After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
To Aunty Coreen, Karen, Nerine, Adrian and family, may your healing come soon. What an honour and pleasure it was to have Uncle Dennis in our lives. We’re richer for having known such a fine man. Rest In Peace Uncle Dennis, we’ll remember you fondly.
From Nita, John, Lisa and family.
A service filled with so much love for a well loved legend of a man. We were all blessed to have known and been cared for by Dennis.
My deepest heartfelt condolences to your beautiful family.
With love
To My Dearest Cousin Dennis,
the one and only that I really connected with and truly loved.
Thank you for always being there for me and my family. You always gave unselfishly, especially to my mum, your ‘Aunty I’, as you always lovingly referred to and who loved you as her own.
You were one of the most passionate and caring people I have encountered and I am sure I will never meet anyone like you again.
You had the biggest heart and smile that I will remember forever.
I will miss our regular chats, especially to hear the words” you have made my day” and “thanks for the laughs, I am going home feeling on top of the world – my family will appreciate it, and I thank you for it”
Your parting shot will ring in my ears forever – “love you lots, don’t over do it, do it over! – Love you lots until our next chat”.
The next time will be in Heaven , because that is where you have gone.
Love and miss you Cuz, Rest in Peace, Until our next chat…Joy.
To Aunty Coreen, Karen, Nerine, Adrian and family, may your healing come soon. What an honour and pleasure it was to have Uncle Dennis in our lives. We’re richer for having known such a fine man. Rest In Peace Uncle Dennis, we’ll remember you fondly.
From Nita, John, Lisa and family.
A beautiful send off for a beautiful soul.Rest in peace , till we meet again
A service filled with so much love for a well loved legend of a man. We were all blessed to have known and been cared for by Dennis.
My deepest heartfelt condolences to your beautiful family.
With love
Farewell Brother Dennis . Distance does not diminish us.
Sisters Maureen , Mercia, Lenore, Violet
We will love you forever Dad. Rest gently.
All our love, Nerine, Anton , Oliver and Riley
My condolences to you and your beautiful family , a wonderful service Corine he would have so proud
Dear Aunty Corinne, Karen, Nerine and Adrian
Thankyou sharing this beautiful service.
Thinking of you all
Much love
Astrid, Sam, Bryony and Daisy
A beautiful send of for a wonderful man. He is shining down on you all now. My love and prayers are with you all. Love Lindsey xx
Beautiful tribute. Much aroha to you all. He is very proud right now watching over you all. Al and fam
To My Dearest Cousin Dennis,
the one and only that I really connected with and truly loved.
Thank you for always being there for me and my family. You always gave unselfishly, especially to my mum, your ‘Aunty I’, as you always lovingly referred to and who loved you as her own.
You were one of the most passionate and caring people I have encountered and I am sure I will never meet anyone like you again.
You had the biggest heart and smile that I will remember forever.
I will miss our regular chats, especially to hear the words” you have made my day” and “thanks for the laughs, I am going home feeling on top of the world – my family will appreciate it, and I thank you for it”
Your parting shot will ring in my ears forever – “love you lots, don’t over do it, do it over! – Love you lots until our next chat”.
The next time will be in Heaven , because that is where you have gone.
Love and miss you Cuz, Rest in Peace, Until our next chat…Joy.
Thinking of the family today Celebrating a well loved man.
Hugs and love to all
Jenny and family
Goodbye Uncle Dennis, at peace at last.
Mike and Hazel