Streaming of Funeral Service



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22 comments on “Christine Hall”

  1. We’re deeply moved to have followed Christine’s farewell. Her beauty shines through in all of you, Dot, Matt, Jonny and Linden. She was a true sister, friend, companion on the journey of life and her legacy remains, guiding us all.

  2. I watched the funeral a day later from Montréal, Canada, and felt very much that I was there celebrating Christine’s life. It was so moving and full of tears for a sister, a mother, a Focolarine who had left us but her love as it was described by her beloved family will remain in our hearts fotever. Thanking you Christine for the sister you have always been. You will be missed. Heaven and earth are united ❤️. Love to Linden, Dorothy, Matt and Jonny. United in prayers always

  3. Dear Linden, Dorothy, Matt & Jonny
    sorry we couldn’t be there as we both have Covid.
    It was such a gift to participate in Christine’s Mass & farewell from a distance.
    Christines love, given to so many people..possibly everyone she encountered..was evident.
    Thanks Linden, Dorothy, Matt & Jonny for your stories about Christine as wife & mother. So beautiful! The tears and the laughter.
    Thank you Christine, for your love, courage and playful sense of humour.
    Toute Bella!
    Your love remains
    John & Margaret.

  4. John & I have Covid, so we were grateful to participate in Christine’s farewell from a distance.
    The live-streaming was such a gift.
    Christine’s love for so many people..probably everyone she encountered..was evident.
    Our hearts go out to Christine’s family.
    Linden, Dorothy, Matthew & Jonny, your stories about Christine as wife & mother were so beautiful!
    Thank you Christine, for your love, courage and joyful sense of humour.
    Toute Bella!
    Forever in our hearts.
    John & Margaret.

  5. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share into this profound moment, I have just finished watching the funeral from Italy. What a gift to be able to say goodbye to dear Christine. She was so loving and caring, so smart and so humble: a real witness to a life lived to the full, a life lived in God. And she is there now. Thank you Christine! And yes, today was a bella giornata in Italy too

  6. To Linden & family,
    Condolences & huge hugs. Such a beautiful farewell, full of love, laughter/tears for such a remarkable person.
    May she rest in peace.

  7. A warm and embracing tribute to Christine’s life and her deep love for her family, friends, and of her spiritual journey.
    Rest in peace, Christine, and all my unity to her family.

  8. Christine has joined the multitude of the Heavenly Mariapolis. It was a joy to participate from a distance in her farewell from this temporal sojourn. We know her love for all of us, and especially for her family, continues and indeed is a much higher and purified love. All our unity and love for those of us who remain in the vale of earthly existence.

  9. To Christine who always managed to bring such warmth and love to all who were with her .
    You we always live on in our memories and will not be forgotten.
    Love and unity to all the family

  10. A beautiful service. My eyes are filled with tears of love.
    Christine you are an angel.
    Sending all my love to Christine’s beautiful family, to all her friends and community of love.
    With immense love, Rachel V

  11. Christine, what a beautiful send off! Thank you for allowing us to join you from a distance. Assuring the whole family of our unity and prayers.

  12. Josephine Lawlor ( Brians sister ) and daughter Frances watched the beautiful live stream mass for Christine
    What a beautiful farewell
    Our sincere condolences to all the family
    Christine will be truly missed

  13. Remembering Christine with fondness and gratitude for her life and the love she had for each one. Such a beautiful mass, thank you. Thinking and praying for you all. Love and prayers, Bill, Máire & family Ireland

  14. Sincere condolences.
    My memory of Christine from my earliest time with the focolare is of just presence, love, passion, energy and listening.
    Thank you for also providing those of us who couldn’t be there in person a way to in some way be there to say goodbye.

  15. Thank you for the precious celebration of Christine’s life and the opportunity to witness it from a distance. Our condolences and prayers are with you.

  16. When friends or relatives die, we tend to say they are “no longer with us”. But this is not true. If we think like this, where is our faith in the Communion of Saints? …
    No one who enters into God is lost: what remains for our sister Christine, for whom “life is changed not taken away,” is Love. Yes, even faith and hope will pass away with the rest of the world as we know it. But Love remains (see 1 Cor 13:8).
    So, what remains is the love that our sister Christine had for us, a true Love, rooted in God. Christine continues to love us in her new state with a love that does not waver, a supernatural Love. She is now in her heavenly homeland, living in God. We can continue to love one another. In this way, the Communion of Saints will be always a living reality and will prepare us for our great day when we join Christine in God: because whoever possess God as their only treasure in life need not fear death: it is nothing other than the doorway to a greater possession of Him. (Adapted from handwritten notes of Chiara Lubich 13/12/1968.)

  17. Christine’s beautiful warm spirit and lovely sense of humour will remain a very happy memory for me from our school days together at Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak. Always gracious and thoughtful in word and action.
    My deepest sympathy to Christine’s Family.
    A beautiful footprint has been left in the communities she was engaged with.
    Rose West

  18. Such a beautiful celebration for a woman of great faith, of great hope and of great love.
    My prayers are with all the family. Thank you for sharing Christine with us all.
    In unity.

  19. Thank you for enabling me to connect with this beautiful farewell for Christine. My sincere condolences to all the family. Like many, Christine touched my life with warmth and interest. Thank you Christine. Rest in peace.

  20. Dearest Christine, you will forever be imprinted in our hearts. To be who you are, a model of love despite what you went through. That forever smile and taken things in stride yet the suffering was real. Truly truly, you not only received much love especially on the moments in meeting our Lord, but I will never forget, how much love you have also given to many. You have been my support and encouragement a model in Loving always, at once and with joy. Farewell, and till we meet again, Christine, and when the time comes, you will be there with OUR Family with open arms. With much love, we send you off, on eagle’s wings. Fly high, dearest friend and sister. ♥♥♥

  21. “When someone you love becomes a memory that memory becomes a treasure”, that’s what Christine is for me. She’s always been a treasure, a gift from God. We are so sorry for your loss but we are certain that Christine will be present in each one of us more than ever. We are so sorry we can’t be there. I have a bad cold and flu. All my unity during this difficult time.

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