After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Rip Chris. Thank you for being part of our lives, Nans soul mate, best friend. It was so lovely seeing two people in true love. I’m so glad you got to meet another grand baby in Isabelle. I know in time nan will join you and I hope you are now free of pain and will be there for nan and look over us. Til we meet again rest easy. Love Cassie and the girls
Rest in peace Uncle Chris, You will be deeply missed ♥
Now at rest with Ma & Pa, and Aunty Jo, having a Coffee together and catching up!
Love to my cousins Cassandra, Sharmin, Andrew and Patrick also Margo and her family sorry for your loss ♥
Love Kelly, Nathan, Madison and Caden xx
RIP Uncle Chris.
Beautiful service
My heart is with you all today
Rip Chris. Thank you for being part of our lives, Nans soul mate, best friend. It was so lovely seeing two people in true love. I’m so glad you got to meet another grand baby in Isabelle. I know in time nan will join you and I hope you are now free of pain and will be there for nan and look over us. Til we meet again rest easy. Love Cassie and the girls