Streaming of Funeral Service
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Dear Felicity , Any and Elle, and Chrissie
Yesterday s service in memory of George, he being my first cousin, was so outstanding .
It was so beautifully organised. The music, those speeches were beyond outstanding . The three of u captured George s life in every way, all speaking about him and the wonderful man he was., talking about his travels with Felicity, his achievements in law, his love of the family, what a supportive Dad he was, how he loved life and people. The video was fabulous . I will never forget yesterday, and I will truly treasure those speeches of George.. May we only share happy times together. . He was a mensch in every way. I wish all the family a healthy and long life and may we pray for no more sorrow in the Hampel family .in the FAMILY, We will never forget our GEORGE MY WARMEST HELEN BRUSTMAN OAM (nee HAMPEL)
Dear Felicity, Kristy and Antony,
It was so beautiful and moving to watch and hear your tributes to George/to your Dad. I feel like George has been someone I have known all of my life and it feels like a significant loss. I am so glad that I got to see him at Donnie’s 90th last year. I’m pretty sure we talked about dying then. He sounds like he had a good death, following a very very good life. With much love to you all, Deb Tokar
Dear Ant, Felicity and family.
We are heartbroken for your loss. Please accept our deepest condolences during this incredibly difficult time. Losing someone we love is never easy, and I can only imagine the sorrow you are feeling right now.
Please know that our thoughts are with you and your family. Thank you all for allowing us to share in this moment, even from a distance. The service was a testament to the enduring spirit of a mighty great Man.
With heartfelt sympathy,
Venus and James
Dear Felicity and George’s family,
Thank you for sharing George’s funeral service online.
George was a charming and decent man and it was a pleasure to interact with him in both a professional and social environment , ( some time ago).
Kind regards
Dear Felicity and family
Thank you for sharing so much of George’s rich and wonderful life in this beautiful service. AC said that ‘the meaning of life is what you make it’. And George gave so much meaning to his life and enriched the lives of those around him. I learnt so much from my time in his court. My heartfelt condolences.
A beautiful family service for an amazing man. Our best wishes to you Felicity.
Marg and Greg.
Dear Felicity and family,
Sorry that I could not attend this morning.
Wishing you all a long life and sending my condolences.
George was such a larger than life character who made an enormous contribution to the legal profession especially in developing and mentoring young advocates. I will be forever grateful for his support at various times throughout my legal career. Watching his work as a trial Judges when I was an Associate in the Supreme Court, being taught advocacy in the Bar Readers Course and then teaching with him at Monash University. He embodied what it was to be a life long learner always striving to do better.
Sending love to you all.
Best wishes,
Rachel Chrapot
Dear Felicity and family, my condolences for your significant and deep loss. Thank you for the thoughtful service – sharing so much about George’s life. There is much to mourn and much to celebrate.
It was a privilege to have known George Hampel as a friend and neighbour in Bellbrae on the Victorian surfcoast. We fondly remember his robust conversations, sharp wit, sense of style and good humour. Heartfelt condolences to Felicity and the family.
George and Jan Francis
Moongate Studios
Dear Felicity and George’s family,
Thank you for sharing George’s funeral service online.
George was a charming and decent man and it was a pleasure to interact with him in both a professional and social capacity.
Kind regards
Margaret and I greatly regret that we are unable to be present today.
We offer our deepest sympathy to Felicity and to the other members of the family. I particularly remember George with admiration and affection as the founder of advocacy training at the Bar in the early 1980s, first at the VIctorian Bar, then nationally and then internationally with Felicity. In this as in other fields he was a visionary. He was also a delight to work with.
Our last meeting was by pure chance in a street near the Palais Royale in Paris on a lovely Spring day.
What an honour to have witnessed the life of George, the advocyiextraordinaire from my perspective. Like so many, I feel indebted to him for his contribution to our profession and teachings. I continue to find myself thinking of George and his enthusiasm whenever I stop myself, rethinking, about how an argument might be put better, or a question be asked in a more poignant way. George created his own luck and obviously enjoyed a most fulfilling life. The love that Felicity shared with him was obvious to anyone in their company. How fortunate for both. A most fulfilling contribution to life.
Unable to attend the memorial for George I am sitting in a coffee shop in Echuca watching the wonderful moving and loving memories from Kristy Ant and Felicity. You have honored and celebrated a life well lived. George’s indomitable spirit has flowed through you all. Xx
George always interesting, extremely positive about life, never complained about slings & arrows – fun.
Skiing til in late 80s & having chess lessons – I should do the same !
Felicity our thoughts are with you.
I’m watching from Thailand. My apologies for not being with you all in person….to celebrate a remarkable life and the memory of a really good man. The Hampel family are dear , strong and faithful friends. I wish them a long life.
Michael Brereton
A wonderful life lived. We have enjoyed so many special times together. We will forever miss your charm and joie de vivre. Unfortunately we cannot attend for health reasons , but we are with you all in spirit
With love
Sue and Tim
Dear Felicity and family,
My deepest condolences on losing George, and I wish you comfort and healing in your grief.
Thank you for the opportunity to join in the celebration of his remarkable life by video. It was a fitting honour to an extraordinary and gifted man, lawyer, jurist and teacher. You and George are my sole inspiration for joining the AAI faculty and continuing his legacy. I strive to honour you both in every workshop.
Warmest regards
I regret and upset that I cannot attend. I am recuperating after recent surgeries. I always admired George. He was a role model.
The enthusiasm, intelligence and objectivity his Honour brought to the Victorian Bar, his role as a Judge and to educating and teaching others was an absolute asset to the justice system in Australia. It is an honour to have been educated by him, as many have, on the Bar Readers’ Course. I use many of his specific teachings in my practice each day, and often hear his Honour’s words in my head as I prepare for trial. Particularly the advice to always ensure to draft the closing address first.
I hope his Honour’s family take comfort in the fact that the Victorian Bar is what it is today because of the great contribution his Honour made in developing and mentoring so many members of the Bar. My sincere condolences to her Honour Judge Felicity Hampel, part of such a dynamic duo, and the entire family, upon your loss. Sincerely, Sharn Coombes
Dear Felicity
My sincerest condolences to the Hampel family at George’s passing.
Morry & I had I enjoyed many lunches with him at Campari on the lawyers table. in the 70 & 80s. We admired George greatly as we followed his brilliant career and his achievements.
Our thoughts are with you
Louise & Jacqueline Fishman