passing.

  2. Dedicated to the memory of Dennis Van Der Merwe, a much loved husband, father, grandfather, brother, friend. Always loved and remembered.

    Thank you TJ Scott team for the care shown towards all the families who have lost loved ones over the last 12 months. The 2021 service today was very moving and was such a lovely thing to do. Seeing all those photos left us with lumps in our throats. Wishing you and your families, and all the families that will be missing loved, familiar faces this festive season, a blessed Christmas and a safe new year.

  3. Thank you so much for a organising this beautiful service and so sorry I was unable to come. Very true words yes it will be a different Christmas but as Jack would say “Life must go on” .

  4. Thank you for this wonderful and moving service.
    Have an amazing Christmas.
    Well done Sienna, Zali and Zeke!

  5. Thank you so much for such a lovely service. It was so beautifully done. You are all wonderful and do such amazing work.

    Kerry Mitchell

  6. Beautiful brother David, loving memories of our younger days – always loved, never his little sis Ellen. Love to Rosemary and family as this first Christmas arrives with a V.I.P. not personally there. However, his loving persona and cheeky banter will always be present. Love to all who are missing their loved ones this Christmas season. God bless. p.s. thanks TJ Scott for your kind service. Ellen & Laurie

  7. Thank you for the Christmas memory service for my brother-in-law Robert (Bob) Manton.
    My sister Joan would have been very pleased with that lovely service.

  8. Thank you to all the Scott Family and Staff on this wonderful service. It was very well done and a great way to reflect on our loved ones who we have lost this year. Lovely to see Carrie and Jack amongst the faces.

    Best wishes to you all.

  9. Thank you for a thought provoking service and thank you for allowing me to be part of something special year after year.
    In deep appreciation wishing you all merry Christmas and a healthy, happy new year.

  10. Thank you. Beautiful tribute and great thoughts to help us all get through our first Christmas with out our loved one. Thank you again Barry and family

  11. We’d like to thank all of the wonderful staff at TJ Scott & Son for looking after our brother, Maurizio Barbera, and for the heartfelt Christmas Remembrance Service you have put on.
    This, especially for the people who couldn’t be there in person, your livestreaming service was much appreciated.
    Thank you again.
    Regards from
    Adelmo, Denise, Luke, Daniel, Alba, Paul, Stefanie and Amy.

  12. Thank you for such a beautiful Christmas service in memory of my wonderful dad, pa and old pa William Andrew Lindgren 5.3.20
    Your staff are amazing. Merry Christmas to you all
    Kerry Sewell

  13. Thank you all at TJ Scott for providing such a wonderful service. A very thoughtful and lovely thing to do

    Peter Clements,
    Son of David Clements

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