Before the Service

The Service

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23 comments on “William Gilbert”

  1. Dear Emma
    I met Bill at Greensborough Consulting Rooms where I worked part time. Bill asked me to work for him as well in Alphington and I did for 5 years until he retired from private practice and went on to work at Maroondah. I enjoyed my time at Alphington and we had many discussions and laughs . He was a brilliant Surgeon and the patients loved hearing his music while he operated.
    Condolences to you and your family.
    Barbara Alexander

  2. Hello Emma
    I met Bill at Greensborough Consulting Rooms many years ago where I worked part time . He asked me to work for him at his home in Alphington, where I worked for about 5 years. I enjoyed working for Bill and we had many discussions and laughs together. He was such a brilliant Surgeon and the patients loved the music he had playing while he operated.
    So sorry to hear of his passing. I did hear that he had Alzheimers and was very sad about that.
    I am caring for my husband now and he has Alzheimers and cancer which is a very cruel disease.
    Well, just wanted to let you know that Bill was in my life for a short time and I will remember him dearly. A brilliant man. I enjoyed watching the service online and I know he would have loved it.

    Regards. Barbara Alexander.

  3. I stayed at Bill’s house for 11 months while dating/engaged to his son Anthony. We disagreed often, but I will always remember his smile, his love of trivia, and his fondness for crossword puzzles and red wine. Plus that delicious plum sauce–always served with roasted chicken, peas, and potatoes. I will remember him every time my husband folds his arms across his chest or corrects a TV character’s grammar.

    It was a lovely service. I think that he would have approved, and I’m sure that he would have loved the music. Emma, the poem was brilliant. Well done.

  4. Thank you for allowing me to experience this wonderful service, to learn more about Bill’s life and wide-ranging contributions and to re-live memories of Bill. I really appreciated all the tributes.
    They really captured the essence of the Bill that I remember as a fellow medical student at the Royal Melbourne, where we were in a group of three, later four. It brought back fond memories of his wit, his cynicism (especially about our revered teachers), his occasional grumpiness, his not suffering fools gladly, and his encyclopaedic knowledge. He seemed not to take it very seriously, but you knew that he was working very hard in the background. His whole approach helped to make it fun, even though it made you cringe at times. You knew that he did care and he was supportive when needed, in his own inimitable way.
    My sincere condolences to all the family.
    Judy Straton

  5. A very moving service. I graduated with Bill and Lyn, and our lives touched for a while in North Carlton, before we went on diverging paths in our careers. My condolences to you all. Simon Benham.

    1. Bill, how could we ever forget you? Those terrible jokes, your astonishing memory and with your stream of anecdotes and quizzes always challenging. We will always retain our connection with Lyn, Emma and Ben and when Livy and Amber are older, reminisce about their grandfather. Love from Peggy and Lawrence Bartak.

  6. Bill – I’ve known you for 73 of your 78 years and perhaps am one of your oldest mates! What I will always remember of you now – and this hasn’t been said in any of the tributes – is that you were a real old “softie” too.

    I hope you find whatever sort of heaven you would have liked.

    Your old friends, Ken and Liz Jacka.

  7. Our thoughts are with Anthony, Emma, Benny, Lyn and family.
    We remember especially the happy times we had together as students and interns and later in Park Street with our young families.
    ‘Vonne and Peter Greenberg

  8. WWG my friend for 51 years a man of the utmost integrity.
    He will be sadly missed
    Our deepest sympathy,
    the Jenner family

  9. Thinking of you all during this very sad time. We have fond memories of growing up with Bill in Footscray
    With love Joan (Hobbs) & Neville Beard & family

  10. In fondest memories of the man of the greatest integrity.
    He will be missed by us.
    Our deepest sympathy,
    from the Jenner family

    1. My condolences to Bills family. I worked with Bill in the operating theatre as his Anaesthetist. I liked his conversation and music. His knowledge was extraordinary, particularly on the Cox Plate and the Melbourne Cup. Yes he was a softie. Bill showed real compassion for his patients. Often they were treated like friends. He enjoyed fishing with friends in NZ and on one trip he bought me an expensive bottle of perfume. I was really touched by that kindness. Rest in one of God‘s many mansions Bill.

    1. Thank you so much for “joining us”. Much appreciated. Apologies you were not able to view it ‘live’,

      Emma (on behalf of the extended Gilbert family)

    1. Dear Lou and Mim,
      Thanks for your good wishes and sorry you were not able to reach the service in real time – but I guess real time is relative and glad you caught up later.

      I was very sad not to have been able to go in person, but I thought i was a nice and appropriate service, which Bill would have approved of.

      Hope you are both well
      Best wishes


  11. Bob & Pam Gaunson were so sorry to hear the News of Bills passing & we thank Rod for letting us know. We are also sad that we have been unable to visit Bill as Bobs been so ill and not allowed to travel.

    Please know that Bills friendship was treasured by us and he was a loyal and great friend. We both enjoyed his company for many years and will continue to miss him. He was very respected for his Medical skills and the amazing Surgery he performed for so many patients.

    Our thoughts are with all his family at this sad time and we know how much you will all miss him. So sorry we cannot join you to give you mare support.

    1. Thank you Pam and Bob for your kind words and for ‘joining’ us for this somewhat surreal substitute for a funeral…I know Dad was very fond of you both and spoke of you often.
      Sending our love to you and Bob.
      Emma (on behalf of the extended Gilbert family)

    2. Dear Pam and Bob,
      It was lovely to hear from you. I’m so glad that Rod got in touch, as I didn’t now how to – although your names were among the first i thought of when Emma asked me who we should contact.

      I’m very pleased you could join the funeral service but, like you, I was sad not to be able to be there in person.

      I’m sorry to hear Bob has been unwell – please give him a hug for me. As you know both Bill and I were very fond of you both and I was sorry that we had lost touch

      Best wishes

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