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21 comments on “Hugo Lynch”

  1. RIP dear Uncle Hugo. You were always so loving and now you will find the love of our Lord. Condolences to all family members and those who mourn. May God bless you all.

  2. Deepest condolences to you dear Milton, LukeEmrin and all the family …distressing to watch how both father and daughter simply passed on this quickly…inevitable. stay strong dearestMilton , you have been the BESTEST EVER HUSBAND, DAD AND SON IN LAW, so caring and kind and genuinely loving to them all. Good take care of you and Luke and his family. Rest in peace, u.Hugo and dearestStellaMarie.

  3. Lynchs were great friends of our family, although Hugo uncle was my dads friend, he was more than a friend to me always talking and giving his experiences about pets etc. We can never forget his recipes like Bombayduck pickle, Jauva jam etc. I really miss him a lot. May his soul rest in peace. I pray God to give courage to Milton to face the losses he is facing

  4. Rest in Eternal Peace Uncle Hugo. Deepest condolences to Uncle Hugo’s siblings, Milton, Luke and family.

  5. Rest in Eternal Peace Uncle Hugo. Deepest condolences to Uncle Hugo’s siblings, Milton, Luke and family.

  6. Dear Milton and Luke.
    My heartfelt sympathy and condolence to both of you.
    May Uncle Hugo soul rest in eternal peace.

  7. My heart felt condolences to Milton & Luke. Uncle you was a wonderful human being. Will always miss him. May his soul rest in peace.

  8. Rest in peace Dear Uncle Hugo..Will miss you and Stella dearly.Condolences to Milton,Luke.,Aunty Heather,Aunty Ivy,Aunty Ninnie, Uncle Russell and the entire Lynch family.

  9. Our heartfelt sympathies dear Milton, Luke & Uncle Hugo sibling’s . May Uncle Hugo soul rest in peace

  10. Rest In Peace my dearest U. Hugo! You are now with the A. Isabell, Stell and all the angels n saint’s in heaven. My sincere condolences to you Milton, Luke and the family. Eternal rest grant unto U. Hugo Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, May his soul rest in peace

  11. Rest in Peace Uncle Hugo, You have done your time and Rest in the arms of the Lord and reunited with Aunty Isabel and Stella.
    Will remember you for your smile and your calming presence, it was a pleasure and honour to be around you when ever we met you and hear your positive words.
    Rest in Peace Uncle Hugo we will miss you.
    Adrian, Crystal, Faith and Joey.

  12. Uncle Hugo, rest in peace… Amen. our heartfelt condolences to Luke & family and Milton. God be with you all at this difficult times. Amen

  13. Uncle Hugo, rest in peace… Amen. our heartfelt condolences to Luke & family and Milton. God be with you all at this difficult times. Amen

  14. Rest In Peace Uncle Hugo. Our heartfelt condolences to Milton, Luke, Aunty Ivy, Aunty Ninny, Uncle Russel and Aunty Heather. May God grant you’ll strength and grace to navigate through this difficult time.

  15. Uncle Hugo is resting in loving arms of our sweet lord Jesus. Our heartfelt condolences to Luke & Family and Milton. God be with you all in this difficult times…Amen

  16. Rest in peace uncle Hugo. Our heartfelt condolences to Milton and Luke. May God grant him eternal rest.

  17. Rest in Peace Uncle Hugo. Know that you were loved and will be missed. While we all know that you could not be without Stella Marie, the same was true for her. Her Da was her world and she had to have you with her.

    Sincere condolences to Milton, Luke, Ivy, Ninnie, Russel, Heather, and the extended Lynch family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  18. RIP dear Hugo, you were a gentleman, a pillar of love and friendship to everyone that came your way, God grant you eternal rest Amen.

  19. Friend of yesteryear’s did their resting place finally in the Lord! Will meet up yonder! Adiue!

  20. May Uncle Hugo rest in peace in God’s Heavenly Kingdom. My sincere condolences to Milton and Luke

  21. My heartfelt sympathies to Milton Luke and the siblings of Dear Uncle Hugo. May his soul Rest In Peace.

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