After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
It was truly amazing to be part of the funeral service of Uncle Asser even though we could not be present in person. Lovely listening to all the memories that were shared of him and watching the DVD slideshow. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love Pirjo & Phil
It was truly amazing to be part of the funeral service for Uncle Asser even though we could not be there in person. Lovely listening to all the memories shared of him and watching the video. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love Pirjo & Phil
Lovely Service under the circumstances, flowers looked great, And the eulogys heartwarming. Thank you for the Live stream. To all the family Prayers, Hugs and Lots of Love…..
Thank you for letting me be part of this sad but special time of remembering a much loved dad granddad & great grandad.
For me it was so good to see the legacy of love Asser had for his family and the joy he had of being together with all of you .
Much love & God Bless
Marja-Leena Leo
Kiitos tästä mahdollisuudesta
päästä mukaan täältä Suomesta asti
seuraamaan Asserin muistotilaisuutta.
Se oli erikoisen koskettava.
En ole koskaan nähnyt Asseria,
mutta muistan
varhaisesta lapsuudestani,
kuinka äitini (Aino)
kuin runona opetti minulle hääkuvista,
jotka olivat pöydän päällä,
kuka kukin on.
Muistaakseni Asser oli kuvarivin ensimmäisenä.
Jumala siunatkoon teitä kaikkia
Arto ja Leila
Thank you for this opportunity
To follow Asser’s memorial service.
It was extraordinarily touching.
I’ve never seen Asser.
but I remember
from my early childhood,
how my mother (Aino)
as a poem taught me about wedding photos,
who is who.
A beautiful service to a true gentleman, who has left behind beautiful memories for you all to share. My heart goes out to you all. With love Sari and Paul.❤️❤️❤️
Otamme osaa suruun. Voimia. Oli hyvä veli joka tavalla. He was a great brother in every way. We will miss him here in Finland.
Rakel Kumpulainen,
Anne-Maj & Jarmo Iivonen,
Ina-Maria Iivonen, Andreas Iivonen, Daniel Iivonen,
Dante Iivonen, Jona Iivonen
Our deepest felt condolences on your sad loss. A truly moving service with heartfelt farewell memories. The passing of a good friend to the Hilakari family. Pirjo and Alex Danischewski.
It was truly amazing to be part of the funeral service of Uncle Asser even though we could not be present in person. Lovely listening to all the memories that were shared of him and watching the DVD slideshow. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love Pirjo & Phil
It was truly amazing to be part of the funeral service for Uncle Asser even though we could not be there in person. Lovely listening to all the memories shared of him and watching the video. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love Pirjo & Phil
A beautiful service.
Thinking of you all.
My deepest condolences to you Hermie and the rest of the family. It was a lovely service and very well spoken Hermie.
Regards Matt jenkins and family.
Lovely Service under the circumstances, flowers looked great, And the eulogys heartwarming. Thank you for the Live stream. To all the family Prayers, Hugs and Lots of Love…..
Thank you for letting me be part of this sad but special time of remembering a much loved dad granddad & great grandad.
For me it was so good to see the legacy of love Asser had for his family and the joy he had of being together with all of you .
Much love & God Bless
Marja-Leena Leo
Kiitos tästä mahdollisuudesta
päästä mukaan täältä Suomesta asti
seuraamaan Asserin muistotilaisuutta.
Se oli erikoisen koskettava.
En ole koskaan nähnyt Asseria,
mutta muistan
varhaisesta lapsuudestani,
kuinka äitini (Aino)
kuin runona opetti minulle hääkuvista,
jotka olivat pöydän päällä,
kuka kukin on.
Muistaakseni Asser oli kuvarivin ensimmäisenä.
Jumala siunatkoon teitä kaikkia
Arto ja Leila
Thank you for this opportunity
To follow Asser’s memorial service.
It was extraordinarily touching.
I’ve never seen Asser.
but I remember
from my early childhood,
how my mother (Aino)
as a poem taught me about wedding photos,
who is who.
God bless you all
Arto and Leila
A beautiful service to a true gentleman, who has left behind beautiful memories for you all to share. My heart goes out to you all. With love Sari and Paul.❤️❤️❤️
Otamme osaa suruun. Voimia. Oli hyvä veli joka tavalla. He was a great brother in every way. We will miss him here in Finland.
Rakel Kumpulainen,
Anne-Maj & Jarmo Iivonen,
Ina-Maria Iivonen, Andreas Iivonen, Daniel Iivonen,
Dante Iivonen, Jona Iivonen
Our deepest felt condolences on your sad loss. A truly moving service with heartfelt farewell memories. The passing of a good friend to the Hilakari family. Pirjo and Alex Danischewski.
We’re very sorry that we couldn’t be with you. A very moving service. Condolences from Raili hilakari and family.