After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Τα συλλυπητήρια μου.
Every time we have met in the past with uncle Basili he was very kind and loving. I will remember him as a good man who loved his family very much.
May God give you the strength to bear your loss.
With love from Greece
Daniela Meurer Chrisafis
Dear Manolis Family, our sincere condolences. I will always remember the good times. Rest in peace Thio Bill we love you forever Billy Helen and Anton xxx
Tα θερμά μας συλλυπητήρια σε ολη την οικογενεια αυτό το δύσκολο καιρό.
Έχουμε πολλές ανάμνησης με το Θείο Βασίλη. Δεν θα τον ξεχάσομε .
Με αγάπη
Τασία και Ιωάννα Τοντη
May you Rest in Eternal Peace Nono, you will be greatly missed and remembered always.
Αιώνα σου η Μνήμη ✝️
All our love, Con and Desi Balatsas and family x
Τα συλλυπητήρια μas
Παρακαλώ δεχθείτε τα πιο βαθιά και ειλικρινή συλλυπητήρια μας αυτό το δύσκολο χρόνο.
Ζωή σε εμάς
Rest in peace Theio Vasilios
Georgas Family
Τα συλλυπητήρια μaς
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
May God give you the strength to bear your loss
Aιώνια η μνήμη
Ζωή σε εμάς
Our hearts go out to you all
O θεος να σε αναπαύσει Theio Vasilios
You will be missed.
To the Manolis family , our deepest condolences. Bill will be sadly missed but will be always remembered.
Τα συλλυπητήρια μου.
Every time we have met in the past with uncle Basili he was very kind and loving. I will remember him as a good man who loved his family very much.
May God give you the strength to bear your loss.
With love from Greece
Daniela Meurer Chrisafis
Τα θερμά μας συλλυπητήρια ο θεός να σας δίνει δύναμη και κουράγιο
Με πολύ αγάπη
Οικογένεια Ειρήνη Καπετανάκης
Dear Manolis Family, our sincere condolences. I will always remember the good times. Rest in peace Thio Bill we love you forever Billy Helen and Anton xxx
Tα θερμά μας συλλυπητήρια σε ολη την οικογενεια αυτό το δύσκολο καιρό.
Έχουμε πολλές ανάμνησης με το Θείο Βασίλη. Δεν θα τον ξεχάσομε .
Με αγάπη
Τασία και Ιωάννα Τοντη
Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts and memories. Rest in peace uncle Bill.
Sakis Dinopulos
May you Rest in Eternal Peace Nono, you will be greatly missed and remembered always.
Αιώνα σου η Μνήμη ✝️
All our love, Con and Desi Balatsas and family x
Τα συλλυπητήρια μas
Παρακαλώ δεχθείτε τα πιο βαθιά και ειλικρινή συλλυπητήρια μας αυτό το δύσκολο χρόνο.
Ζωή σε εμάς
Rest in peace Theio Vasilios
Georgas Family
Our deepest sympathy. May he Rest In Peace.
From the Kourtessis Family.
Condolences from Georganakis family
R.I.P theo.
Condolences ❤️
To all
Rest In Peace
Goodbye Bill ❤️❤️❤️
Dearest Manolis Family,
We are sorry for your loss, our deepest condolences.
Thio Bill was a great man and will never be forgotten.
Sending you all our love and strength to get through this time.
May he Rest In Peace
Sapountzakis Family
Our Condolences to the Manolis family.
George and Bill
Τα συλλυπητήρια μaς
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
May God give you the strength to bear your loss
Aιώνια η μνήμη
Ζωή σε εμάς
Our hearts go out to you all
O θεος να σε αναπαύσει Theio Vasilios
You will be missed.
Niki and Mary Boutros
Condolences to the manolis Family
Rest In Peace
Condolences to the Manolis family.
Kalo Paradiso Bill. You will be missed.
Rest In Peace
Vasilis, Pippi, Irene and Antigone Hantzolos
You will be greatly missed,
Love from the Iliopoulos family Boston Mass .
Goodbye Theo love You