Streaming of Funeral Service

After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.

This service will have a password applied once edited (normally within 3 to 5 days following the service), you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.

Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.

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2 comments on “William Coxhead”

  1. To Auntie Mary & Family,
    We are so sorry to hear of Uncle Bill’s passing.
    Sending you love & best wishes.

    Derek & Vickie

  2. I am so sorry I could not be there with everyone to celebrate Uncle Bill’s life, however, I am grateful to have been able to do so through this video. My love to all of you. William, Bill, Coxhead.

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