The Funeral Service

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6 comments on “William Fillmore”

  1. Marvellous banter, stories, disagreements, japes and quizzes from the paper at the Bull & bear, and subsequently as a favourite client. He was never not happy to see you, as we were him. Mischief, to be sure, but no malice. A scamp, who valued friendship and love.
    A sombre thing, to lose him, but I’ll never do anything other than smile and laugh when I remember him. Genuine interest in you, he had. That’s not always the case.
    Go well, Billy and every best wish to Helen and family.
    Simon Wallace

  2. Many fantastic memories with Bill and the Fillmore family. Not related by blood but Bill brought us Vaughans into the family fold, just proof of how much of a family man he was.
    Best wishes and condolences to Helen, Sarah, Belinda, Peter, Andrew, Ruby and Cooper.

  3. Marvellous banter, stories, disagreements, japes and quizzes from the paper at the Bull & bear, and subsequently as a favourite client. He was never not happy to see you, as we were him. Mischief, to be sure, but no malice. A scamp.
    A sombre thing, to lose him, but I’ll never do anything other than smile and laugh when I remember him. Genuine interest in you, he had. That’s not always the case.
    Go well, Billy and every best wish to Helen and family.
    Simon Wallace

  4. My memories of Bill are very happy ones, even when he wasn’t being happy at the time. Bill was part of my regular day for a long time and he was always good for a story and a laugh. I’ll miss him. My sincere sympathies to the Fillmore family. Lewie.

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