Streaming of Funeral Service

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8 comments on “Wieland von Behrens”

  1. Dear Helen, Peter and Mark, (and DIerk)
    Thank you for being able to participate in this time of remembering from a distance. It was special to be reminded of the contacts, especially in my youth, with my cousin Wieland and to hear a summary of his life and achievements. My condolences to you all. Carl

  2. I experienced Wieland as a great friend and will always remember him as such, as I will also remember his parents, siblings, relatives and friends, who were all wonderful hosts during my visits.

    Although, in our still largely secular age, people may disagree, I find, nevertheless, that it was, somehow, divine planning that our paths became separate, each person following her/his very individual God-planned path. Yet, I have the faith that we will all happily meet again in our true spiritual home for joyfully accomplishing God’s great purpose.

    I found the service impressive and, for my part, wish to thank all who participated: May God richly bless all of you !

  3. Thank you for sharing some of Wieland with those of us who never met him. Sending you much love as you move through these days of memories.

  4. Dear Helen, Dierk and families,
    Thank you for the privilege of sharing in this memorial service for Wieland with you, albeit from a distance. It was a privilege, and brought back many memories, while filling in some gaps. I still remember the time our two families spent closely together, first in adjoining cabins on the Oceania in Dec. ’51, and then for many months in a 3 bedroom housing commission home in Bayswater; that was high density living of a different kind!
    We feel your loss acutely, even though we lost touch after Wieland went to America and we moved to NSW. Thanks to Mark for letting Carl know the link for today’s livestream, so he could share it, and it was great to hear from Hermann Gloor, and Dierk in the process. Our sincere condolences, and the very best wishes to you all from your cousin Brigitte Stoll, with Walter and son Rolf, who also participated in the livestream with me.

  5. Thank you for providing a wonderful snapshot of a remarkable life. Wieland’s towering legacy may be measured in our shared memories of him and his many innovations. Sending you all much love from South Australia.

  6. A very beautiful tribute to Weiland, thank you all. I worked with Von (as I called him) in the Department of Medicine at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, before Helen walked into the laboratory and Von was smitten. Once a friend, always a friend of this remarkable man, and so it has been. It is was with sadness that my daughter Susie and I listened to the tributes today, but also many wonderful memories, and gratitude that we as a family knew this man of great intellect and loyalty to his family and friends.

  7. Thank you for inviting me to Wieland’s funeral service.
    It was good to hear and learn a bit more of the family history.
    My thoughts are with you and your family .

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