Streaming of Funeral Service

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Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.

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6 comments on “Christine Fensham”

  1. I have many wonderful memories of Christine from our Dance Therapy days together, both in our large training group and our small group with Robyn and Lynne. I am very grateful to her for getting me my first Dance Therapy job working with intellectually disabled adolescents. I was hesitant to take the job, lacking in confidence, but Christine said ” Don’t be so stupid ! You are perfect for it! ” Yes, she could be very blunt and pushy, but I needed the push and she was right…I loved the job and gained a lot of confidence that meant I could go on to facilitate many other groups. We also had many fabulous times at Phillip Island with Lynne and Robyn, sharing life’s experiences and supporting each other. Christine’s passion for life was infectious and I loved her enormous creative energy. She was a great role model on being a strong, expressive woman and she gave great support and encouragement to other women wherever she went. Thank you Christine for your very full, vibrant, inspiring life.

  2. Many a good time visiting Fensham clan at Blackburn and Phillip Island,
    As a youngster I was intimidated by Christine’s honesty and directness,over the years this honesty became a valuable learning curve for me and also ended up appreciating many special moments with Christine

  3. Dear All
    Thank you so much the opportunity to be with you at the celebration of your beautiful mother Christine’s life.
    I have so much that has arisen for me from watching the service and that has reminded me of Christine and the impact she also had on so my life both as a child and when we reconnected when i was an adult in Perth when she lived there, and she still does as a strong woman in my life.

    I will not write these reflections here there are too many, but would love to meet you again and share my memories and our times together when our families met together as a further celebration fo your mother. These were important times for me and my siblings I know that.
    I will be in Melbourne in Jan and at other times and will be in touch to catch up if that suits you

    Much love Ruth

  4. I remember Christine with great fondness and with gratitude for introducing me to the Wellspring Community. Christine was dedicated to setting right social justice issues. I met Christine at a seminar given by Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysian politician and current Prime Minister, who had just been freed from jail where he was kept on trumped up charges in order to keep him out of politics. Christine and Peter were very hospitable to me and encouraging in all my endeavours, always showing great interest in what I was reading. Both were great icons in my life.
    My heartfelt condolences go out to Rachel, Mark, Patrick, Roderick, their partners and grandchildren.

  5. I remember Christine as tall, kind, generous smart and sometimes “scarey” -a woman who knew her mind and said things straight. Christine and Peter took us in when we needed a place – staying in the rooms under the house in Blackburn – they put up with our late night arrivals – Christine would potter ‘round the garden in the morning I think part in hope that we would get out of bed and not waste the glorious day! My thoughts are with you Roddie and family xxxx

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