After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for the lovely service in honour of Aunty Jan. It was very special Viv. The memories that this invoked are special. I too remember the kitchen at Edithvale and the warm welcome that I always received whenever I visited her from afar. I also have fond memories of those Christmas gatherings on Boxing day in the back yard – although unfortunately only in my early years. She will be missed by so many, as she touched so many lives. She remains in our hearts forever a wonderful person.
Great memories of Auntie Jan – and her laugh, and giggles.
Boxing Day at Rae Avenue was always the best day of the year, and relaxing (for the kids anyhow).
Auntie Jan, I am sure, is missed by many, including me.
So sorry I could not be there today to share memories with you.
Thank you Viv (& Pete) and David for sharing today with us.
Thank you so much for the lovely service in honour of Aunty Jan. It was very special Viv. The memories that this invoked are special. I too remember the kitchen at Edithvale and the warm welcome that I always received whenever I visited her from afar. I also have fond memories of those Christmas gatherings on Boxing day in the back yard – although unfortunately only in my early years. She will be missed by so many, as she touched so many lives. She remains in our hearts forever a wonderful person.
Great memories of Auntie Jan – and her laugh, and giggles.
Boxing Day at Rae Avenue was always the best day of the year, and relaxing (for the kids anyhow).
Auntie Jan, I am sure, is missed by many, including me.
So sorry I could not be there today to share memories with you.
Thank you Viv (& Pete) and David for sharing today with us.
Love always,
Lee (and Beau and Tristan)
Thanks to those of you who showed up virtually. It means a lot