Streaming of Funeral Service
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A very fitting farewell to Ken, a loyal friend and dedicated organist, who played as the assistant organist during our time from 2007 to when we left at Christmas 2022. He was always willing to stand in for me at short notice – and in one instance in 2014 and 2015 for a far longer time. He was faithful and dedicated member of St John’s and we will miss him greatly even though we are so far away now.
We thank you for Ken’s life, his sense of humour, his musicianship, his love of music and the organ. I am so sorry I could not attend this morning in person, but thank you for this live stream. Our thoughts are with Robyn and David and their families, and we pray they may find comfort and peace at this time of sorrow. Dear Ken, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.
Thank you for the music – a good choice to end; as were the three hymns, and especially Onward Christian Soldiers. Thank you, Fr Ian for leading the service so well and sensitively and to the staff of Selwyn Allen for their dignified presence and service.
Stephanie and Alex