Streaming of Funeral Service
After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
This service will have a password applied once edited, you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.
Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.
A beautiful service for a wonderful lady. Thank you for the livestream opportunity.
Dear Meaghan and Josie, what a lovely and moving tribute to your mum. The personal anecdotes and stories in the eulogy were so moving. You are so lucky to have her diaries and notes to keep them alive for generations to come. A lovely selection of photos from all stages of her life showed what a well rounded and well loved person she was. The importance of her faith and her devotion to you both, and her pride in you, shone through so strongly. My deepest condolences for your loss and much love, Krista
What a send off❤️ my live and regards to you and your family xx
Josie and Megan and all the rest of the family, thinking of you all at this time.
One chapter in the Book of Life closes and another opens on a fresh page.
Thanks for sharing mums service.
Will catch up soon!
My Mum Louise, Claires Cousin attended today. i am sorry i couldnt make it. i always enjoyed having conversations about Claires travels when we had family gatherings. I wish i had gotten to know her better. Sending Condolences to the rest of the family and look forward to keeping in touch.
Thank you sincerely for the wonderful live streaming video of Claire’s funeral service. I was sorry I was unable to attend but thankfully I felt very much part of the service. I shared a friendship with Claire for around seventy years which included many happy life time memories that were recalled per video today and will now continue in the memory of others.
Those were the days!
My love and blessings to Claire’s family.
Meaghan and Josie, we have such fond memories of your beautiful mum Claire. We all loved her so much. We are holding you and your family in our hearts. With all our love and deepest sympathy, Robert and Sandra Joyce and Fiona Garrigan xx
It was a beautiful service commemorating your mum’s life and service/higher purpose Meaghan and Josie. I’m sure she would have been so proud of you both (and was). I’m glad you were able to be there for her before she passed away and celebrate special times together – what a long and happy life she lived with your Dad, you girls, her neighbours and community. It is indeed a story of hope and consolation – may she forever rest in peace. Much love to you both and I hope to see you soon Meagan, when you are ready.
Some lovely memories and pictures
Dear Josie and Meaghan,
what a lovely service, so glad that I could participate from a distance. The eulogy was especially beautiful! Love and prayers to you and yours as you go through this time of mourning and change. God bless Claire for her wonderful life and example.
Love from Jenny
Beautiful service Josie & Meaghan. With love from Michelle Checcucci xx
Thinking of you Josie and your family as you celebrate the life of your beloved mum Claire.