The Church Service
The Chapel Service
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Rest in peace dear Tracey. You will be really missed in my life. Thank you for your great contribution to serving the Legion and Mary..I still remember your funny jokes and sharing stories with me. I am sure you will be enjoying eternal life in heavenly home with all Angels and saints. May your soul rest in peace and we love you.
Rest in peace dear Tracey. You will be really missed in my life. Thank you for your great contribution to serving the Legion and Mary..I still remember your funny jokes and sharing stories with me. I am sure you will be enjoying eternal life in heavenly home with all Angels and saints. May your soul rest in peace and we love you.
RIP Tracey. You will always be in my life here and there after. You have made a big difference to the LM and parishioners at St Peter’s by your generosity and loving kindness which will be greatly missed. You were there when we needed help. Hope to meet you one day and have our chicken fries.
Have watched the service from New Zealand.