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65 comments on “Michelle Wareham”

  1. I was fortunate to work with Michelle in the corporate planning team at Victoria Police. Michelle was an incredible role model – generous, big hearted, intelligent, respectful, inquisitive, ethical and determined. Amid the activity surveying, annual reporting and environmental scanning there was always time for problem solving, meaningful discussions, the daily quiz and workshopping baby names. Michelle’s dazzling smile and infectious laugh were a joy to behold. I am forever grateful for all that I learned from Michelle.
    My heartfelt condolences to Michelle’s family xx

  2. What an absolute privilege it was to know Michelle, a genuinely kind hearted person. My heartfelt condolences to the family.

  3. So very privileged to have worked with Michelle at PCD. Always a smile and a cracking sense of humour. Thanks for the tip to buy a decent puffer jacket to get me through endless winter Sunday mornings watching kids footy! A truly beautiful human. Xx

  4. I was fortunate to work with Michelle in the corporate planning team at Victoria Police early in my VPS career and what I learned from Michelle helped shaped me. Michelle was an incredible role model – generous, brilliant, fair, passionate, ethical and stylish. Amid the activity surveying, annual reporting and environmental scanning there was always time for wide ranging and meaningful discussions, laughs and workshopping baby names. Michelle exuded warmth and compassion and brought out the best in everyone. Her dazzling smile and infectious laugh was a joy to behold. I am forever thankful for what I gained during our time working together.
    My deepest condolences to Michelle’s family

  5. Michelle, you were the pretty little girl with wavy hair who lived across the street when we were young. You were the beautiful, kind, determined & strong willed young woman who I last saw more than 40 years ago in high school.
    It seems you’ve had a fulfilling life, positively impacted so many people and have a beautiful, loving family. What more could someone want?
    The memories of you will stay with me forever
    Rest peacefully Michelle

  6. I had the pleasure of meeting Michelle in 2018 at PSC. Michelle had a way of making you feel valued and every interaction with Michelle was genuine and considered. I remember Michelle talking about her children Julian and Gabrielle often. As a new parent at that time, Michelle shared stories about her own children and gave me helpful advice. I remember on one occasion Michelle told me how she kept a journal of all of the first words her children said, often pronouncing those words incorrectly which Michelle fondly recalled.
    I was lucky to cross paths again with Michelle in 2021. It was then that she introduced me to Feijoa’s, having brought some to work that she said she found on her neighbours tree (she assured us all that her neighbours didn’t mind!). I took some home to my daughter’s delight, and I told Michelle how much my daughter enjoyed them. Just prior to the birth of Jeremy, Michelle invited my daughter to her home to go ‘Feijoa Hunting’ in Hampton. After getting organised, Michelle sourced a bucket and off we went walking around Hampton collecting all of the Feijoa’s within arms reach. It was such a lovely thing to do, and my daughter still talks about ‘Michelle the Feijoa lady’ today.
    I’m sorry I couldn’t be there in person today to share the celebration of Michelle’s life. Michelle was so kind, so generous, with incredible wit and intellect. I will miss Michelle’s laugh, friendship and considered advice. Rest in peace.

  7. Dear John, Julian, Gabrielle, Julia and Jeremy we are thinking of you today especially. Thank you for allowing the livestream, we watched live from Croatia and felt as though we were in attendance. Julian and Gabrielle your Mum would have been so proud of you both. No tougher gig than what you did for your mum today and there is no doubt she is wearing a huge smile of pride.
    Michelle and I had a newer friendship but bonded through “The Village” friendship group but more so over our height or lack of it! Having been fortunate to travel extensively over the last few years I would often send a photo of me in a small doorway just like the one of her in the photo montage today. Or a sunrise, sunset or just a view to send some warmth over the cold Melbourne winter and to let her know she was being thought of. She always responded with a witty comment or something positive about travelling and adding some place to her list to visit and it always made me smile.
    I will miss her positivity, humour, witty comments, infectious warmth, smile and laughter. There absolutely is no one like her. She was short in stature but tall in so many ways. So proud to be able to call her my very tall friend xx Timmy and Smac xx

  8. Michelle. We have worked together for many years from your Research and Development days, HR and Education. You were someone I very much respected. But my fondest memories were the stories you shared with me on occasions when we chatted about your children and their school and other activities you were involved with. You were such a proud mum.

  9. We shared some fun and interesting times in HR…Michelle was always calm, supportive and kept a great sense of perspective.

  10. Michelle Wareham. You always addressed me by my full name, a little quirk of your nature that made us both smile at your greeting. A singular person, colleague and friend. Your seemingly endless generosity, your genuine warmth, kindness and curiosity, your delightful humour, steadfast conviction and insightful wisdom are but a few of your traits I respected and admired. My sincerest sympathy to your family and friends, the sadness we feel at losing you is deep and lingering. Thankyou for helping me be a better parent, a better person. With love, Kate Underwood.

  11. Dear John, Julian and Gabby,
    I am so very sorry for your loss.
    I remember Michelle from Gen and Gabby’s schooldays, as a kind, energetic, fun, and hospitable woman with a beautiful smile.
    Gabby and Julian, I think you spoke incredibly well this morning.
    I wish you all the best.

  12. My relationship with Michelle was born out of our shared passion for Polish food, and our favourite Polish cities. Her eyes always lit up when we shared our stories of travel and tradition. Like so many of those sharing their stories about Michelle, she was the motivating force behind my passion for disability inclusion. With her warmth and kindness, Michelle gently and patiently helped me navigate the world of diversity and inclusion, always encouraging and empowering those around her to push for change, and to be our best selves. She was our true north.
    Beyond this, Michelle was quite simply the most kind and compassionate woman I have had the pleasure of knowing. She walked through this life with grace and humility, and set an example for us all about how to live this life fully. You truly left this world a better place, and your legacy will forever be remembered.
    Michelle was a shining light, and she will be so sorely missed. My deepest condolences, our hearts break with yours. Rest in peace.

  13. I was fortunate to have first met Michelle in 2014, not long after I started at VicPol in the Human Resources Department. Michelle’s wealth of knowledge, kindness, integrity, welcoming smile, and laugh/snort stuck with me instantly (as I do the same snort). Michelle provided me with great advice and guidance on several HR projects over the next 10 years. I last met with Michelle in August 2023 for a coffee and further trusted advice, I will cherish the time I had with Michelle, she was like a mentor for me. I will miss Michelle dearly, gone to soon, but will never be forgotten, rest in peace now Michelle x

  14. Sending much love to the Kidon family and Wareham family.
    So many happy childhood memories shared with you all in the Mallee.
    Michelle was such a wonderful, warm and wise woman.
    Rest In Peace beautiful cousin.

  15. Dear John, Julian, Gabrielle, Glenis and Tracey.
    It was with absolute sadness we heard of Michelle’s passing. She always was a special person. Even through her school years she had a grace and poise about her that was evident to everyone who knew her. In the end it is how you live your life and she lived her best life.
    Sending lots of love and hugs as you move forward. Memories are yours to keep. xx

  16. To John, Julian, Gabrielle, Julia, Jeremy, I had the pleasure of meeting Michelle in 2018 at Professional Standards Command. Michelle always had a smile on her face, and always made the time to say hello and have a chat no matter how busy she was.
    At that time I had recently returned to work after having a baby. Michelle loved to share stories about Julian and Gabrielle, recalling the times when they were children. I remember she told me how she had kept a running journal of all the words Julian and Gabrielle said as they learned to speak, to make sure she never forgot how wonderful and cute they were as babies and toddlers.
    A few years later we crossed paths again and I have a lovely memory of Michelle introducing me to Feijoa’s, having brought some into work after collecting them from her neighbours tree. I took some home much to my daughter’s delight. After hearing how much my daughter enjoyed them, Michelle invited my daughter to her home to go ‘Feijoa hunting’ around Hampton. After getting organised (enjoying coffee and pastries) in Michelle’s kitchen, we set out armed with a bucket and walked around Hampton while Michelle and my daughter picked Feijoa’s from any tree we could find within arms reach. It was such a kind thing to do, and my daughter still talks about it today. Michelle was so kind, witty and intelligent. I will miss her laugh, her kindness and her genuine and considered advice.

  17. What an amazing, kind, happy, wonderful woman! So glad we got to know and spend time with you.

    Julian and Gabby, and your friends and colleagues did you proud today.

  18. I had the absolute please of working with Michelle in the AC HRC office.

    Michelle, Ilsa and I had some amazing conversations over the South Australian delicacy ‘Fruchocs’ Luke would kindly gift us after a trip back to SA.

    Michelle was too many amazing things to sum into words, she was also the person who left an imprint in your heat with her kindness. Michelle was so encouraging and supportive at least 99% of the time I had no idea what I was doing and I would turn to Michelle for help and support, she would say what has now become my favourite saying “Just go throw up on a piece of paper and together we will turn it into a masterpiece”.

  19. I feel truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Michelle. From the moment she joined Professional Standards Command, her impeccable sense of style always stood out. Her infectious laughter brought so much joy to our workplace – whenever she laughed, it seemed like the room would light up and instantly lift the spirits of everyone around. Michelle was not only kind and friendly but also an incredibly lovely person. It was a privilege to have known someone so wonderful. My Heart is heavy as I bid her farewell, and I offer my deepest condolences to you and your family during this difficult time.

  20. Michelle was an incredible person, loved and respected by many. She’ll be sorely missed.
    I remember gatherings at Grandma and Grandpa’s at Walpeup with all the cousins, lots
    of cousins. I can see her smiling face and her love for life.
    Kevin, Shirley, Carolyn, Craig, Dean, Tania and Kristy Jones.

  21. Sending all of my love to the family, John, Julian, Gabby and Monty.
    What a beautiful service and lovely way to celebrate the life of such a loving woman.

    Michelle always had the biggest smile on her face, “Celzy!” she would say when I’d pop over, she was always deeply interested in what I’d been up to and always curious to learn more about different people’s experiences. She was someone I could trust, being open-minded and kind, and felt like a second mother in many ways. Whilst I’m sure Gab and I were a handful at times, I knew she was always there for us girls.

    Lots of love.

  22. I had the absolute pleasure of working with Michelle in the AC HRC’s office.
    Michelle, Ilsa and I had some amazing conversations while enjoying the South Australian delicacy ‘Fruchocs’ that Luke would kindy gift us after a trip back home.
    Michelle was kind, generous and incredibly supportive, having no idea what I was doing 99% of the time I would constantly turn to her for help and support, and she would say what is now one of my favourite sayings “Just go throw up on a piece of paper and bring it to me, together we will turn it into a masterpiece.”

  23. I was blessed to work with Michelle at Priority Communities Division. We had an immediate connection with our joint love of the Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries and all things retro 30s and 40s. Michelle’s impact on so many people is her legacy that will always live on in our hearts. The world has lost a truly wonderful human being. My heartfelt condolences to Michelle’s family.

  24. A kind beautiful soul who will be greatly missed, I was first introduced to Michelle 29 years ago when she worked with my husband Malcolm at Policy Planning and Review. In the years that followed Michelle and I crossed paths at various meetings committees. I recall when she was the chair of of these committees how easily she made everyone feel valued and included.
    Our deepest sympathies to her family and loved ones.
    Rest in Peace Michelle your infectious smile will be greatly missed.

  25. Dear John. Julian Gabrielle May god. Give you all peace and comfort Julian and. Gabrielle. You both spoke so beautiful. Mum is so so proud of you. Beautiful service Our prayers are with you. All sending. Much. Love. ❤️

  26. Michelle was a loved cousin in the extended Vallance family. We were privileged to have her kind, thoughtful presence during Ouyen and Walpeup gatherings. I’ll remember her summer puddings, tap dancing at the Christmas concert, interesting conversations and her stylish frocks. Thanks for being a beautiful cousin.

  27. I have had the pleasure of working with Michelle at Victoria Police for many years, but more recently during our time at the Human Resources Command. I remember our lunch room chats, where Michelle would always take the time to genuinely ask how my children were and what they are up to. Taken way too soon, rest in peace now Michelle.

  28. Oh beautiful Michelle. I will always remember the incredible energy that you exuded, positivity from every pore, your beautiful eyes, wide smile and the bounce you had as you strode through. I’ll treasure knowing you and recognise you are one of those very rare jewels. Your unique laugh, the perspectives you shared, your sage advice, your beautiful spirit, your courage, your integrity and authenticity will be treasured and truly missed.

  29. It was only a short time, but it was a sweet time…I met Michelle at Pilates, and along with Judi, Matt and Sienna, we would spent an hour a week talking and laughing together about life, our families, holidays, books, wine, movies, fitness challenges, you name it. Michelle brought a positive and strong energy in a calm and quiet way to the group, but also brought her wicked sense of humour which always surprised me but that I loved! Her never-give-up attitude inspired me to want to do better, to achieve things, and her regular enquiries about my family made me validated and seen. I would leave these pilates sessions mentally refreshed, happy and content. Team Michelle is missing its biggest star, but you’ll always shine brightly in my sky Michelle xx

  30. I had the pleasure of working with Michelle Wareham for a short period of time at the Professional Standards Command and I will always remember her kindness and the support she offered me during this time and beyond. Her laughter and happiness were infectious, and I feel honoured to have known such a special and amazing woman.

  31. Sadness fell over me when I heard that Michelle had passed. Sadness because a light in the world was switched off (and we need more Michelle’s in this world). She was a joy and I always left with a smile on my face after an interaction with her. Rest in peace lovely lady. (Toot! Toot! – she’d understand that).

  32. Gabriella and I are watching from California. A beautiful and moving ceremony. Lovely tributes. Condolences to Michelle’s family. We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with your family during this difficult time. Hugs and kisses to little Gabby from big Gabby.

  33. So blessed to have worked alongside Michelle. Greatly miss Michelle’s infectious laugh (and snort), her warmth, comfort and kindness.
    What an amazing and wonderful person. May you rest in peace Michelle. Deepest sympathies to the family x

  34. I was fortunate to work with Michelle at various times and her positivity, smile, and laughter is something that I will always remember. Michelle was a wonderful person who will be sadly missed but never forgotten. Sincere condolences to the Michelle’s family.

  35. Michelle- my life is any always will be richer for knowing Michelle always quick with a smile , insight and dignity her loss is great to us all

    Paul Coghlan

  36. My memory of Michelle was of a kind and caring collegue who always smiled and said hello and check in how we were doing. She once overheard a phone call that I was taking with an employee who was being abusive and ensured after the call ended, I was ok and knew that that behaviour towards me was unacceptable and I was not expected to just “cop it”. She politely and professionally rang the employee’s supervisor and put both them and the employee in their place all the while keeping a happy friendly tone. She wasn’t my Manager but she showed that if you saw something you knew wasn’t right, it was right to speak out and take positive action. She was not with our unit for very long but she made such a positive impact to ensure we felt safe and valued.

  37. I had to absolute pleasure to work with Michelle during her time in Office of the AC HR.

    Michelle is a one of a kind, she was always so patient and kind and genuinely took time to help get the best out of the papers written and giving them the best chance to be endorsed. Not something many people offer in the role she held, but this is what made her unique and so loved.

    Michelle was so delightful in the office and gave everyone the time of day even though she held a very in demand position.

    Michelle will be truly missed as a fantastic colleague and wonderful person.

  38. Michelle and I worked together on several occasions. She has been a trusted advisor and a friend, and she changed my perspective many times for the better. She would brighten any room, and her humility, warmth, and courage enabled others to see their world differently. We will miss Michelle; she is an icon who stood above the crowd over many years in policing.

  39. My memory of Michelle was being one of the kindest, most welcoming and warm people that you could meet. As we both worked at HRC we would often cross paths and have a chat and laugh. Michelle was friends with my sister Karyn Chandler from their days at CSPD, and they shared the same birthday March 1st. Michelle was very supportive and kind when Karyn was terminally ill and now I think they can share their “heavenly birthday”. Sending love and light to all Michelle’s family and friends.

  40. Michelle. A wise woman whose strength, intelligence went hand in hand with modesty, sensitivity and empathy for other people. Her life, her work was more of a dance than a whining. In her fulfilled life she left each of us a part of this dance encouraging not to be sad, to whine but rather to make change with our positive energy so that we and the people around us would become happier, better.
    Thank you Michelle, we want tap dance with you…

    John, Julian, and Gabrielle we dedicate words of Emily Dickinson
    “Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.”

  41. An incredible person, one in a million for sure, who will undoubtedly live on through her legacy of warmth, kindness, true joy and positivity which she shared with so many. I feel so very blessed to have been part of Michelle’s journey and will remember fondly our chats, catch ups, laughs (and yes often snorts!). Michelle always found time and made everyone feel special which will be truly missed by many.
    My sincere sympathies to Michelle’s family and all her loved ones.

  42. Michelle was an amazing person. She was always someone who was truly interested in how you were doing as a person. Nothing was ever too much for Michelle, she was always willing to go above and beyond helping others and made you feel comfortable no matter the circumstances. Thank you for your kindness, generosity and understanding. A very unique person. Rest in peace.

  43. Michelle, no pude conocerte personalmente, pero tus bondades me llegaron a través de mí hijo..Mario, tu yerno, le abriste la puerta de tu familia y eso para mí fue la tarjeta de presentacion de tus dones..y mí eterno cariño… elevé muchas oraciones a Dios en tu nombre….solo me queda desear fortaleza para tu familia y miles de bendiciones para sus vidas.un gran abrazo a Gabby, y aunque nos encontremos a grandes distancias, mí corazón y el de mí familia está allí, con tus seres amados…descansa en paz.

  44. We have been, so blessed by Michelle’s warmth, wit and incredibly positive energy. A very special person who has been taken away, however leaves behind a legacy of human kindness. We need more Michelle’s xxx Rest In peace beautiful lady.

  45. So lucky to have had Michelle run after me on the concourse at the old VPC and introduce herself so many years ago and say I think you know my husband. That moment was the start of a wonderful friendship. Yes John and I had worked at City West together. Michelle you made me laugh when you told me you had taken up tap dancing. Michelle your perspective on life always uplifting, your kindness, sense of humour and friendship a gift. Breaking of bread gatherings an absolute pleasure.

  46. I feel fortunate and blessed to have met and known Michelle.
    Michelle’s warmth and kindness will be greatly missed.
    I will miss our chats and laughs together.
    Michelle was so thoughtful, comforting, caring and supportive during an extremely difficult and challenging period of my life. After the loss of my father, Michelle would regularly check in and make sure I was ok.
    My deepest sympathies to her family and loved ones.
    Rest in Peace Michelle.

  47. An incredible lady who always took the time to share her many talents with everyone who crossed her path, regardless of rank or position. I feel blessed to have worked with her at PSC. She was passionate in her support of the PSC Women in Policing Committee and encouraged many women, including me, to always be the ‘best version of yourself.’ She was pragmatic in her approach to the challenges faced by women in policing and always looked for opportunities to acknowledge the good work of others on the committee.

    Her immaculate style, attention to detail, and infectious laughter will always be etched in my mind as a vivid picture of the remarkable person I worked with. Love to you and your family, Michelle – such a special person taken too soon from this world.

  48. We didn’t realise we were making memories; we just knew we were having fun. Michelle you were such a woman of grace with so much kindness in you. You cared about everybody and your strong advocacy for people with disability was second to none. I loved catching up with you M (Michelle always called me C, and I called Michelle M) and our conversations always included a lot of laughter which often morphed into snorting. I feel very blessed that I was able to call you friend and how fortunate I am to have somebody that makes saying goodbye to so hard. Will miss you M x

  49. I made the fatal mistake of once making an unkind remark about Ouyen within Michelle’s earshot. “What did you say? I’m from Ouyen!” No amount of back peddling could save me from that serious faux pas. Proud to be Mallee born and bred. Michelle was a one in a million; gracious, kind, and giving.

    “May her memory be a blessing”.

  50. I had the extraordinarily good fortune to cross paths with Michelle in PSC. Michelle personified grace, kindness and generosity as well as having a ferocious work ethic. I recall an amusing moment when a police officer mistook her sensitive approach for weakness, not the will of steel it arose from – needless to say, it never happened again! Michelle always advocated for those more vulnerable. Any time spent with Michelle invariably returned dividends to me far beyond what I deserved. She charted her own path, and was a singular character whose affect on me will never be forgotten.

  51. I first met Michelle around 2014 when working within the Human Resource Department. I remember meeting this short woman with auburn helmet hair (Michelle’s description) who often wore polka dots, but who contributed to each meeting in a very considered and practical way. From the very first meeting we attended together, we became friends. I remember often seeing her walking across the concourse at the VPC. She would often be walking with a group of people in deep conversation, and would have to take twice as many steps as the others to keep up with them, but always with a smile and lovely words for those she said hello to as she passed.

    I again worked with Michelle at Professional Standards Command where her measured and sensible advice continued, and where she was always willing to pitch in and assist with work that needed to be completed. After Michelle returned the Human Resource Command we set up a weekly “HRC/PSC liaison meeting”, which was a coffee catch up at Deganis. We would solve the world’s (and the organisation’s) problems in increments of 30 minutes or less (sometimes more) over a coffee at Degani. If I made her laugh the laugh would turn into a snort, and anyone sitting within 20 metres of us would look in our direction and have no idea what was going on.

    At some stage we discovered that we lived about 500 metres from each other. So, when Michelle took leave for her treatment, our weekly Deganis meetings became less frequent coffee meetings closer to home. Her and I would walk our dogs around the block, or I would pick her up and we would drive to a local café for a coffee and a natter. Between catch ups we exchanged text messages, and now my message history looks like a G-Ma Brag Book of photos of Michelle and her grandson, Jeremy – of whom she was so terribly proud.

    To John, Julian, Gabrielle, Julia, Jeremy, Monty and all of Michelle’s family – Michelle brightened the lives of so many people at Victoria Police. She had the ability to engage with people in a way that made them feel valued and special, she was highly capable in her role, and she could do it all with a smile and a laugh. She always spoke so lovingly and proudly of her family.

    She will be so very missed.

  52. Dear John, Julian and Gabrielle – Michelle touched many lives in a very special and unique way. Her life journey has left footprints of a beautiful legacy of a very wonderful, talented, enduring, caring and loving Lady, that she was, and will always remain in our hearts and memories. May you all know that you are in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time, and we are all missing Michelle together with you. May God give you all, peace, comfort, strength and courage for your days ahead that you will face not having Michelle with you, but knowing that she is resting in peace and has no more pain. Sending much love to you all.

  53. Michelle was one of a kind… actual gem in so many ways. Her presence in any office she worked in was so welcome- she just lit up the room with her intelligence, kindness and wit. She will be sadly missed.

  54. Reflecting on the time I had the pleasure of working with Michelle, she was the consummate master when it came to just knowing when to pop across and have a casual chat about work and family. In those conversation, she could steer me from a point of frustration to being focussed when I think of particular events, and her ability to steer anyone towards a positive outlook was exceptional. Her laughter was infectious and I must admit to trying to set her off on a few occasions and the resulting spread of laughter that would result. On a very personal level, Michelle was exceptionally supportive during a period of time involving health issues affecting my grandson for which I cannot adequately cover my appreciation in words. Thankyou Michelle you were special in every way and may not have come to realise the positive impact you had on people that came across your path.

  55. Reflecting on Michelle’s life I told a colleague today that she was the rarest of people, someone with drive and vision, but who never made an enemy.
    My life’s entire course changed because of Michelle. I’m sure I’m not the only one who experienced her ability to inspire with her vision and make you want to go along for the ride.
    We worked together twice, at the VicPol Academy and later at PSC. I’ll miss her wit and intellect, and doubt I’ll meet anyone like her again.

  56. Michelle and I never worked together directly, we just made friends by working in offices in the same corridor. Truly one of the friendliest, most approachable, and kindest people I’ve ever met. She was always genuinely happy to see you, and she brightened every space she was in. What a privilege to know her!

  57. My most vivid memory of Michelle is her infectious laugh and incredible ability to always be and see the positive in any situation. Across the years, whenever I would run into Michelle, she would always find time to stop for a quick chat which would inevitably end in a joint laugh. If we could clone people, Michelle would be on the top of my list – a genuinely beautiful soul.

  58. ‘Pink days & silver linings’, the moto Michelle used to describe her journey in the initial phase of her diagnosis, which she dearly shared with her work colleagues during a WIPLC-Breast Cancer Event. Michelle was such an integral part of our PSC ‘Women in Policing Committee’, with a unique spark to drive a positive culture. Enjoyed an online Zumba class with Michelle during COVID, and we couldn’t help but laugh for most of the class. Such a gentle soul. Sincere condolences to John, Gabrielle and Julian.

  59. May your happy memories give you peace and comfort during this challenging time.

    Michelle was a rare breed, her many gifts brought much to the world, and we are poorer for her departure. Michelle always had a smile and thrived on challenges, her humour was infectious and her ability to connect with all was always evident. A treasure of a person, taken too soon.

  60. It’s very hard to adequately capture in words how special and wonderful Michelle Wareham was and how much she meant to me. Michelle and I met in 2019 when we worked together at Professional Standards Command. As the Executive Advisor to the Assistant Commissioner, Michelle would often review the work of my team before presenting it to the AC. My earliest reflections on Michelle were that she was incredibly intelligent, articulate and at the top of her game in a work sense. But what stood Michelle apart from the rest was that she was also thoughtful, emotionally intelligent, and hilariously funny! Her feedback was always presented in the most helpful and thoughtful way – she never made you feel silly or inadequate and always made suggestions that helped you learn and develop as a critical thinker. Whenever Michelle had recreational leave, she would tell me that she was going to do the four F’s – Food, Fun, Fitness, and Function. Whenever you were having a difficult time, you could always pop your head into Michelle’s office, and she would have you laughing before you knew it. Her laugh was contagious and when she really got going, she would snort and make you laugh even more! Michelle and I remained friends throughout her cancer diagnosis and treatment. She always remained positive and hopeful and was thrilled to have become a grandparent in the last year to little Jeremy. I feel truly blessed to have been in her orbit.

    To John, Julian, and Gabrielle – Michelle was much loved by those whose lives she touched. We are all very blessed to have known her and to have experienced the joy and kindness she generously shared. There will never be another quite like her and she will be terribly missed. Thinking of you and sending much love.

  61. It’s very hard to adequately capture in words how special and wonderful Michelle Wareham was and how much she meant to me. Michelle and I met in 2019 when we worked together at Professional Standards Command. As the Executive Advisor to the Assistant Commissioner, Michelle would often review the work of my team before presenting it to the AC. My earliest reflections on Michelle were that she was incredibly intelligent, articulate and at the top of her game in a work sense. But what stood Michelle apart from the rest was that she was also thoughtful, emotionally intelligent, and hilariously funny! Her feedback was always presented in the most helpful and thoughtful way – she never made you feel silly or inadequate and always made suggestions that helped you learn and develop as a thinker. Whenever Michelle had recreational leave, she would tell me that she was going to do the four F’s – Food, Fun, Fitness, and Function. Whenever you were having a difficult time, you could always pop your head into Michelle’s office, and she would have you laughing before you knew it. Her laugh was contagious and as Amy said, when she really got going, she would snort and make you laugh even more! Michelle and I remained friends throughout her cancer diagnosis and treatment. She always remained positive and hopeful and was thrilled to have become a grandparent in the last year to little Jeremy. I feel truly blessed to have been in her orbit.
    To John, Julian and Gabrielle – Michelle was much loved by those whose lives she touched. We are all very blessed to have known her and to have experienced the joy and kindness she generously shared. There will never be another quite like her and she will be terribly missed. Thinking of you and sending much love.

  62. It’s very hard to adequately capture in words how special and wonderful Michelle Wareham was and how much she meant to me. Michelle and I met in 2019 when we worked together at Professional Standards Command. As the Executive Advisor to the Assistant Commissioner, Michelle would often review the work of my team before presenting it to the AC. My earliest reflections on Michelle were that she was incredibly intelligent, articulate and at the top of her game in a work sense. But what stood Michelle apart from the rest was that she was also thoughtful, emotionally intelligent, and hilariously funny! Her feedback was always presented in the most helpful and thoughtful way – she never made you feel silly or inadequate and always made suggestions that helped you learn and develop as a thinker. Whenever Michelle had recreational leave, she would tell me that she was going to do the four F’s – Food, Fun, Fitness, and Function. Whenever you were having a difficult time, you could always pop your head into Michelle’s office, and she would have you laughing before you knew it. Her laugh was contagious and as Amy said, when she really got going, she would snort and make you laugh even more! Michelle and I remained friends throughout her cancer diagnosis and treatment. She always remained positive and hopeful and was thrilled to have become a grandparent in the last year to little Jeremy. I feel truly blessed to have been in her orbit.
    To John, Julian and Gabrielle – Michelle was much loved by those whose lives she touched. We are all very blessed to have known her and to have experienced the joy and kindness she generously shared. There will never be another quite like her and she will be terribly missed. Thinking of you and sending much love.

  63. It’s with the heaviest of hearts that I cannot be there in person to honour Michelle. My sincere condolences to John, Gabrielle and Jules, Jules and Jeremy.
    I feel so lucky to have known Michelle and she had a profound impact on me. She was one of those magical people that the light just shines from. The kindness, the wise words, the mischief and the laughter are already greatly missed. Truly a wonderful person, so caring and passionate and so proud of her family.

  64. I was blessed to work along side our dearest Michelle Wareham during our time in Human Resources Command, she was the Executive Advisor and I was the Executive Assistant. Michelle was always so positive and the light of the office, I loved being able to learn from her. You knew Michelle founds things really funny when she would start snorting mid laugh and then start laughing even louder, and you knew she REALLY liked you when she would call you by your full name. She made me laugh with her use of words, for example, calling a nice dress a “frock” and when she’d describe her VPS photo ID hairdo, it was her “helmet hair”. Michelle is such a special lady, and her legacy of kindness will live forever in my heart. What a honour to know such a wonderful woman.

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